>From the other side of the world – thanks for encouraging us to spin some
word-silk, Lisa, and congratulations to Agnetta for a beautiful word-web!



From: oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org
[mailto:oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org] On Behalf Of Lisa Heft
Sent: Tuesday, 21 February 2012 12:20 PM
Subject: [OSList] Poetry Contest - the poets, revealed


And now - all the poetry that inspired and invited in this season's sharing.

Such a richness of imagery, reflection and creativity.

>From across the world, and for some of these poets - creating beautiful
language in a language that is not their mother tongue.

We are so lucky to have you among us.

Feel free to share your poetry at any time, all of you. 

Because your doing so gives us rich nutrition... - Lisa






An open space?

I hesitate


A call somewhere?

I hesitate


An open door?

I hesitate


And people too?!

I hesitate!


Supposed to speak?

I hesitate!!


Tell what I need...

I hesitate...


Tell what I want?

I hesitate!


And they all hear...

I doubt they do!


They will not care!

I´m sure, I´m sure...


And... there they come!

Oh my! They do!


And now we talk!

We do! We do!!!


...they listen too...

...and so do I...


...and what will come...?

Oh my! Oh my!!!


-- Agneta Setterwall (Uppsala, Sweden)







space, no longer a void

filled with passion 

and responsibility

in the golden centre

sits Fr Brian, smiling


-- Kerry Napuk (Edinburgh, Scotland)







breathe in – breathe out

breathe in – breathe out

breathe in – breathe out

breathe in – breathe out

breathe in – breathe out

breathe in – breathe out

breathe in – breathe out

breathe in – breathe out

breathe in – breathe out

breathe in – breathe out

breathe in – breathe out

breathe in – breathe out

breathe in – breathe out

breathe in – breathe out


Who ever is breathing

breathes in – breathes out.

Whatever is breathed

it is breathed in – breathed out.

Whenever I´m breathing

I breathe in –  I breathe out.

Wherever I´m breathing

I breathe in – I breathe out.

When I stop breathing its over, 

but its not over as long 

I breathe in – I breathe out. 

The turn between in and out 

tells me that we are all one

in breathing.


breathe in – breathe out

breathe in – breathe out

breathe in – breathe out


-- Florian Fischer (Berlin, Germany / Rodalquilar, Spain)






being one with life

with the snowy slopes

with the river that flows

through the mountain village

wider and wider


being a person alive

one among many

swimming and grasping desperately

a piece of wood to hold on to

tighter and tighter


witnessing and trusting 

whatever comes

the piece of wood as well as the river

a love story of presence

walking on but never leaving


between the out-breath and the in-breath

vastness of space conceiving a star

continuous breathing

the light of the unknown 

no beginning and no end


-- Griet Hellinckx (Bavaria, Germany)







We’re in trouble

A promise not kept

Not the first time

The boss is desperate


They’ve come to me

Help! They say

14 countries meeting on the “dateline”

All expect major change


Here, read this…

I’m handed the “green book”

OST – User Guide

Make a pitch in the morning


I pitch it

They buy it

All assemble in the circle

On the dateline


A decade later

It is still referred to as

The Miracle at Madang!


-- Elwin Guild (Connecticut, USA)






Space Infinite

Space Complex

Space Simple

Space Elegant

Space Open


open space infinite complex simple elegant


-- David Smith (Victoria, Australia)







>From the heart:




and Serving

One process

One Circle

Not Two Is Peace


Dorota Klimowicz (Toronto, Canada)









Space between the walls

Space between my eyes and this word

Space between the Sun and Earth, 

between the comets and the stars, space. 


Space between the roof and the floor

Space between the cell and its neighbor cells

Space between the electrons, and protons and neutrons, 

between you and me and us, space. 




Open the door to cross a threshold 

Open your eyes to let the light carrying these letters in 

Open your ears to let the vibrations talk to you

Open your mind to realize there’s only space

Open your heart to understand that space is a Gift. 


Open the Gift


Open the Gift to create, to express, to become. 

Open the Gift of losing yourself and finding ourselves. 

Open the Gift of letting the Universe express to ourselves. 

Open the Gift of becoming the paint of the Universe masterpiece... 

The Universe itself.


-- Carlos Adrián Pompa González (Monterrey, México)







Whoever comes

will definitely meet

the law of two feet

and rules

that state

that she is right

and he is right

and place is right

and time is right

whoever comes




-- Arno Baltin (Tallinn, Estonia)







A breath

a gentle nod

and here we go

- I'm on my toes

but ease back


The circle is open

the wall is too

mind is numb

and so it is

a fraction - of a second


What do I love?

feel passion for

concern, or connection

- responsibility?

who am I?


Two feet

and a heart

and a pen

paper and a wall

and a hall, and some chairs

and above all

- my fellows, my friends

my teachers


-- Marie Ann Östlund (Stockholm, Sweden)




And also the lovely poem Jane shared with us during this time...



letting go


i stood at the circumference

of the open circle 

and breathed too hard

and felt light-headed

and as i fell

i knew

the ground would catch me


and i emerged the same 

but different


-- Jane E Lewis (Tainan, Taiwan)






A deep bow to you all, Lisa





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