Hi Birgitt,

I love your comments . . . You've definitely "outed me" as the control
freak I am :-)

But then I'm certain there aren't any other control freaks on the list.

While I love the simplicity, I also sometimes hold tight . . . when letting
go (more) might be best.


On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 9:43 AM, Birgitt Williams <
birg...@dalarinternational.com> wrote:

> Dear friends and colleagues,****
> I smile at dear friends Harrison and Barry, both of whom are advocates for
> doing less, speaking so convincingly about the importance of signing up on
> the topic sheets in the marketplace. ****
> ** **
> Really…do you really think that it is in anyway possible that the buzz can
> be prevented from happening, or that somehow in an OST meeting, there is
> any chance of achieving ‘less buzz’ if the space is ‘open’? I am smiling at
> the thought. So, rest assured, with no requirement to sign up on the
> sheets, people flock to the marketplace, the marketplace is open, the
> shopping and horse trading begin, and the buzz is the great getting ready
> buzz of ‘all set, get ready, and go’. The one additional advantage of no
> sign ups is that people do get on into their first group faster. Yes, there
> is a great buzz and it seems of shorter duration as people charge towards
> the first session. And it is great as they experience their productivity in
> the sessions so quickly.****
> ** **
> For some many years, I have taught Working With Open Space Technology. In
> this workshop, after examining a list of all possible ingredients of an OST
> meeting, the participants are asked ‘what could you do away with and it
> would still be an OST meeting in your perspective? The ingredients are
> examined. There are some similarities in answers such as ‘the circle’.
> There are a lot of differences too, as different
> viewpoints/perspectives/cultural and other life experiences come into play.
> And thus, some people would answer that signing up at the marketplace is
> essential for them. Others would say that it is not. And all is well.****
> ** **
> Blessings,****
> Birgitt****
> ** **
> ** **
> [image: tingsha]Birgitt Williams****
> Author Genuine Contact Way****
> Co-owner of the Genuine Contact program****
> President and Senior Consultant, ****
> Dalar International Consultancy, Inc.****
> www.dalarinternational.com****
> ** **
> Note: picture of the bells that have journeyed to numerous countries with
> me for twenty-two years as an international consultant. During the closing
> circle of every meeting, everyone in the meeting has held these bells. They
> have now been held by thousands of people, all doing their part to create
> life nurturing conditions for humanity. The bells have also been held in
> blessing and in prayer by countless people, who bless all who ever hold
> them, with the journey of the bells uniting all of their energies to make a
> difference for humanity, one person at a time, one organization at a time,
> one business at a time, one community at a time.****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org [mailto:
> oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org] *On Behalf Of *Barry Owen
> *Sent:* Sunday, November 06, 2011 6:22 AM
> *To:* World wide Open Space Technology email list
> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] Signing up for sessions****
> ** **
> To those who opt not to do the "Sign ups"****
> ** **
> Is there not, then, a "Marketplace?" as I think Harrison is referencing.**
> **
> ** **
> So , , , Does the "One thing less" mean that the OST flow goes from
> Opening to posting sessions then to sessions without marketplace.****
> ** **
> I know it always works . . . and I know it would still work most probably
> even with as "silent Opening" . . . but I'm also wondering about the "BUZZ"
> ****
> ** **
> My way is that I do the sign-ups as in during my comments after the topics
> are on the wall include an invitation to sign up for the sessions for which
> folks have passion . . . and I know secretly inside that many folks won't -
> or they'll sign up for things they never show up for . . . That's life :-)
> ****
> ** **
> I DO believe it adds something to the overall experience - That BUZZ of
> the Marketplace which "for me" always seems akin to "Horse-trading" and
> giving the participants the opportunity to "make deals" by combining
> sessions etc.****
> ** **
> This thing about "following people" is going to happen regardless . . . Of
> course doing the sign-ups facilitates that, and there are 2 sides of that
> coin . . . Sign ups are a handy way for a person to be in sessions with
> people they really wish to be with . . . The flip side is that they might
> be excluding self from meeting other interesting people (and ideas) . . .
> ****
> ** **
> Again, each person can choose her own level of participation in the
> sign-up process.****
> ** **
> All of this to say that I do it and see real value in doing it . . . and
> honoring the practice of others who don't with tremendous success.****
> ** **
> Good thing we have our differences . . . otherwise life would be dull and
> learning would be shallow.****
> ** **
> :-)****
> ** **
> From a Blissfully crisp Nashville morning****
> ** **
> b****
> On Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 9:42 AM, Birgitt Williams <
> birg...@dalarinternational.com> wrote:****
> Warm greetings,****
> This is a subject I will chime in on. I don’t have anyone sign up onto the
> session of their choosing. In thinking of one thing less to do, there was
> very little point to do so. In the end, people end up going where they feel
> inspired to go, and the signing up process didn’t add value. I always keep
> the space in the plenary area free of small group sessions…and simply
> invite the groups, if they discover they are too big, to come back and use
> space in the plenary area. I remember a meeting that Harrison and I did
> some years back, and a large group of about 40 people stayed in the plenary
> session for the full four session times of the day…the session was ‘the
> conflict’ and was able facilitated all day long by three amazing women. The
> same 40 people didn’t stay but it was always about 40 in the room.****
>  ****
> One additional reason I stopped doing sign ups for the sessions is about
> the marking pens. I had a terrible incident in a community OST meeting
> commissioned by a government, in which as people dropped the marking pens
> onto the floor after signing up, they became a safety hazard as some
> seniors slipped on them and tumbled to the floor…never again for me. The
> marking pens at the start are kept in the center until the topics go up,
> and then are available later on a table…but not along that congested agenda
> wall.****
>  ****
> Good luck with your event,****
> Birgitt****
>  ****
> *From:* oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org [mailto:
> oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org] *On Behalf Of *Harrison Owen
> *Sent:* Saturday, November 05, 2011 9:07 AM
> *To:* 'World wide Open Space Technology email list'
> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] Signing up for sessions****
>  ****
> I always invite the participants to take a writing implement and sign
> their name on the session(s) of their choosing – always making clear that
> this is not a “firm contract” – but an indication of intention and
> interest. At the end of the day, it remains true – that whoever comes are
> the right people. But the signatures do give some useful information as to
> whether the “right people” will be a lot or a few. In smaller groups with
> lots of free space, that information really doesn’t make a lot of
> difference. But when you have a large number of participants, it can be
> helpful, especially when the break out space are confined. When you see a
> session paper covered with signatures that can suggest that a change of
> venue to a larger space may be in order. This is not something you need to
> worry about as facilitator. The folks will take care of the business. For
> yourself just count it as one more thing NOT to do.****
>  ****
> Harrison****
>  ****
> Harrison Owen****
> 7808 River Falls Dr.****
> Potomac, MD 20854****
> USA****
>  ****
> 189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)****
> Camden, Maine 20854****
>  ****
> Phone 301-365-2093****
> (summer)  207-763-3261****
>  ****
> www.openspaceworld.com****
> www.ho-image.com (Personal Website)****
> To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives of
> OSLIST Go to:
> http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org****
>  ****
> *From:* oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org [mailto:
> oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org] *On Behalf Of *Rob van der Eyden
> *Sent:* Saturday, November 05, 2011 3:10 AM
> *To:* oslist@lists.openspacetech.org
> *Subject:* [OSList] Signing up for sessions****
>  ****
> Hi all,****
>  ****
> I am preparing an Open space later this week. My first one… So was going
> through the book yesterday. Sounds all good and exciting.****
>  ****
> On – probably stupid – question though: after the issues have been raised,
> agenda made and marketplace opened, how do participants sign up for
> sessions? Is that really by subscribing on paper or just by showing up at
> the time and place that was planned for the session?****
>  ****
> Thanks & best regards, Rob****
>  ****
> De Veranderarchitect B.V.****
>  ****
> Rob A.I. van der Eyden****
>  ****
> *"Change is disturbing when it is done to us, exhilerating when it is
> done by us" (K. Moss Kanter)*****
>  ****
> Parkietstraat 30, 1171 HV  Badhoevedorp****
> *M*: +31 (0)6 512 72 127****
> robvanderey...@veranderarchitect.nl****
> www.veranderarchitect.nl****
>  ****
> [image: kiva.png]  Make a Small Loan, Make a Big Difference - Check out
> Kiva.org <http://kiva.org/invitedby/rob5568> to Learn How!****
>  ****
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