a smorgasbordfrom around the globe:
"proficiat" (dutch) & "herzlichen glückwunsch" (german)
looking forward to reading more...

Am 21.02.2012 13:44, schrieb Agneta Setterwall:

Tally-ho! Tally-Ho!!!

Yes I will! Yes I do

catch what's thrown

in the air!

Poetry! Set it free!

Hide and seek...

...you and me!

Hints of laughter

or despair...

Hums of twilight,

tracks and flair...

Hearts and tongues

and brains and lungs

- now let it out!

Let body's beat

sing indiscrete!

Come soulish tone!

Or foolish tone!

A playful plea

for dishful meal:

A smorgasbord

around our globe!

Imagine that!

Expand our now!

And brew your stew

of mads and glads,

of wit and fun,

and all that


your proud and humble new Poet Laureate Agneta

Lisa Heft skrev 2012-02-21 02.04:
I am pleased to announce the new OSLIST Poet Laureate...
Agneta Setterwall !!!

As Poet Laureate she will be holding space on OSLIST for poetry about and inspired by Open Space over the next six months.

Please join me in welcoming Agneta !

Below is her poem.
And below that is a little history of the OSLIST Restricted Form Poetry Contest and a list of our past Poet Laureates. A deep bow to you all, and to poetry - Lisa


An open space?
I hesitate

A call somewhere?
I hesitate

An open door?
I hesitate

And people too?!
I hesitate!

Supposed to speak?
I hesitate!!

Tell what I need...
I hesitate...

Tell what I want?
I hesitate!

And they all hear...
I doubt they do!

They will not care!
I´m sure, I´m sure...

And... there they come!
Oh my! They do!

And now we talk!
We do! We do!!!

...they listen too...
...and so do I...

...and what will come...?
Oh my! Oh my!!!

-- Agneta Setterwall (Uppsala, Sweden)


History of the OSLIST Restricted Form Poetry Contest

"For all those who might be curious, the OSLIST Biannual Restricted Form Poetry Contest started in the spring of 2000 when I issued the challenge to the list. [The late great] Ralph Copleman actually began the whole thing with a contest in the fall of 1999 (which I won) and so he is the "Poetry King" for all time. I just claimed the "Poet Laureate" title in an effort to have some fun. It was something of a one martini idea, and I was out of gin at the time..."

'Restricted form' means some described form or boundary for the poem - as in this recent Poetry Contest where you were invited to create poems about or inspired by Open Space and breathing, trusting the unknown, and emergence.


Our Past OSLIST Poet Laureates

Ralph Copleman 1999
Chris Corrigan 1999
Chris Weaver 2000
Jeff Aitken 2000
Florian Fischer 2001
Laurel Doersam 2002
Audrey Coward 2002
Joelle Everett 2003
Florian Fischer 2003
Joelle Everett 2004
Lisa Heft 2006
Teresa Pokasony 2006
Karen Sella 2007
Jeff Aitken 2008
Anne Hiha 2008
Esther Ewing 2009
Chris Corrigan 2010
...and now... Agneta Setterwall 2012


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