Dear Harrison,

Some time ago, I noticed emails from you and from Michael Pannwitz with
references to 'now that I am old..' and then some statement about why
something might be amiss. Today, on your birthday, I thought I would write
about this, and provide a challenge and opportunity. First, by the time you
are 76, you have developed some wisdom files, and if you lived your life
right, you had many many adventures. By about 60, you achieved the marker
for middle age, with the right attitude being that you will live to be at
least 120. And so, the question is, now that you are just a few years into
this second half of your life, what are you going to do with it? Are you
looking forward and wondering what the great work is that you are here on
the planet to do? Yes, I see the wonderful congratulations coming in about
what you have done in launching OST in the world, and in your many
contributions along the way. I think it would be a waste if this was all.
You are only, in my opinion, just getting started, just getting primed.


My challenge what? What are you going to do with this great wisdom?
Are you going to recognize that the best contribution might come in this
second half of life? Are you going to embrace that you are middle aged only
and that there is still a lot to be accomplished? The opportunity I lay
before you, colored by the fact that I have just come back from Washington
DC, is that you are in quite a position to make a difference in the way that
things get done in DC. You live close by, you have great gifts, you have
trained a number of OST facilitators in the area, and the good people of
Washington DC would benefit greatly from what you have to offer..and in
turn, from the point of influencing what goes on in DC, you would influence
what goes on in the world. I am imagining what is possible if you choose to
seize this opportunity as something to  be done in this phase of your life.
I am imagining the influence..far greater than what has happened with the
Occupy movement. I am imagining what could be done? Can you imagine this


With this challenge and opportunity, I join in wishing you a happy birthday.
I wish you the joy of continued creating.and influence on this planet.


With love,



tingshaBirgitt Williams

Author Genuine Contact Way

Co-owner of the Genuine Contact program

President and Senior Consultant, 

Dalar International Consultancy, Inc.


Note: picture of the bells that have journeyed to numerous countries with me
for twenty-two years as an international consultant. During the closing
circle of every meeting, everyone in the meeting has held these bells. They
have now been held by thousands of people, all doing their part to create
life nurturing conditions for humanity. The bells have also been held in
blessing and in prayer by countless people, who bless all who ever hold
them, with the journey of the bells uniting all of their energies to make a
difference for humanity, one person at a time, one organization at a time,
one business at a time, one community at a time.


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