A friend of mine, Rosemary Cairns has issued a call for papers which some of
you might be interested in answering. See below:


The Association for Management Education and Development (AMED) Company no:
3005782, Charity no: 1043052 UK Registered office: 7-8 Roman Way,
Godmanchester, Cambs. PE29 2LN www.amed.org.uk 

 Your invitation to write for e-Organisations and People, 

Vol 20, No 1, Spring 2013

"Open source thinking: possibilities for 'yes . and' conversations" 

Another AMED/IAF Europe collaboration 


Are we in the midst of a paradigm shift? 

Is our society in the midst of a huge paradigm change in how we generate and
use knowledge? Are we moving more away from proprietary thinking towards
open source thinking, and from what Marjorie Kelly (2012) calls 'extractive'
ownership, towards 'generative' ownership. Is this an indication of what
Patrick Finn (Finn 2011) calls 'open source thinking', as he experiments
with university courses based on 'yes . and' - rather than 'yes . but' -

Think 'wikipedia', 'creative commons', 'open source software', 'the
internet', the Open University, 'the commons', 'social media', university
courses freely available online. These and other developments enable us to
create and share what we know, while crediting the 'original' thinker(s).
Are these developments shaping new ways of organising our thoughts and


Links to IAF Europe's Annual Conference 

This year's conference, IAF Europe 2012, held in Geneva Oct. 3-7, celebrated
the possibilities of diversity and connections between current thinking
within IAF Europe and AMED. The theme of this edition assumes that open
source thinking and diversity are interdependent. 


Diversity, open source thinking and facilitation 

For several decades, facilitators have been at the forefront of finding
generative ways of allowing diversity to flourish in groups, while helping
groups to move towards agreement and even consensus. Facilitation approaches
like Technology of Participation, Open Space Technology, Future Search,
Appreciative Inquiry, and Art of Hosting encourage "open source thinking"
through forms of participatory process that provide order without imposing
control from the top. Facilitators seek to draw upon and honour each and
every contribution from group members, presuming that we all have wisdom to
contribute. Facilitators see the possibilities of participatory process,
even as some people wonder whether participatory decision making is robust
enough to address the challenges of wicked public policy questions such as
climate change and effective governance. ./over The Association for
Management Education and Development (AMED) Company no: 3005782, Charity no:
1043052 UK Registered office: 7-8 Roman Way, Godmanchester, Cambs. PE29 2LN


Some possible inquiry questions 

As well as thinking about how 'open source thinking' is changing our society
around us, we have been wondering about questions such as: How would we
approach decision-making in an ideal participatory society? Has facilitation
practice developed sufficiently to accommodate the various preferred
approaches to thinking and decision-making? Can participatory process guide
us to new societal relationships and institutions in an 'open source
thinking' era? Can we afford not to draw upon and honour every possible
contribution that is latent in collective approaches to building better


About e-Organisations and People (e-O&P) 

e-O&P is AMED's quarterly online journal, published in pdf format. For 25
years, e-O&P has been connecting the worlds of work, theory, ideas,
innovation and practice by making new knowledge and original thinking
available to developers, facilitators and their clients through persuasive


Call for expressions of interest: RSVP by 10 December 2012 

If you are interested in contributing to the Spring 2013 issue of e-O&P,
we'd love to hear from you. Please send each of us by 10 December 2012 a
couple of paragraphs sketching your provisional ideas. We will then contact
you to discuss your proposal further, and to brief you about a more detailed
publication schedule. We're aiming to have ready by 4 January 2013, and the
journal will be published online on 21 February. Articles are typically
1,500 to 3,000 words in length, and we encourage the use of headings,
images, diagrams and live hyperlinks. 



Finn, P. (2011). Loving Communication. TEDxYYC Talk.

Kelly, M. (2012). Owning our future: the emerging ownership revolution.
Journeys to a generative economy. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, San Francisco,
Calif. http://www.marjoriekelly.com/books/owning-our-future 


Rosemary Cairns (IAF Europe), rosemary.cai...@iaf-europe.eu,


Bob MacKenzie (AMED), bob_macken...@btopenworld.com, www.amed.org.uk 

Joint Editors


Harrison Owen

7808 River Falls Dr.

Potomac, MD 20854



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Camden, Maine 20854


Phone 301-365-2093

(summer)  207-763-3261



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