I thought you might be interested to discover there seems to be more
happening and a broader movement afoot with this Occupy Wall Street leading
to others:  "Occupy" Cincinnati, Dayton, Portland, and many more.


Here is what the invitation I found on Occupy Cincinnati


We are meeting up to plan the future of our organization. We need to figure
what resources we have at hand, what we can accomplish, and plan Oct 8. Meet
at the big grass field/stage in the middle of Sawyer Point.

OccupyCincy MEETING
1) Introductions
2) Goals of the movement
/ Beyond anger, what is our end goal
3) Oct 8 Planning
/ Where to start
/ Where to finish
/ How many marches
4) Involvement
/ Figure out how much involvement we have
- Occupation
- Marchers only
- Food
- Drinks
5) Roles
/ What skills can you best provide
6) Strategy / organization necessities
/ What do we need to get the organization where we want it
- Do we want streaming video, etc
7) Shirts





Elaine S. Hansen

 <http://hansen-rd.com/> Hansen Resource Development Inc

Skype: elaine.hansen




...in the end, it is the reality of personal relationship that saves

Thomas Merton



From: aoh-boun...@list.artofhosting.org
[mailto:aoh-boun...@list.artofhosting.org] On Behalf Of Brett Barndt
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 1:20 PM
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
Cc: AoH List
Subject: Re: [aoh] [OSList] protestors and process people on Wall Street


An article from the Nation about the response of NY Times


On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 8:57 AM, Tenneson Woolf <tenne...@berkana.org>

Is it not an amazing time. 


The consciousness of democracy seems to be bursting forth with expressions
of invitation, emergence, and wholeness. In some regions, with great pain.
In others, with a welcomed vibrancy akin to the dawn of a new day.


Species wide learning manifesting -- that is the story I tell myself. From a
much quickened consciousness shift.


Appreciating our friendships and colleagueships here.


Greetings from Utah.




Tenneson Woolf


801 376 2213 <tel:801%20376%202213>  (mobile)



www.berkanacollaborative.org <http://www.berkanacollaborative.org/> 




Twitter <http://twitter.com/tennesonwoolf> , Facebook
<http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=740192222> : TennesonWoolf

Skype: tenneson_woolf




On Sep 30, 2011, at 5:13 AM, Helen Titchen Beeth wrote:

Oh wow, Benjamin, what lovely germs you're germinating here!


They spark off some questions in me, too... 


I've noticed that when a group shares an aligned intent (doesn't have to be
- can never be - identical, just resonant rather than fragmented) things can
get done without any overt coordination. People just see what needs doing
from their perspective, and they do it. They tell others what they're doing,
and people see what others are doing, and the information gets passed around
quite synchronistically so people know what they need to know.


What seems important is processes whereby groups can keep coming together to
sense what's changing and shifting through their action (and the responses
of the environment/context) and continue to keep their shared intent
aligned. So there can be an ongoing 'story field' that's constantly fueled
as the actors move away from the fire into action, then return with the next
installment of the story to share.


So inspiring that all this collective learning is happening in hotspots all
over our world, and being shared back into the middle. In so many different


We don't have to design it. It's happening now. We just have to witness it,
perhaps discern some patterns and articulate them back into the system so
that we become more conscious of what we're doing, and can experiment with
the next level.


Species-wide learning is now possible.






On 30 Sep 2011, at 12:53, Benjamin Aaron Degenhart wrote:

Hi there,


indeed a dance of the masculine and the feminine. let's continue, here's
maybe a more masculine one again :) i am hearing a need for effective and
agile ways of processing information in a big group and converge into quick
collective decisions in response to acute challenges... the community
building/bonding is already in place and ideally get's nourished and
strengthened by the ways used to move as a whole body 'intellectually'. 



i am intrigued by the way Tom puts it: "the evolutionary pressures to
develop new forms are intense". 

Walking through the morning-sunshine of Oxford i remembered a few pieces in
resonance with this that i'd like to offer as potential crystallization
points of some new forms... these are not ready-to-implement-tools but
thoughts to play with. maybe someone IN the actual heat of the physical
reality of this can see if any of it makes sense. maybe not (yet), that's
fine too.



- - here's [http://wp.me/pyPX5-1D] a piece on convergence involving systemic
voting (people giving negative votes on options, the options with least
negative votes win), collectively choosing a voice for the system (on 1-2-3
everyone points on the person they think will speak this inquiry/decision in
the best way as a voice of the whole system, person with most fingers
pointing at them gets to speak. alternatively also the person with least
fingers or other configurations) and finding missing voices (a ball is
thrown from person to person and three persons have the chance to speak,
they shall only do so if they feel they hold important voices of the



- - consciously working with leadership-pathways, rather than "leaders"
[http://wp.me/pyPX5-fF]. The choice/evolution/iteration of these pathways
could be wrapped around the challenge faced? Like finding the narrative from
the group that works best in the light of this.



- - finding new ways of using the body as a communication instrument?
[http://wp.me/pyPX5-eR] imagine you'd have identified a few voices of the
system that represent the spectrum of the opinion-landscape around a
subject... then these voice-holders take a posture and so does everyone
else. Now in slow-motion you morph your own posture towards the postures of
the voice-holder that you feel aligned with...



- - i would love to find a way to move on practically with this one as i
sense so much potential, but i have no clue about a next step. Seeing a
group as a social processor...  a group of 50 contains 1225 different
possible subgroups of two people. it also contains 19600 different possible
groups of three people and so on. A group of 50 people indeed has a total of
2^50 = 1.126 quadrillion different possible subgroups of different sizes.
What if there's a way to leverage this abundance very consciously and
strategically to process information and hold as much complexity as possible
as a whole group... [http://wp.me/pyPX5-aD]





Benjamin Aaron Degenhart
KaosPilot Team16

On 30 September 2011 09:13, Helen Titchen Beeth
<helen.titchen.be...@mac.com> wrote:

Thank you, Brigitte! You totally rock!


I think this might be the voice of the feminine speaking through you. If it
is, then it is important to acknowledge that there is also a need for what
the masculine does - which includes strategizing and lofty inquiry. It is
when BOTH are present that we humans are at our best, don't you think?






On 30 Sep 2011, at 00:59, Brigitte Kupfer wrote:


"............ that an overarching strategy (a framework) is needed by which
to unite and focus peaceful people, organizations, and institutions to
participate in peaceful, transformation of unilateral power."

Yes, David, I agree. But I think this framework is not coming from any of
our maps, AoH etc.

This framework has always existed and is already there. "We the people" are
reconnecting to it. 

"The HEART is where the revolution begins" -And if we don't trust our hearts
and the collective force which is only accessible through our hearts, then
"The HEAD is where the revolution ends". 

.......and we'll repeat - repeat - repeat. 

"The map is not the territory". 

What about expecting the unexpected? 

What about imagineering new formations which don't come from us "the
experts" and our maps. 

What about taking a moment before rushing into action and asking again what
is needed from us right now. 

This is a crucial moment for all "warriors of the heart".

Becoming the "I" of the storm - becoming the "eye" of the heart.

Or as Vaclav Havel puts it:  "to live in harmony with the 'voice of being'
as I understand it within myself" . 


It Is I Who Must Begin


It is I who must begin.

Once I begin, once I try --

here and now,

right where I am,

not excusing myself

by saying things

would be easier elsewhere,

without grand speeches and

ostentatious gestures,

but all the more persistently

-- to live in harmony

with the "voice of Being," as I

understand it within myself

-- as soon as I begin that,

I suddenly discover,

to my surprise, that

I am neither the only one,

nor the first,

nor the most important one

to have set out

upon that road.


Whether all is really lost

or not depends entirely on

whether or not I am lost.


~ Vaclav Havel ~


Trusting we'll hear the "voice of being" within ourselves while doing our

My best wishes to all
































On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 1:04 AM, Dave Cooper <dave.coo...@shalommakers.com>

Greetings Sandy and all,

In response to Sandy's request, I expect that there are some "experts" among
the masses of people who are organizing. I hope that from the "ethnographic"
work of people who are experts in their own communities will connect with
the emerging relational power that is building into a national and worldwide

Some years ago, I stated to a friend,  " America needs a Movement in which
the organizing organizations organize to transform dominating power and with
it the culture that clamors after and clings to it". It seems that the
non-hierarchical consensus-based processes among the demonstrators that
Sandy mentioned are an attempt at overcoming unilateral power. However, like
Sandy, I agree that some structure is needed to avert chaos that could erupt
into and create an inhospitable and unproductive environment.

What I am witnessing (perhaps you too) and mapping is a mostly peaceful
Movement toward relationship-centric, equity-forming, common good of
proportions that boggle my mind and imagination. People are resisting
dominating unilateral power; resisting the chasm between wealthy and
poverty-stricken; resisting the prescriptions that come from organizations
and institutions that for too long have suppressed and oppressed them.

Moreover, I agree with Sandy that an overarching strategy (a framework) is
needed by which to unite and focus peaceful people, organizations, and
institutions to participate in peaceful, transformation of unilateral power.

Warmly and with expectant hope,


Rev. N. David Cooper, MDiv, MSW, CPM
Shalom Makers
P.O. Box 61
Doswell, VA 23047

c. 804.614.6254
e. dave.coo...@shalommakers.com
w. http://www.shalommakers.com <http://www.shalommakers.com/> 
w. http://www.communitiesofshalom.com <http://www.communitiesofshalom.com/> 
@shalommakers and @communit_shalom on Twitter

-----Original Message-----
From: aoh-boun...@list.artofhosting.org
[mailto:aoh-boun...@list.artofhosting.org] On Behalf Of Sandy Heierbacher
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 11:50 PM
To: AoH List; oslist@lists.openspacetech.org
Subject: [aoh] protestors and process people on Wall Street

Hi, Open Space and Art of Hosting friends!

I wanted to send a quick message out to both the OSlist and the AoH list to
see if any process experts in these communities are working with the Occupy
Wall Street folks who are doing direct action in NYC right now.

We had a thread on the NCDD Discussion list today (I'm the director of the

National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation, if you've not heard of NCDD)
about the timely opportunity to provide real assistance and advice with
process to these activists.  Additional occupations (as they're being
called) are being planned for DC, Boston, and other locations I believe --
and I wanted to check in with the Open Space and AoH communities to see if
process folks were already involved (if so, let's talk about how NCDD
members might be able to help you out, and stay informed about what you're

The Occupy Wall Street folks are an intentionally leader-less,
self-organized group.  Open Space and Art of Hosting-style processes seem
like the best fit for helping them stay that way, continue to give all
protestors a voice and to move more quickly to jointly-identified outcomes.

For those of you who may not be too familiar with what's going on in NYC
right now, here's an interesting part of the listserv thread I mentioned
(this segment is written by Tom Atlee):

NCDDers in NYC might find the occupier community (they call themselves
"Occupy Wall Street") a challenging, exciting context to work in.  Process
is being evolved on the spot.  The occupiers were using a traditional
consensus process, but the police forbade microphones.  So they developed a
fascinating "human microphone" system where the speaker says a few words and
the crowd repeats what was said (which allows those in the back to hear).
(You can watch all this on streaming videos!)  But that increases the
already extensive time needed for consensus (checking for concerns, etc.),
so the police have started issuing demands that must be met within 5-15
minutes, which the crowd can't respond to fast enough without formal
leaders, which they don't want.  The evolutionary pressures to develop new
forms are intense.  What comes out of that could be very good, very bad, or
something else...

If an NCDDer joined them and created a self-organized "Talk to the Others"
working group, something might happen along the lines you're thinking,
Stephanie.  But there's no one in charge to talk to about getting other
protesters to join in Activity X.  It is a self-organized system, for better
and/or worse.

If you/we want to do something more planned, best to start now planning for
the parallel occupation of Washington DC by hundreds/thousands of
progressive protesters that is about to hit the city on Oct 6
http://october2011.org <http://october2011.org/> .

For info on Occupy Wall Street, here's some fascinating links:


Sandy Heierbacher
Director, National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation (NCDD)
email:  sa...@thataway.org (switching to sa...@ncdd.org)
website:  www.ncdd.org <http://www.ncdd.org/> 

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Co-Creating an Integrated 
World from the Inside Out

Brigitte Kupfer
PO Box 615
VIC 3099


0061-(0)426 505 920

skype: brigitte.alma.marie









"For what we are beginning to wake up to today ...is that we have for
millenia structured our social institutions and our systems of values
precisely in ways that serve to block, distort, and pervert our enormous
human yearning for loving connections." -  Riane Eisler
<http://www.partnershipway.org/> http://www.partnershipway.org/



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Seek first to understand, then be understood. Stephen Covey

Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted. Martin
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