Phew...."one less thing to do"!   Never imagined how important those words
might be when I had the crazy idea not so long ago to humbly or brashly
throw hat in the ring to have Florida be considered to host the next

*With a smile and a full heart I first want to say to one and all:   "Hey
if you want to come and share some space, put your toes in the sand, be
with some folks who are doing some amazing things in their community, with
family and friends, at work, in the world and many other places, we invite
you to WOSonOS in Florida from May 16th to May 19th.  We haven't got it too
planned yet but we're a bunch of us who are pretty excited about it. We've
got the place in mind (St. Petersburg, Florida) and we're imagining
wonderful conversations in Open Space with great food, a bit of music and
dancing in the evening and just a plain good time sharing, learning,
imagining, listening, caring, pondering and connecting around our shared
passion for Open Space and Life."

*Our idea is to have it be simple and easy in a spirit of whoever comes
comes. There's lots of people we're planning to invite -- everyone on this
OS list of course plus others who experienced Open Space and loved it, some
who are using Open Space (our Technology friends for example) and then the
diverse people who have heard of Open Space and feel the pull to know more
about it because they too believe in shared leadership, self-organizing and
high performance.

Yes in our "one less thing to do" planning, we'll be doing the basics as we
would if we were inviting people to our home with places to sleep, food
available, a room (s) to meet*, *info about how to get there*, *options and
choices for different budgets, etc. When people arrive, we're hoping we will
all just make ourselves at home, welcoming others and each other, letting
our two feet take us where we want to go.

*So what we want to say is**:*  "We'd LOVE to have you here.  Check
your schedule,
reserve the dates, start checking the Tampa or Orlando airport for flights
(no big rush, prices should remain cheap cause it's off-season), Google St.
Petersburg to see how beautiful the area is, and just picture yourself enjoying
the experience of wonderful new space opening up with people who are passionate
about so much, who are taking responsibility and making a difference and
who are all prepared to be surprised at whatever emerges.

you know the details so you can make your plans, pack your bags and
throwin some sunscreen,
flip flops and bathing suits.


What I want to say next is that I have not hardly read all that has been
written this past week about WOSonOS, past, present and future.  After
London, I jumped back into my life, enriched by my time there. A big part
of me does not want to read it, at least for now, though I honor all who
are generously sharing, and contributing wisdom and opinions.

So in the spirit of "one less thing to do", for now what I want to simply
do is get the ball rolling, slowly, gently and lovingly with all those
folks who I had called, Skyped and emailed about 3 to 4 weeks ago, who
wanted to be part of this. If I rallied such a big group (30 or so as a
Global and Local team), it's because I pictured we would have the excuse to
do a few others things in the process of imagining who might want to come
that we'd like to invite to Florida.  And those few others things are about
exploring how we can connect in different ways beyond our wonderful OSlist
using the many new technologies available to us that may perhaps open up
new spaces to share who we are and what we are doing in ways where we can
hear each other, see each other and feel each other across the miles.
Somewhere in between our OS list and the OSonOS in different countries and
the WOSonOS, perhaps we might be inventing and enhancing in the virtual
world new ways to connect more often.

I hope you will all forgive me if I decide for now to trust that we are
planning into 2013 with the cellular knowledge of all those who have come
before us, starting with an empty wide open space where everything is
possible to be co-created for the next WOSonOS.  Prior to stepping forward,
I did review the 32 page document pulled together by Lisa Heft, our
wonderful Access Queen, which contained the pearls of wisdom of many
WOSonOS past. Daunting I'll admit but somehow I felt as I do now that
having the joy and courage to host this with others will be more a "pull
from the future" than a "detailed review of the past".  I just want to jump
into the "now" of it and delight in where it will take us... picturing  and
trusting that many others will be jumping in along the way. Whatever
happens, happens!

To help on this journey of "one less thing to do",  I will be reading and
recommending to others, over the course of the next 6 to 7 months, a few
books that a dear Open Space friend recommended last week with the
suggestion that it should be savored.

   - lao tzu: tao te ching "An English Version by Ursula K. Le Guin"
   - Do Nothing & Do Everything" An Illustrated New Taoism written and
   illustrated by Qiguang Zhao

Who knows what may emerge out of all of this empty co-creative planning
space! Perhaps a bit of silence and a soothing coming home to who we are
and all that is which we love that we call Open Space, which really cannot
be named cause it's just life.

In closing, breathing in and breathing out, please know that if you don't
hear back about WOSonOS 2013 in the next little while, it's cause, we're
getting the train out of the station with a few things to do before we can
invite plus there is that nagging little thing called "earning my living"
that all falls into the mix.

With a whimsical smile, buckets of appreciation for all who are excited and
want to help, and a happy heart going into this, I say THANK YOU!


Suzanne Daigle
NuFocus Strategic Group
7159 Victoria Circle
University Park, FL 34201
FL 941-359-8877;
CT 203-722-2009
twitter @suzannedaigle
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