Dear all

Though it has been interesting to be part of this group, it is no longer 
relevant and I would like to unsubscribe.

I have sent many, many emails to this effect - no one has replied and I am on 
the list.  I have even marked your emails as spam and they are still getting 

Please will someone remove me from this list?

Many thanks in anticipation.

In friendship,

On 15 Nov 2012, at 21:04, wrote:

> Send OSList mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of OSList digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Re: How do we manage time in an evening+morning shortish OS?
>      (II part of:: How do we invite key and high conflicted people?)
>      (Eleder_BuM)
>   2. Re: How do we manage time in an evening+morning shortish OS?
>      (II part of:: How do we invite key and high conflicted people?)
>      (Suzanne Daigle)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2012 10:37:13 +0100
> From: Eleder_BuM <>
> To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
>       <>
> Subject: Re: [OSList] How do we manage time in an evening+morning
>       shortish OS? (II part of:: How do we invite key and high conflicted
>       people?)
> Message-ID:
>       <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hi lovely people around! Some lines with feedback of one OS meeting I
> presented on the list.
> The Open Space meeting in Zerain has been fantastic and has offered us some
> learning also. Here you can watch a picture of the opening in the church of
> the village and read the conversations?
> reports<>.
> Have you got any Basque speaker around? A good chance to approach her/him
> for a coffee,.. :o)!
> At last, no one from "the critics" came. They were invited, they liked the
> idea,... but no one came around. Would they have come if we as facilitators
> had met them in a previous meeting? How could we have the sponsors and
> thier critics to think the big question and write and expand the invitation
> together?
> Sponsors seemed easy with this, though, ("we invited them, we would have
> liked them in,... but whoever comes,...". Yes, the 1st principle brought
> them a big amount of serenity...:o)!
> Maybe next time? This will be an important issue in the evaluation meeting.
> People loved OS. Many of them said at the closing thinks like...
> "I was very afraid of such a long meeting,... and it happened to feel
> short..."
> "I was afraid of one more fashion technique, that tend to be mainly
> bubbles,... but this felt very simple and deep stuff..."
> After reading your wise advice, finally, I opted to open the possibility
> for new subjects+action proposals during the second morning (The OS, was
> Friday 16:00-21:00 + Saturday 10:00-14:00). The group stayed in just more
> conversations (not much action proposed yet), with some inspirations for
> future action,  yes. My learning here was clear. As Lisa had suggested, it
> would have been easier for me to propose from the beginning a just
> conversation OS. Perhaps asking (in the last 30 minutes before the closing)
> for action ideas and quick multivoting, maybe .
> Thanks so much for your support,
> xoxo,
> @Eleder_BuM <>
> pd: I co-facilitated with someone new to OS, but very experienced in other
> kinds of facilitation, Asier Gallastegi <>,
> and the work as a tandem was fantastic. I (no car) even drove his car (he
> has no licence) :D! Besides, he has done a great visual documenting work,
> and we?ll be editing and publishing it soon.
> 2012/10/23 Eleder_BuM <>
>> Some weeks ago I asked some questions regarding and OS in which we had a
>> big concern: how to invite a small and conflicted group (you can see the
>> message below),... After a conversation beween both parts it seems that
>> this group is willing to come to the OS.
>> Now I come with another question.
>>   - the subject is quite broad (*The self-managing model of our town:
>>   how do we make it a continually innovating one? *. You can see context
>>   and subject below).
>>   - we have scheduled Friday (16:00-21:00) & Saturday (10:00-14:00),
>>   shiortish I would say, for such a wide topic and conflicted context,...
>>   - we told the promotors that we would have action proposals and first
>>   meetings during the second morning... and I?m thinking now that might be an
>>   error.  I?m afraid that  we are giving too short time for just
>>   conversations as they emerge, forcing a bit all the stuff to have a report
>>   with *recommended actions*
>> The thing as we had proposed would be sth like:
>> Friday 15:30 reception; 16: openinng; 17: first convs; 18: 15; 2nd convs;
>> 19: 30: 3rd convs 20: 45 evening news
>> Saturday: 10:00 morning anouncements; 10:30 Action proposals 11:00 Action
>> teams meetings 12:30 Action teams short reports 13:00 closing
>> *I would like better now sth more spaced and real* (things tend to delay
>> a bit around here :o), like:
>> Friday 15:30 reception; 16: openinng; 17:30 first convs; 19:00 2nd convs;
>> 20:30 evening news
>> Saturday: 10:00 morning anouncements; *10:30 3rd convs *(from first day
>> proposals)* 12:00 Action proposals+meetings+short reporting *13:30 closing
>> but this kind of Saturday morning would be new to me, combining stuff from
>> first day proposals with time for action proposals,...convening the big
>> dircle at midday 12:00 for new action proposals,...  and I feel a bit
>> unsure that would be working fine...
>> Any similar experience? Any suggestions?
>> Love,
>> ** <>@Eleder_BuM
>> (En) (Basque)
>> (Sp) (radio)
>> Context:
>> A 300 people?s village council. They are proud for their 40 years
>> experience of self-management, very common in the ancient Basque tradition,
>> but very uncommon here, these days. Every 4 years people that want to get
>> involved in the administration will appear, and citizens choose (before the
>> official polls) who will be the representatives. Then the 7 people  more
>> voted form the only list on the official polls and form the ruling team for
>> the next 4 years.
>> Then, some 8 self-managed and executive teams are formed (whoever comes
>> been the right people; nowadays some 60-80 people taking part
>> regularly),...
>> Political parties -that rule the neighbour towns- have no word here. "It?s
>> just we the people who govern ourselves".
>> Sponsor:
>> The 7 elected people that now are ruling. 6 amateurs, just one technician
>> paid.
>> Subject:  *The self-managing model of our town: how do we make it a
>> continually innovating one? *
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Eleder_BuM <>
>> Date: 2012/9/14
>> Subject: How do we invite key and high conflicted people?
>> To: World wide Open Space Technology email list <
>> Hi all !
>> Last day we had the first meeting with the sponsors of a 1?5 OS. We expect
>> som 70 participants.
>> We could define the subject, dates (9th & 10th Nov). We designed the
>> invitation text and process. We arranged for the logistics,...
>> There?s still something important un solved. I?ll try to explain it
>> shortly:
>> Context:
>> A 300 people?s village council. They are proud for their 40 years
>> experience of self-management, very common in the ancient Basque tradition,
>> but very uncommon here, these days. Every 4 years people that want to get
>> involved in the administration will appear, and citizens choose (before the
>> official polls) who will be the representatives. Then the 7 people  more
>> voted form the only list on the official polls and form the ruling team for
>> the next 4 years.
>> Then, some 8 self-managed and executive teams are formed (whoever comes
>> been the right people; nowadays some 60-80 people taking part
>> regularly),...
>> Political parties -that rule the neighbour towns- have no word here. "It?s
>> just we the people who govern ourselves".
>> Sponsor:
>> The 7 elected people that now are ruling. 6 amateurs, just one technician
>> paid.
>> Subject:  *The self-managing model of our town: how do we make it a
>> continually innovating one? *
>> There?s *a group of some 10 people highly opposed to the managing and
>> ruling model*. They have become a problem for the ruling team. The mayor
>> said on the meeting: *"I would like to sleep well after taking
>> decissions..."*. They are part of main political parties and are said to
>> be planning to "break the self-management tradition ". Last months they
>> have written and put in the post-boxes of the neighbours very critical
>> annonimous writings against the council team,...
>> Invitation:
>> The sponsors want* to have all the people from the town rethink, adapt,
>> their model. They want that everyone feels part of it. They want that even
>> the minorities can feel represented. *
>> But they say that "the others" just usually say ?*"I don?t like this;
>> neither this; neither this,... "* but don?t help to solve anything.
>> We?ll invite, too, people from outside the village to enrich the
>> conversations, bring some fresh air and new views,...
>> Problem:
>> They think that this "10 opponents" will probably refuse coming. Everyone
>> of us agreed that the OS would be richer if they take part. That conflict
>> could transform in great new process,...
>> During the meeting we agreed that the person of the sponsors (council team
>> of 7) in best terms with the "leader" of the opponents would meet her and
>> explain that the OS will be a good opportunity to find solutions to the
>> conflict and grow for everyone,...
>> Some questions:
>>   - how would you act as facilitators?
>>   - Should we just wait and see?
>>   - If, as expected, they decline the invitation, should we as "neutral"
>>   facilitators have another try to have then come?
>>   - Should we contact the sponsors before they meet the opponents and
>>   ask to be present during this invitation meeting?
>>   - Could it be better to tell the sponsor "let us contact the opponents
>>   directly and meet them, as you are part of the conflict and they will
>>   probably refuse you"?
>>   - Could we invite them to co-write the invitation, to take part in the
>>   designing process?...
>> After several OS processes facilitated since Berlin, this one is probably
>> the one that best fits the 5 conditions for OS... it has deep conflict! I?m
>> eager with it, yeah! And I would really love to have *all *the system in
>> the room, and the highly conflicted minority are an important part, I
>> guess...
>> Any ideas?
>> Enjoy this great day,
>> Eleder
>> @Eleder_BuM <>  (Twitter)
>> <>
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL: 
> <>
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2012 04:55:00 -0500
> From: Suzanne Daigle <>
> To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
>       <>
> Subject: Re: [OSList] How do we manage time in an evening+morning
>       shortish OS? (II part of:: How do we invite key and high conflicted
>       people?)
> Message-ID:
>       <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Wonderful Eleder! Loved reading this and feeling the energy of the group.
> On Nov 15, 2012 4:40 AM, "Eleder_BuM" <> wrote:
>> Hi lovely people around! Some lines with feedback of one OS meeting I
>> presented on the list.
>> The Open Space meeting in Zerain has been fantastic and has offered us
>> some learning also. Here you can watch a picture of the opening in the
>> church of the village and read the conversations? 
>> reports<>.
>> Have you got any Basque speaker around? A good chance to approach her/him
>> for a coffee,.. :o)!
>> At last, no one from "the critics" came. They were invited, they liked the
>> idea,... but no one came around. Would they have come if we as facilitators
>> had met them in a previous meeting? How could we have the sponsors and
>> thier critics to think the big question and write and expand the invitation
>> together?
>> Sponsors seemed easy with this, though, ("we invited them, we would have
>> liked them in,... but whoever comes,...". Yes, the 1st principle brought
>> them a big amount of serenity...:o)!
>> Maybe next time? This will be an important issue in the evaluation meeting.
>> People loved OS. Many of them said at the closing thinks like...
>> "I was very afraid of such a long meeting,... and it happened to feel
>> short..."
>> "I was afraid of one more fashion technique, that tend to be mainly
>> bubbles,... but this felt very simple and deep stuff..."
>> After reading your wise advice, finally, I opted to open the possibility
>> for new subjects+action proposals during the second morning (The OS, was
>> Friday 16:00-21:00 + Saturday 10:00-14:00). The group stayed in just more
>> conversations (not much action proposed yet), with some inspirations for
>> future action,  yes. My learning here was clear. As Lisa had suggested, it
>> would have been easier for me to propose from the beginning a just
>> conversation OS. Perhaps asking (in the last 30 minutes before the closing)
>> for action ideas and quick multivoting, maybe .
>> Thanks so much for your support,
>> xoxo,
>> @Eleder_BuM <>
>> pd: I co-facilitated with someone new to OS, but very experienced in other
>> kinds of facilitation, Asier Gallastegi <>,
>> and the work as a tandem was fantastic. I (no car) even drove his car (he
>> has no licence) :D! Besides, he has done a great visual documenting work,
>> and we?ll be editing and publishing it soon.
>> 2012/10/23 Eleder_BuM <>
>>> Some weeks ago I asked some questions regarding and OS in which we had a
>>> big concern: how to invite a small and conflicted group (you can see the
>>> message below),... After a conversation beween both parts it seems that
>>> this group is willing to come to the OS.
>>> Now I come with another question.
>>>   - the subject is quite broad (*The self-managing model of our town:
>>>   how do we make it a continually innovating one? *. You can see
>>>   context and subject below).
>>>   - we have scheduled Friday (16:00-21:00) & Saturday (10:00-14:00),
>>>   shiortish I would say, for such a wide topic and conflicted context,...
>>>   - we told the promotors that we would have action proposals and first
>>>   meetings during the second morning... and I?m thinking now that might be 
>>> an
>>>   error.  I?m afraid that  we are giving too short time for just
>>>   conversations as they emerge, forcing a bit all the stuff to have a report
>>>   with *recommended actions*
>>> The thing as we had proposed would be sth like:
>>> Friday 15:30 reception; 16: openinng; 17: first convs; 18: 15; 2nd convs;
>>> 19: 30: 3rd convs 20: 45 evening news
>>> Saturday: 10:00 morning anouncements; 10:30 Action proposals 11:00 Action
>>> teams meetings 12:30 Action teams short reports 13:00 closing
>>> *I would like better now sth more spaced and real* (things tend to delay
>>> a bit around here :o), like:
>>> Friday 15:30 reception; 16: openinng; 17:30 first convs; 19:00 2nd convs;
>>> 20:30 evening news
>>> Saturday: 10:00 morning anouncements; *10:30 3rd convs *(from first day
>>> proposals)* 12:00 Action proposals+meetings+short reporting *13:30
>>> closing
>>> but this kind of Saturday morning would be new to me, combining stuff
>>> from first day proposals with time for action proposals,...convening the
>>> big dircle at midday 12:00 for new action proposals,...  and I feel a bit
>>> unsure that would be working fine...
>>> Any similar experience? Any suggestions?
>>> Love,
>>> ** <>@Eleder_BuM
>>> (En) (Basque)
>>> (Sp) (radio)
>>> Context:
>>> A 300 people?s village council. They are proud for their 40 years
>>> experience of self-management, very common in the ancient Basque tradition,
>>> but very uncommon here, these days. Every 4 years people that want to get
>>> involved in the administration will appear, and citizens choose (before the
>>> official polls) who will be the representatives. Then the 7 people  more
>>> voted form the only list on the official polls and form the ruling team for
>>> the next 4 years.
>>> Then, some 8 self-managed and executive teams are formed (whoever comes
>>> been the right people; nowadays some 60-80 people taking part
>>> regularly),...
>>> Political parties -that rule the neighbour towns- have no word here.
>>> "It?s just we the people who govern ourselves".
>>> Sponsor:
>>> The 7 elected people that now are ruling. 6 amateurs, just one technician
>>> paid.
>>> Subject:  *The self-managing model of our town: how do we make it a
>>> continually innovating one? *
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Eleder_BuM <>
>>> Date: 2012/9/14
>>> Subject: How do we invite key and high conflicted people?
>>> To: World wide Open Space Technology email list <
>>> Hi all !
>>> Last day we had the first meeting with the sponsors of a 1?5 OS. We
>>> expect som 70 participants.
>>> We could define the subject, dates (9th & 10th Nov). We designed the
>>> invitation text and process. We arranged for the logistics,...
>>> There?s still something important un solved. I?ll try to explain it
>>> shortly:
>>> Context:
>>> A 300 people?s village council. They are proud for their 40 years
>>> experience of self-management, very common in the ancient Basque tradition,
>>> but very uncommon here, these days. Every 4 years people that want to get
>>> involved in the administration will appear, and citizens choose (before the
>>> official polls) who will be the representatives. Then the 7 people  more
>>> voted form the only list on the official polls and form the ruling team for
>>> the next 4 years.
>>> Then, some 8 self-managed and executive teams are formed (whoever comes
>>> been the right people; nowadays some 60-80 people taking part
>>> regularly),...
>>> Political parties -that rule the neighbour towns- have no word here.
>>> "It?s just we the people who govern ourselves".
>>> Sponsor:
>>> The 7 elected people that now are ruling. 6 amateurs, just one technician
>>> paid.
>>> Subject:  *The self-managing model of our town: how do we make it a
>>> continually innovating one? *
>>> There?s *a group of some 10 people highly opposed to the managing and
>>> ruling model*. They have become a problem for the ruling team. The mayor
>>> said on the meeting: *"I would like to sleep well after taking
>>> decissions..."*. They are part of main political parties and are said to
>>> be planning to "break the self-management tradition ". Last months they
>>> have written and put in the post-boxes of the neighbours very critical
>>> annonimous writings against the council team,...
>>> Invitation:
>>> The sponsors want* to have all the people from the town rethink, adapt,
>>> their model. They want that everyone feels part of it. They want that even
>>> the minorities can feel represented. *
>>> But they say that "the others" just usually say ?*"I don?t like this;
>>> neither this; neither this,... "* but don?t help to solve anything.
>>> We?ll invite, too, people from outside the village to enrich the
>>> conversations, bring some fresh air and new views,...
>>> Problem:
>>> They think that this "10 opponents" will probably refuse coming. Everyone
>>> of us agreed that the OS would be richer if they take part. That conflict
>>> could transform in great new process,...
>>> During the meeting we agreed that the person of the sponsors (council
>>> team of 7) in best terms with the "leader" of the opponents would meet her
>>> and explain that the OS will be a good opportunity to find solutions to the
>>> conflict and grow for everyone,...
>>> Some questions:
>>>   - how would you act as facilitators?
>>>   - Should we just wait and see?
>>>   - If, as expected, they decline the invitation, should we as
>>>   "neutral" facilitators have another try to have then come?
>>>   - Should we contact the sponsors before they meet the opponents and
>>>   ask to be present during this invitation meeting?
>>>   - Could it be better to tell the sponsor "let us contact the
>>>   opponents directly and meet them, as you are part of the conflict and they
>>>   will probably refuse you"?
>>>   - Could we invite them to co-write the invitation, to take part in
>>>   the designing process?...
>>> After several OS processes facilitated since Berlin, this one is probably
>>> the one that best fits the 5 conditions for OS... it has deep conflict! I?m
>>> eager with it, yeah! And I would really love to have *all *the system in
>>> the room, and the highly conflicted minority are an important part, I
>>> guess...
>>> Any ideas?
>>> Enjoy this great day,
>>> Eleder
>>> @Eleder_BuM <>  (Twitter)
>>> <>
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> End of OSList Digest, Vol 21, Issue 10
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