I surely can't argue with the points made. Even less can I argue with the
notion of thinking of one more thing not to do (more time for a nap!) --
that said, I still find the "sign up" a useful occupation.

Part of it is the purely practical consideration of potential group size,
giving the convener a "heads up" if it looks like a large crowd may be
heading his or her way, and more space could be required. Then, as Birgitt
suggests, the Main room is a likely candidate, and an early change of
meeting place could smooth things out. Essential? No, and no matter, the
people will figure it out.

My real reason for such obstinacy is what I might call "Enhanced Market
Place Buzz." When the whole crowd goes to the wall to sign up (as opposed to
passively passing by) -- the place inevitably buzzes. This is not just sound
effects but there is something about the positive kinesthetic effect of
multiple bodies in close proximity. Conversations break out, questions are
asked, strangers and friends greet each other. Suddenly the ordered circle
(well sort of ordered) breaks into the marvelous chaos of a true market
place -- only to quickly resolve into the new order of multiple circles (the
groups). It is a dance that tells (is) a story. 

It may be odd, but I find it useful to think of Open Space as a dance, which
reminds me that the total experience is infinitely more than the sessions
convened, words spoken, reports written. All such things are important, but
I also think it useful to notice the deeper, perhaps more subtle, streams of
meaning and purpose that flow through the gathering. Actually, as
facilitator I am rarely able to catch the words, read the
reports...especially when the language is one unknown to me. But the

So I take whatever opportunity I may have to enhance the dance. Not as a
pre-scripted choreography but the free flowing natural dance of people doing
what they need to do. And I find the "sign up" is a good place to start. If
it were a country dance, the "caller" might say something like -- "Find your


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-----Original Message-----
From: oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org
[mailto:oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org] On Behalf Of Ulrika Eklund
Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2011 12:39 PM
To: oslist@lists.openspacetech.org
Subject: Re: [OSList] Signing up for sessions


I do not do the signing up thing before. For me its contradiction to the law
of two feet. In some way it restricts the freedome. The participants just
show up whereever they have the passion and the responsility to show up.

I can also feel that it increases the power pattern (do not know if this is
the right English word). But if there are people with for example higher
positions, older, more experiences or other patterns this might influence
people to follow the people and not their passion for the issue. Yes I
realized that people follow people also when not signing up but at least not
at the agenda wall.

(I have tried the signing up - and did not find any thing being added with
doing this. So one thing less to do instead :-) ) 

Wishing you good luck with your event! 

Ulrika Eklund
Bergsgatan 7A
SE-112 23 Stockholm
mobile +46-(0)70-699 86 12

----Ursprungligt meddelande----
Från: robvanderey...@veranderarchitect.nl
Datum: 2011-11-05 08:10
Till: <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
Ärende: [OSList] Signing up for sessions

Hi all,


I am preparing an Open space later this week. My first one. So was 
through the book yesterday. Sounds all good and exciting.


On - probably stupid - question though: after the issues have been 
agenda made and marketplace opened, how do participants sign up for
sessions? Is that really by subscribing on paper or just by showing up 
the time and place that was planned for the session?


Thanks & best regards, Rob


De Veranderarchitect B.V.


Rob A.I. van der Eyden


"Change is disturbing when it is done to us, exhilerating when it is 
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