
Hi-tech sns would find it difficult to replace spiritual aspect of hi-touch
human contact...

2012. 8. 25. 오전 3:12에 "Artur Silva" <>님이 작성:

> Hi, ****
> I am sorry if I am not as excited about these possibilities as some
> others, but I have tried some (old versions) of both Maestro and
> OpenSpace-ONLINE and was very disappointed.****
> For OST-like online conferences (multiple) phone calls (even with the
> possibility of creating groups) are a tool as inadequate as the old FAX
> machines. The same is true about short, chat like, written messages (or a
> robot-like “facilitator”).****
> There are today tools to allow for multiple people having conversations
> with voice and image (and eye-to-eye contact) in multiple sites, or even at
> home. That’s what is needed, I think.****
> In what concerns presence OST’s, in WOSonOS in Chile some sessions were
> transmitted via the Web, and many years ago, during the SvenMark WOSonOS,
> session summaries were available in a Wiki and could be comment by anyone
> from everywhere. But new technologies allow us now to go even further, I
> think, and having the possibility of communication (and groups) with voice
> and image from different sites. ****
> I am no longer an updated technologist but there are other in this list or
> other unconference lists that could be consulted. I am sure that Nancy
> White is a good pint to start.****
> Regards****
> Artur****
>   ------------------------------
> *From:* Lisa Heft <>
> *To:* World wide Open Space Technology email list <
> *Sent:* Friday, August 24, 2012 4:29 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] Conversation today with Brian Burt of
> MaestroConference
> Hi, all.
> I may or may not be able to join with you in this endeavor so just in case
> I am not able to:
> You mention who to include...
> Gabriela Ender is the pioneer of virtual Open Space: creator of
> OpenSpace-Online.
> Not only was this designed (in 1999) and field tested (and has been
> evolving since) with the help of the worldwide Open Space community, but it
> carefully and thoughtfully re-creates the depth, phases, physical spaces
> and ways people use and move about in a face-to-face full-form Open Space
> event.
> Indeed - among other great uses - it has been used to host virtual OS
> events after several of our face-to-face World Open Space events.
> I would think it useful and important to learn from her rich knowledge and
> experience and ensure that we are not replicating something that already
> exists, no?
> At the same time as we salute new creations?
> I guess it is great to have similar tools (more kinds of pencils with
> which to draw, no?) but I would think it a great idea to learn from
> Gabriela and the first amazing pencil, no?
> And I also bow to Nancy White, a true innovator in facilitating online
> meetings and engagement since the early years... also of the Open Space
> community...
> It is great to see your passion and enthusiasm Brian and Suzanne and have
> a great time figuring it all out everyone!
> Lisa
> Lisa Heft
> Consultant, Facilitator, Educator
> President Emerita, Open Space Institute US
> Fellow, Columbia University Center for International Conflict Resolution
> Opening Space
> The Open Space Learning Workshop / el Taller de Aprendizaje de Espacio
> Abierto
>    - October 9-11, 2012 - London, United Kingdom
>            (before the World Open Space on Open Space in London)
>    - December 12-14, 2012 - San Francisco, USA
>    - In English y en español: 2013 en Argentina and other dates and
> countries to be announced
> On Aug 23, 2012, at 7:50 PM, Suzanne Daigle wrote:
> Exciting to imagine! A virtual interface specifically geared to Open
> Space. Brian Burt, CEO and Founder of MaestroConference, and I were on the
> phone for about 30 minutes this afternoon.  It was a “jump right in” kinda
> conversation with lots of give and take.  No doubt about it,
> MaestroConference has been giving this some thought and Brian Burt knows
> the process, principles and language of Open Space.
> In some cases their technology is there and stuff could happen right away;
> other things need to be figured out and then of course, you can’t totally
> replicate an in-person experience of Open Space so a hybrid virtual
> adaptation would need to be developed.
> We talked about the big picture of a Virtual Open Space Social Webinar
> platform that would allow hundreds and even thousands of people to
> participate. We also discussed some of the challenges; for example: “can
> you really have a virtual conversation with 50 people on-line engaged in
> one topic or would we need to break into smaller groups” and “how could we
> manage a post-it board with time and place”.
> Brian’s plan, along with other folks at Maestro Conference, is to host a 
> *Virtual
> Open Visioning Event* this Fall inviting lots of people (it would be
> terrific if many joined) from the Open Space community and folks in the
> technology world (major users of Open Space) to engage in working
> conversations around the interface, the implementation, the applications of
> where and how a virtual OS could be used, the invitation process and so
> much more.
> What I was able to convey to Brian is that there are many practitioners in
> this worldwide OS community, including the OSI US Board, who are interested
> and excited about having a virtual Open Space platform. I’ll be the first
> to say that I’m not the expert (nor the leader) in that regard but I
> certainly have the passion and am willing to roll up my sleeves with others
> to help make it happen.
> At Brian’s request, I’ve agreed to lend a hand if people want to advise
> off list that they are interested, feel free to email me. You can also do
> it publicly on the OS list and I’ll keep track. MaestroConference is also
> interested in knowing if anyone has people they’d recommend who should be
> invited to the Fall Event.
> In anticipation of the Virtual Open Visioning Event being planned, perhaps
> we can continue the conversations on our OS list sharing what we would hope
> to see, what questions we have, how we may want to contribute to this
> effort. My specific interest related to the virtual technology is having
> the ability to host post-events after a face-to-face Open Space, continuing
> the conversations and driving some of the actions and initiatives that
> participants identified.
> An early Call to Action that may help Maestro 
> Conference<>in their planning! What
> do y'all think?
> Suzanne
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