Dear Annette,

Thank you so much for sharing this. I have posted it on our Street Hosting
Berlin blog (with no names mentioned):

I hope this is ok with you and I am happy to add your name and your website
(once it is ready). Just let me know, when it is ready! Or if I should
change something on the blog...

Best from Berlin,

On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 9:41 AM, Annette Zera <> wrote:

> Dear OS Friends
> Usually I am a 'lurker' on this site, but this morning I have woken up so
> excited I have to do a post.  So, this is about about the Occupy LSX, the
> camp outside St. Paul's Cathedral, which as you know is one of many camps
> gathering around to world to protest against corporate greed and the
> distortions of capitalism.
> Occupy LSX is extraordinary and already sufficiently successful to have
> the (albeit hedged around) support of luminaries like the Archbishop of
> Canterbury and the leader of the Labour party.  I visited the camp twice
> last week and was impressed, as others have been in other camps around the
> world, at the smart, warm, welcoming self-organising management of a
> difficult location with hundreds of people coming and going with both
> shared and different intentions and interests.
> After chatting to some people on my second visit it was agreed that I
> would return the next day, Friday, to facilitate a (ridiculously short Open
> Space session. I did and to my delight about 25 people jammed and jostled
> in a small drafty tent with an African drumming concert going on outside.
>  More people came and went, many joined in for good conversations and at
> the end said they wanted more of this kind of gathering.  Afterwards I
> laminated the ideas/notes (e.g."what about a *maximum* wage?") so they
> can be hung up for others to read and talk about. I was asked to come back
> next week and facilitate another session as well as talk about how we might
> use Open Space and other approaches to support the movement.
> It so happens that I've just returned from a great family trip to San
> Francisco (where I met the lovely Lisa Heft, hello Lisa) and Adelaide,
> feeling happy but unsure about what I'd be doing over the next few months
> as my next assignment (in Thailand) has been washed by floods into next
> year.  This feels as if it is meant to be!  I work with a photographer and
> designer Richard White and in the next few weeks he is going to set up a
> page on my website to record whatever happens. So you can see why I'm
> excited!
> With very best wishes
> Annette
> PS Looking forward to seeing and meeting many of you at WOSonOS2012 in
> London!
> Annette Zera
> 19 Highbury Terrace Mews
> London N5 1UT
> 0207 690 1495
> 07951771466
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Frauke Godat
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