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De: Tova <tova.averb...@gmail.com>
>Para: World wide Open Space Technology email list 
>Enviado: lunes, 15 de agosto de 2011 14:51
>Asunto: Re: [OSList] energy field of the facilitator and its influence on OST 
>Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPadOp Aug 4, 2011 om 8:42 PM heeft "Birgitt Williams" 
><birg...@dalarinternational.com> het volgende geschreven:> Ah John...a good 
>discussion is good for the soul. Thank you for the info on> self organizing 
>systems. It is a great hypothesis and indeed a useful one as> is Harrison's 
>response about being the negative, the ground in the energy> flow, as does his 
>idea of the questioner. I don't disagree with any of that.> I realize that 
>there is a dominant perspective on this list of OST being> about self 
>organizing systems. I am opening the space up more than that for> myself and 
>any of you who are interested in having a discussion so that I> can wonder 
>about other possible hypothesis as well that might also prove> useful. > > In 
>the debate by scientists about evolution versus intelligent design, there> are 
>so many unanswered questions. I think the topic of self organizing> systems 
>fits within this bigger debate when viewed from the
 lens of> scientists. I think that quantum mechanics has a lot to offer as does 
the> evolution of consciousness. There is so much out there that can be 
brought> into my wondering and I am in a place and time of contemplation of 
what we> know and what we don't know and is it time for an upgrade to the way 
the> facilitator of OST meetings views the power of his/her energy field,> 
intentional or otherwise, on a group of people. > > About twenty years ago, I 
fell in love with Harrison's work on Spirit, with> Harrison, with OST as did 
some others of us. I loved that working with OST> seemed to be anchored about 
twenty years in the future and that Harrison and> those of us who were strong 
advocates of getting OST out into the world were> ahead of our time. So, twenty 
years has passed and it seems a good time to> look again at some things that we 
maybe took for granted. Along the way,> Harrison chose to delve deeply and 
passionately into self organizing>
 systems. I veered away from that line of thinking and explored Spirit, the> 
remembering organization, wholeness is, and the expansion of consciousness> and 
its effects. I have learned some very interesting things in my journey,> as 
have those who took different journeys. > > I want to give an example. I love 
the work of Dr. Richard Bartlett and his> Matrix Energetics and the Physics of 
Miracles. He is exploring dimensions of> ourselves that can come into play in 
claiming our wholeness as individuals.> What happens when we apply what he has 
learned to our energy fields in> facilitating OST meetings? Ages ago, I started 
applying what I know and do> and be as a Reiki master to OST meetings. What 
happens when Amanda applies> to her energy field what she learns through the 
Heart Math work? Are we more> likely to assist those in our meetings to alter 
their energy fields to> vibrate differently with improved results...long term, 
not just in the> meeting? Will
 their be differences that get experienced such as an easier> negotiation to 
co-leadership, to collaboration not just in the meeting but> beyond? So many 
questions....> > Warmly,> Birgitt> > -----Original Message-----> From: John 
Watkins [mailto:johnw...@mac.com] > Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2011 6:01 PM> 
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list> Subject: Re: [OSList] energy 
field of the facilitator and its influence on> OST outcomes> > Birgitt,> > Self 
organizing systems have two major capacities that are ubiquitous in the> 
universe: > 1) pattern emergence, or the unavoidability of new orders emerging 
out of> chaos or complexity or turbulence; and, > 2) pattern recognition and 
replication, often referred to as autopoiesis,> the way that new patterns 
become new systems and then replicate themselves.> These, being universal 
principles, most certainly contain energy fields and> patterns.> I think, 
therefore, that self organizing systems is
 sufficient to contain> what you are asking facilitators for, as long as they 
understand the ways in> which they are participants in self organizing systems, 
and trust that> process.  Harrison's just sent response about being the 
negative, the> ground, in the energy flow seems appropriate, as does his idea 
about the> role of questioner.> > John> > On Aug 4, 2011, at 2:54 PM, Birgitt 
Williams wrote:> >> Thank you friends,>> There are so many stories of what OST 
is about, many assumptions, and from>> that, many different choices of actions 
and non-actions. I think that it> is>> useful for OST facilitators to expand 
their consciousness. Heart Math is a>> great path to the mind heart coherence. 
I believe that in OST: a user's>> guide, there is mention of having a good head 
and a good heart. >> >> What if, just what if, with all our stories and 
assumptions, it is time> for>> an upgrade of how we view the facilitator. I 
know that my computer does> not>> work
 with the same operating system that I might have used in 1995...if I>> tried 
that, none of the great and upgraded software I want to use would be>> able to 
function...or function well. I think it is worth looking at>> ourselves as OST 
facilitators and exploring the operating system that we>> operate 
from...including wondering about the need for an upgrade of the>> 'personal 
operating system of the OST facilitator'. >> >> I think that twenty years ago, 
the operating system of the facilitator of>> having a good head, a good heart, 
and a copy of OST: a user's guide, was>> enough of an operating system for the 
facilitator. Today, to get the> results>> both during and after the meeting 
that OST has the potential for, I can>> imagine needing an upgraded operating 
system for the facilitator. Would it>> include ensuring that I have mind-heart 
coherence? Would it include that I>> embrace expanding my consciousness? Would 
it include knowledge of how to>> work
 with energy fields so that the participants could align to the energy>> field 
of the facilitator, or better yet the facilitation team who knows> how>> to be 
in energy alignment with each other, or better yet the facilitation>> team 
combined with the sponsor team who knows how to be in energy> alignment>> with 
each other? Can we move beyond the 'self organizing system' to>> something more 
by our energy field as the facilitator and its influence on>> OST?>> >> I 
experience that humans have evolved a lot in their consciousness in the>> last 
twenty years and that we continue to accelerate in our development. I>> 
experience that young people are at a different level of consciousness at> a>> 
young age and that numbers of them know how to work with energy fields and>> 
expanded consciousness. Do we need an upgrade...not in what we do with the>> 
form of OST..but in ourselves as facilitators, our state of being, our> work>> 
with energy fields, and our
 consciousness?>> >> Warmly,>> Birgitt>> Ps to Michael...possibly next year in 
Berlin en route to Tuscany>> >> Birgitt Williams>> President and Senior 
Consultant, Dalar International Consultancy>> Author, The Genuine Contact Way>> 
919-522-7750>> >> Co-Owner of the Genuine ContactT Program>> Genuine Contact 
Way blog>> Become a fan of the Genuine Contact Way>> Follow me>> >> >> >> 
-----Original Message----->> From: Michael M Pannwitz 
[mailto:mmpa...@boscop.org] >> Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2011 4:36 AM>> To: 
World wide Open Space Technology email list>> Subject: Re: [OSList] energy 
field of the facilitator and its influence on>> OST outcomes>> >> Dear 
Birgitt,>> from where I stand, space always is. So no need to open it. Often, 
>> however, the space is not very large and sometimes it is shrunk to a >> mere 
dot in the universe.>> And then there is the question, what on earth the space 
is for, no >> matter how huge or how tiny. To me, in this context, it is
 the >> playground for selforganisation to do its thing.>> And then, 
selforganisation always is.>> So, here I have space always and selforganisation 
always.>> What then is the role/function of me and others involved in a 
situation >> where an urgent issue needs to be dealt with?>> Having worked as a 
facilitator with nothing much else than OST in the >> last 15 years, I happily 
will offer it in situations where conditions >> appear suitable first of all to 
the sponsor/client for expanding the >> space for selforganisation to do its 
thing.>> At the beginning of an OST event, the sponsor opens the event (opens 
the >> space is also what I usually say, mostly to make clear that it is not me 
>> doing that... it might be less sloppy and just simpler and more >> congruent 
with my understanding of space always being open for me to say >> "opens the 
event").>> Then, I introduce OST with the idea to expand the space just a bit 
so >> that selforganisation can do
 more of its thing. At that moment it seems >> to me, everyone in the room is 
involved in contributing to expanding and >> holding the space... and from here 
on in much more so than me and, it >> seems, very little aware of it, 
apparently finding it the "normal" or >> "natural" thing to do, no need to 
really talk about it. This puzzled me >> early in my OST work, thinking the 
participants need to appreciate more >> what they were achieving. All attempts 
(evaluation, medicine wheel, >> etc.)did not seem to add anything to the event 
and I had the feeling we >> were taking up the time of participants with 
something that mainly >> interested me.>> >> How does this relate to outcome?>> 
>> In my practice, the Planning Group (usually 6 to 12 weeks before the >> 
event) always produces a mind map visualizing what the world looks like >> to 
them the day after the event, what has changed, what is different, >> how they 
feel, which perspectives have been opened,
 what happens at >> their place of work, in their community, etc., their 
aspirations, vision >> of the future.>> Looking at the mind map after the event 
and going through it together, >> typically not only showed that just about 
everything happened the way >> they had envisioned it AND a lot more (be 
prepared to be surprised). >> This exercise also did not seem to catapult them 
into paradise... now I >> suggest that they just post the mind map along other 
stuff from the >> event itself in the Next Meetings where they continue to work 
on their >> projects after the OST event.>> >> So, my picture of everyone at 
the gathering is not a system that needs >> resonant energy broadcasted to them 
from me or the facilitation team but >> a gathering of people that are 
enjoying, living, working and doing other >> fun and productive things in a 
space just a little bit more expanded >> than usual in which selforganisation 
is at work just a little bit more >> than
 usual.>> >> What I can report in my deminishing work with OST is that the two 
>> clients I have this year (NACOA Germany with its third strategic >> 
conference early in 2012 and an it-outfit in a couple of months >> rethinking 
some basic "givens" in their non-stop business) are >> broadcasting wonderful 
energies in my direction... I wonder what will >> happen without such stuff!>> 
>> Wishing you more quiet time to connect...and if you are in Berlin, I >> will 
convene a Stammtisch...>> Hugs>> mmp>> >> PS: Rereading my comments I wonder 
what makes me work so hared, trying >> to understand everything so hard... my 
suspicion is that my old friend >> "control" is alive and kicking. And I also 
see that there are a whole >> bunch of assumptions on stuff such as "space" and 
"selforganization" and >> "expanding" and "selforganization doing its thing" 
and many more that >> are probably very important: Are they really touched by 
our half-way >> technology?>> >> >>
 >> On 03.08.2011 02:40, Birgitt Williams wrote:>>> Warm greetings!>>> >>> I 
 >> have been absent from this list for some time and am delighted to be>>> 
 >> connected now, at least for a while, taking advantage of some quiet time>>> 
 >> over the summer to connect with people and ideas.>>> >>> A topic that I 
 >> wish to address is about the outcomes of an OST meeting>>> in relation to 
 >> the energy field of the facilitator. From my perspective>>> and experience, 
 >> there is a direct relationship. I often ask OST>>> facilitators what they 
 >> mean when they say that they 'open space' and>>> 'hold space'. My 
 >> perspective on the facilitator 'opening space' is that>>> this is just not 
 >> so. The facilitator does not 'open the space'. The>>> sponsor 'opens space' 
 >> in his or her organization so that the facilitator>>> can conduct the form 
 >> of the Open Space Technology meeting. Viewed from>>> that lens, I make 
 >> choices when I prepare with the sponsor for the OST>>> meeting, and what I 
 >> ask of
 the sponsor and his/her participation during>>> the meeting itself. For 
example, the sponsor teams I work with are>>> coached about working with their 
personal energy to support the highly>>> engaging participatory process. I ask 
them to sit equidistant from each>>> other in the circle and 'hold the space' 
open for the best possible>>> outcomes and the greatest participation. At the 
end of every day of the>>> meeting, we meet simply to discuss what it felt like 
to them to have>>> opened the space and held the space. The reflections are 
amazing.>>> >>> My role as the lead facilitator and the role of my 
co-facilitators is>>> one of working with the space being held, of going 
through the form of>>> OST, and more importantly to be in touch with ourselves 
as resonant>>> energy field generators. Every one of us works at being in 
genuine>>> contact with ourselves, with our personal energy field, and within 
that>>> genuine contact experiences love and peace and
 joy. Our job as resonant>>> energy field generators is to broadcast this 
frequency from ourselves to>>> give the greatest opportunity for everyone 
within the gathering to reach>>> their greatest potential in the moment of the 
meeting. 'Holding the>>> space' from my perspective is this very connection and 
interpretation of>>> self as generating a resonant energy field. Doing little, 
being much.>>> >>> When a meeting goes well, there are many factors, including 
how well we>>> created an energy field as facilitators and how well we did 
this>>> together with our sponsors. We recognize that in both our observer 
role>>> and in our role as energy field generators, we influence the meeting 
and>>> the outcomes of the meeting.>>> >>> Blessings to all,>>> >>> Birgitt>>> 
>>> Birgitt Williams>>> >>> President and Senior Consultant, Dalar 
International Consultancy>>> <http://www.dalarinternational.com>>>> Author, The 
Genuine Contact Way
 <http://www.genuinecontactway.com>>>> >>> 919-522-7750>>> >>> The Look Lo 
Res.jpg>>> >>> AW104 GCP Logo Yellow w Blue Back.jpgCo-Owner of the Genuine 
ContactT>>> Program <http://www.genuinecontact.net>>>> rss.png Genuine Contact 
Way <http://blog.genuinecontactway.com> blog>>> 
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Genuine>>> Contact Way>>> cid:image006.jpg@01CAEA4D.D1AEB6B0 
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