Dear Christine,


My experience is not right as usual as I mostly facilitate such short OST
meetings and I have only 2 half-an- hour sessions and no time to type
reports. I collect written reports after presenting them and type them by
myself at night to distribute on the next day with pictures included. In
case when I can't give them back to the participants before they live I
prefer to make copies and give them handwritten copies. This is better then

I share your concern that having half an hour break for typing reports will
be losing energy before the closing circle. By the way I have facilitated an
OST meeting with up to 70 people , mostly old, who can't type anyhow. There
were volunteers who were sitting in the groups and typing reports during
discussions. They managed to finish making printed copies and books of
proceedings to the end of our Closing circle. People have been happy to go
back from OST with typed reports. It was without pictures and contained not
full information, probably, but it was a tangible result.


Best wishes for your OST meeting!


Marina Tyasto



From: christine koehler [] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 4:33 AM
Subject: [OSList] how to organize record of proceedings in a 3h1/2 OST
format ?


Hi dear OS community

I'll be facilitating soon a short OS event of about 3h1/2, at the end of a 2
days conference for women involved in politics.
The host insists on having typed proceedings, because she expects the OS
part to boost empowerment in participants and encourage them to be more and
more professional in their involvement (and stay in politics in spite of all
kind of troubles women face in this kind of career.).

In the beginning she was thinking of having staff type reports but I
discouraged her and she agreed to it. So we will have computers to type
reports . Reports will be typed by participants themselves.

However I never organized typed reports within such a short event so I would
appreciate your advices and experiences.
Right now I suggested 2 rounds of one-hour-session then a break of 1/2h in
order to type reports then closing circle. But that makes the break quite
late in the afternoon and just before the closing circle: this doesn't feel

What would you suggest ? 


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