
craig's questions encouraged me to post about something i've been meaning to 
ask for a while:

i'm curious how much - if at all- do you use the medicine wheel reflection 
activity described in the ost user's guide at the end of an ost meeting.

do you see it as an essential element of a carefully facilitated ost meeting? 
or not?

or is it best dropped ('one more thing not to do').
in my training in ost it was presented as essential and for years i did it and 
couldn't quite connect to it. but with time however, my relationship to the 
medicine wheel changed. and i think it has lots of value. at the very least it 
serves a role in bridging, bridging the experience of the meeting to the monday 
after the meeting...and beyond. as in, 'how do we take what we experienced here 
into our day to day life in our organization?'

also my curiousity comes from hardly ever seeing it mentioned on the list...

curious about your responses,
much warmth,
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