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Nous avons prévus les dates et évènements suivants pour l¹instant:

Formation forum ouvert
16, 17, 18 octobre 2012 ­ paris
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11, 12, 13 décembre 2012 ­ marseille
20, 21, 22 mars 2013 ­ bruxelles
11, 12, 13 septembre 2013 ­ lyon

Evènement forum ouvert
- L¹intelligence collective, levier de la transformation réussie de nos
organisations, 16 octobre, paris.
- Comment remettre l¹humain au c¦ur de nos organisations, 28 novembre,

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Le 7/10/12 22:04, « »
<> a écrit :

> Send OSList mailing list submissions to
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> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of OSList digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: How do we invite key and high conflicted people? (Eleder_BuM)
>    2. Re: Open Space with Children's System of Care in NJ (Gail West)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2012 23:59:09 +0200
> From: Eleder_BuM <>
> To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
> <>
> Subject: Re: [OSList] How do we invite key and high conflicted people?
> Message-ID:
> <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"
> amigo Juan Luis,
> es un gran placer recibir tu respuesta y saber que est?s ah?, que *estamos*
> *aqu?*.
> I was very busy these days, for the facilitation of a great Open Space
> for *Auzolan
> ekimena* (for sure, the most interesting emerging collective in the Basque
> Country I've recently known about, aiming to enhance the local tradition of
> community work and self-organizing and pointing to 5 basic fields: housing;
> energy; education; agriculture and self-health) last weekend
> I was also preparing the trip to London next Monday (I guess you, Juan
> Luis, are missing it this time, as we didn't hear so far of your coming? I
> would miss you and our long and deep Berlin conversations so much!
> Soon after the message to the list and with really doing very few, we knew
> that the "opponents" happened to show a willing to come and join Open
> Space!
> Back from London we'll take all the preparation back and, yes, continue the
> invitation process opening it to the wide diversity of stakeholders.
> Thanks so much, Juan Luis, and a big hug from mild Mundaka,
> Eleder_BuM <>
> 2012/9/20 JL Walker <>
>> Dear Eleder:****
>> ** **
>> What a wonderful project and thank you for share it with all of us! ****
>> Congratulations also for the thoughtful way of your leadership, taking a
>> responsible initiative for it success.****
>> *T? sabes que el ingl?s no es mi fuerte y tal vez despu?s podamos hablar
>> con m?s detalle de manera directa.*
>> ** **
>> My two cents about your questions is that perhaps now you can suggest to
>> the sponsor group to conform a steering committee (or a host team) that can
>> take charge about the co-design of all the invitation process and the
>> follow up stage. I?m thinking about no more than twelve persons that in the
>> best way could represent the diversity (one micro cosmos sample) of all the
>> people involved and where of course they should attend and actively
>> participate one or two of the ?10 opponents?, along with others like you,
>> the main sponsor (or another from the sponsor group of seven) and other
>> representative persons of the total collective. I believe that in this way
>> it is more likely to ensure the final participation of all stakeholders.**
>> **
>> ** **
>> This is my humble opinion and I would also love to know what others think.
>> ****
>> ** **
>> Hugs,****
>> ** **
>> Juan Luis****
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> *De:* [
>> *En nombre de *Eleder_BuM
>> *Enviado el:* viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012 8:13
>> *Para:* World wide Open Space Technology email list
>> *Asunto:* [OSList] How do we invite key and high conflicted people?****
>> ** **
>> Hi all !
>> Last day we had the first meeting with the sponsors of a 1?5 OS.
>> We could define the subject, dates (9th & 10th Nov). We designed the
>> invitation text and process. We arranged for the logistics,...
>> There?s still something important un solved. I?ll try to explain it
>> shortly:****
>> Context: ****
>> A 300 people?s village council. They are proud for their 40 years
>> experience of self-management, very common in the ancient Basque tradition,
>> but very uncommon here, these days. Every 4 years people that want to get
>> involved in the administration will appear, and citizens choose (before the
>> official polls) who will be the representatives. Then the 7 people  more
>> voted form the only list on the official polls and form the ruling team for
>> the next 4 years.
>> Then, some 8 self-managed and executive teams are formed (whoever comes
>> been the right people; nowadays some 60-80 people taking part
>> regularly),...
>> Political parties -that rule the neighbour towns- have no word here. "It?s
>> just we the people who govern ourselves".****
>> Sponsor: ****
>> The 7 elected people that now are ruling. 6 amateurs, just one technician
>> paid.****
>> Subject:  *The self-managing model of our town: how do we make it a
>> continually innovating one? *****
>> There?s *a group of some 10 people highly opposed to the managing and
>> ruling model*. They have become a problem for the ruling team. The mayor
>> said on the meeting: *"I would like to sleep well after taking
>> decissions..."*. They are part of main political parties and are said to
>> be planning to "break the self-management tradition ". Last months they
>> have written and put in the post-boxes of the neighbours very critical
>> annonimous writings against the council team,...****
>> ** **
>> Invitation:****
>> The sponsors want* to have all the people from the town rethink, adapt,
>> their model. They want that everyone feels part of it. They want that even
>> the minorities can feel represented. *
>> But they say that "the others" just usually say ?*"I don?t like this;
>> neither this; neither this,... "* but don?t help to solve anything.
>> We?ll invite, too, people from outside the village to enrich the
>> conversations, bring some fresh air and new views,...****
>> Problem: ****
>> They think that this "10 opponents" will probably refuse coming. Everyone
>> of us agreed that the OS would be richer if they take part. That conflict
>> could transform in great new process,...
>> During the meeting we agreed that the person of the sponsors (council team
>> of 7) in best terms with the "leader" of the opponents would meet her and
>> explain that the OS will be a good opportunity to find solutions to the
>> conflict and grow for everyone,...****
>> Some questions:  ****
>>    - how would you act as facilitators? ****
>>    - Should we just wait and see?****
>>    - If, as expected, they decline the invitation, should we as "neutral"
>>    facilitators have another try to have then come? ****
>>    - Should we contact the sponsors before they meet the opponents and
>>    ask to be present during this invitation meeting?****
>>    - Could it be better to tell the sponsor "let us contact the opponents
>>    directly and meet them, as you are part of the conflict and they will
>>    probably refuse you"? ****
>>    - Could we invite them to co-write the invitation, to take part in the
>>    designing process?...****
>> After several OS processes facilitated since Berlin, this one is probably
>> the one that best fits the 5 conditions for OS... it has deep conflict! I?m
>> eager with it, yeah! And I would really love to have *all *the system in
>> the room, and the highly conflicted minority are an important part, I
>> guess...
>> Any ideas?
>> Enjoy this great day,
>> Eleder****
>> @Eleder_BuM <>  (Twitter)
>> ****
>> ------------------------------
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> Message: 2
> Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2012 06:58:49 +0800
> From: Gail West <>
> To:, World wide Open Space Technology email list
> <>
> Subject: Re: [OSList] Open Space with Children's System of Care in NJ
> Message-ID:
> <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Chuni - Thank you for your wonderful "wish story".  And your wish makes the
> whole world a new and different place for all of us.  May there be many
> more!
> Gail
> On Sat, Oct 6, 2012 at 2:00 AM, <> wrote:
>> This is an open letter.
>> Dear Harrison and Suzanne,
>> I wanted to drop you a note to tell you that the wish I made in Jan 2011
>> in New York (when we first met) had just come true a couple of weeks ago. I
>> remember saying to myself then: "This open space format would be so
>> beneficial to the NJ Children's System of Care that I need to figure out a
>> way to sell it to my agency and the entire System!"
>> Well, on 9/20 and 9/21, we held a two-day Children's System of Care Call
>> to Collaboration convening for Monmouth County. My agency MonmouthCares
>> sponsored the event, my Executive Director was the host, our partner
>> Community YMCA donated the camp ground as the venue, and I was the
>> facilitator.
>> Everything went beautifully! 60 system partners came representing the
>> government, schools, juvenile justice system, behavioral health services,
>> mobile response system, family support services, youth advocacy, etc.
>> Weather was great and the open space environment couldn't have been better.
>> And the best part of this journey is that it wasn't me who drove the
>> project. It was one of our supervisors who created a vision from last
>> year's strategic planning retreat, which I facilitated using Open Space,
>> and took the initiative to make this happen. I watched the entire
>> leadership team in my organization doing this without me having to convince
>> anybody. I did little in the preparation; I just showed up, opened the
>> circle, held the space, and closed the circle. And for that, they thanked
>> me for my "leadership" and gave me a pair of Tibetan bells as gift!
>> Seriously, now that the word has gone out, my next wish is to take it to
>> the government and the state level.
>> Looking forward to seeing you next week!
>> Chuni Li
>> New Jersey
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