Dear Friends

*Growing Open Space in the UK - what next? **Monday 3 Dec 10am - 4pm, London UK

*We'll be getting together this monday, and also online at the weblink below, at the gorgeous Lauderdale House (in the Long Gallery)
Waterlow Park
Highgate Hill
London N6 5HG
Map <,+United+Kingdom&sll=51.585389,-0.118096&sspn=0.009986,0.018883&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=London+N6+5HG,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.57899,-0.138445&spn=0.009989,0.018883&z=14&iwloc=poi1>- located between Archway & Highgate tube stations, north London
Cost: in the region of £15, not including lunch, depending on numbers attending (venue hire will be split between those attending).

Event, UK website, and online 'virtual circle'

Thanks also to those of you who have replied, shared your thoughts with us, contributed online, or helped us to get the word out. If you wanted to come but haven't already booked a place, please do as knowing numbers will be helpful - it's not too late! If you would like to attend but haven't been able to commit, please just come along on the day. Please help us spread the word by sharing or tweeting this event - thanks!

If you would like to stay in touch via occasional low volume updates of any developments, please sign up as a user at the website we've set up to get us started. We think that (at the very least) maintaining a sense of who practitioners are and where they are based is very helpful, even if you are not so interested in being particularly involved. Please do contribute to the conversations in the 'virtual circle', via the uk website linked above.

Warm regards and keep up the good work

Annette Zera, Greta Irving, Martin Grimshaw

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