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El 26/03/2013, a las 15:39, paul levy <p...@cats3000.net> escribió:

> A very small bit of a reply to your large question...
> I've worked with local government in the UK over the years. Government is 
> very document and formal meeting-led. Meetings tend to be bureaucratic and 
> very agenda-based and yet, in many meeitngs I've facilitated, the agenda is 
> often departed from, or even thrown out all together. often agenda items go 
> off at tangents and meetings get lost and frustrating.
> On occasions I've offered pop-up open space, described ere: 
> http://rationalmadness.wordpress.com/2013/03/12/pop-up-open-space/
> A simple: "Hey why don't we open some space here and create a new agenda?" is 
> often welcomed, especially if, as facilitator, you are trusted.
> A quick market place and off we go. Some sessions form around pre-existing 
> agenda items, other new sessions emerge.
> I don't even bother with an intro to open space. That is one less thing to 
> do.I find there is so much pent-up frustration in many government employees 
> and a wish to get things not (not always but often), open space feels natural 
> and freeing up.
> Not always, but sometimes, a pop-up open space is a delightful alternative to 
> the traditional agenda-driven way of government and it can often thrive under 
> the radar of senior management officialdom? And how is that possible? For 
> this reason: government bureaucracy is rarely about process but often about 
> written records and minutes. In open space, sessions get written up, so who 
> cares higher up how we got there?
> Sometimes it works. Sometimes.
> Paul
> On 26 March 2013 12:47, Kári Gunnarsson <kari.gunnars...@simnet.is> wrote:
> It is closing on election day here in Iceland, several new political
> parties are forming, some with parliamentarians from the older
> parties. ...
> This idea that the modern western government system is closed and
> siloed is worrying to me, I think it could be better. What would an
> open space government system look like?
> On 25 March 2013 21:23, David Glenwinkel <da...@villagecare.com> wrote:
> > Thanks Harrison,
> >
> > I was a project trainer for Peace Corps Volunteers in the early 70’s, my mom
> > was a country director. I have worked with PC guys on the ground in Kenya
> > and Uganda, and it really revolutionized a few of them, one stayed with our
> > work in Lugazi Uganda for over a year. In the end I just didn’t have the
> > time and drive to work it “up the slope” to the right folks. Hopefully some
> > human resources are coming together that might take us to the right place.
> > You are so right about anything new or different not having as much chance
> > as an ice cube in hell of getting anything but fried by our siloed and
> > closed government system.
> >
> >
> >
> > From: oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org
> > [mailto:oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org] On Behalf Of Harrison Owen
> > Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 1:01 PM
> >
> >
> > To: 'World wide Open Space Technology email list'
> > Subject: [OSList] Conversations with David (retitled)
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks Tricia! Great to have this summary here on OSLIST. I know there are
> > lots of other electronic venues (Google Docs, etc) that are
> > better/sexier/whatever – but having something HERE accomplishes two very
> > useful things, I think. First, it makes it easily available to the global OS
> > community – some of whom are still running on Dial-up and don’t have all the
> > newest bells and whistles. Secondly, having a place on OSLIST insures that
> > the discussion will automatically become a part of the large and growing
> > Archives of the OS experience. I forget how many years we’ve got going now,
> > but it more than a few – and it is all searchable.  So many thanks!!
> >
> >
> >
> > And a few comments: Peace Corps – As an old Peace Corps staff member (I mean
> > really old, Liberia/’67-70), but with some continuing connections, I am sure
> > that the Village Care approach could be a marvelous fit with some
> > volunteers’ efforts. However, the way “in” does not run through Washington.
> > In fact it is almost a rule that innovative program initiatives never start
> > there. They start in the field with the volunteers. Washington support can
> > be helpful, but a “Washington Initiated Program” most usually is Dead on
> > Arrival. So David – with all your folks on the ground in Africa – just have
> > them talk to the volunteers, and tell their story.
> >
> >
> >
> > As for the Cabbies – true story. Happened in Tembesa, which is near Jo’berg,
> > RSA. There was indeed a little violence. The Cabbies were shooting each
> > other for fares. Messy to say the least, and then somebody suggested an Open
> > Space with all the Cabbies. They looked at me and thought I would jump at
> > the chance. But the truth of the matter was, I was terrified. Can you
> > imagine standing in the middle of a circle of armed cab drivers who had been
> > shooting each other? That’s when I came up with Plan B – “Economic
> > Development for Tembesa.” I figured with some more and different folks there
> > at least might be some cover.
> >
> >
> >
> > Harrison
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Harrison Owen
> >
> > 7808 River Falls Dr.
> >
> > Potomac, MD 20854
> >
> > USA
> >
> >
> >
> > 189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)
> >
> > Camden, Maine 04843
> >
> >
> >
> > Phone 301-365-2093
> >
> > (summer)  207-763-3261
> >
> >
> >
> > www.openspaceworld.com
> >
> > www.ho-image.com (Personal Website)
> >
> > To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives of OSLIST
> > Go to:http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org
> >
> >
> >
> > From: oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org
> > [mailto:oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org] On Behalf Of Tricia
> > Chirumbole
> > Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 11:39 AM
> > To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
> > Subject: Re: [OSList] Village Care skype III - 1pm EST today!
> >
> >
> >
> > okey doke, text follows!
> >
> >
> >
> > I wanted a shared google doc so that we could have a running account that
> > was both editable and accessible by everyone. So I sent an invite that
> > allowed people to request access.
> >
> >
> >
> > SO, as a compromise, anyone interested in access to the google doc - let me
> > know and I will invite you individually :)
> >
> >
> >
> > NOTES>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
> >
> >
> >
> > Village Care skype 1
> >
> > ·         David shared the history and model for Village Care programs in
> > Africa that are built on self-sufficiency and open space-style events. The
> > programs involve gatherings that are usually 3 days with roughly 2 days
> > structured facilitation and 1 day Open Space, along with many other
> > elements.
> >
> > o   There are a few different program types including: Basic home practices
> > and Outcomes for Business.
> >
> > o   David will share the detailed program description upon request.
> >
> > ·         Participants shared their interest in and questions about the
> > Village Care program – David answered a number of our specific queries.
> >
> > ·         Participants shared their stories about holding OS events in
> > different cultural contexts.
> >
> > ·         We agreed to continue holding the skype sessions as there was a
> > lot to talk about – agreed to one hour duration for each conversation.
> >
> > ·         This is very rough and incomplete as I did not take notes on this
> > call!! :O
> >
> >
> >
> > Village Care skype 2
> >
> > ·         Participant mentioned his use of “pop-up open space”: When an
> > event is getting stale or losing energy, he suggests opening up some space
> > for next part of day/event. ..I think
> >
> > ·         Participant raised the idea of getting the Peace Corps behind the
> > Village Care program. She is a previous Peace Corps volunteer.
> >
> > o   David loves the idea and has tried to get the Peace Corps involved, even
> > traveling to DC to promote the idea, but had not made any progress.
> >
> > o   Open to the idea of pursuing this if anyone has any contacts as he feels
> > the missions of Village Care and Peace Corps are complimentary and that the
> > Village Care model could provide Peace Corps volunteers with an efficacious
> > program in contrast to the many assignments where there is not much to do or
> > a poor structure.
> >
> > ·         David introduced a book that he wrote called, The Insanity of
> > Africa – available to purchase on the Village Care website – proceeds
> > support the programming
> >
> > ·         Participants shared stories about follow-up to Open Space events
> > and successes that were reported ex post facto
> >
> > o   David was told by a client in Nigeria that, “Even if you never come
> > back, we will have been changed forever.”
> >
> > o   Linda discusses a story from client in Boulder, CO – a young,
> > successful, start-up tech company who she worked with early on in their
> > career with traditional Open Space events. The company incorporated the OS
> > process into their regular meetings. Some years later, she was joining them
> > again for an event and was asked if she had ever heard of Open Space.
> >
> > o   Linda provides a separate “next steps” form during some OS events. This
> > can be posted to the OS report so that participants can sign up for next
> > steps even if they were not a part of the group that created them.
> >
> > ·         Question was raised about whether or not anyone was developing
> > metrics for what works and what doesn’t/
> >
> > ·         OS story from Harrison relayed second-hand by participant.
> > Harrison was called in to a country to help with the issue they were having
> > with “cab wars” – conflict over cabbies trying to win customers. I think
> > there was an issue around cabbies feeling like customers were being stolen
> > out from under them, maybe fierce price competition, and perhaps even some
> > violence? ….not sure…What was uncovered was that the whole town was
> > experiencing economic problems, of which the cab wars were one
> > manifestation. The whole town was invited to an open space events and a
> > number of issues were resolved, including the cab issue….is this accurate?
> >
> > ·         Participant, I think Paul Levy, quoted Rudolph Steiner in
> > reference to his thoughts about OS and follow-up, “Spiritual time runs
> > backwards” – roughly paraphrased…explained that he feels that the follow up
> > can precede the Open Space and that it is not always about action to be
> > generated, but about traveling back in time to the source, not always
> > forward to action, but back toward remembering what they already know…
> >
> > ·         At the same time, part of a good invitation, is an invitation to
> > action – make it clear that you can start a session focused on action
> > planning at 9am the first day, you don’t have to always wait until the end
> > impatiently and wait for formal convergence.
> >
> > o   Beatrice adds that this all depends on the objective of the client
> >
> > ·         Skye Hirst and Tricia Chirumbole are both motivated to connect
> > with David about potential collaborative opportunities.
> >
> > o   Tricia is interested in getting her contacts in Ghana involved with
> > Village Care.
> >
> > o   She is also interested in exploring ways to scale Village Care,
> > including to “developed” countries.
> >
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 11:29 AM, Harrison Owen <hho...@verizon.net> wrote:
> >
> > Our moderator is a wonderful self-selected volunteer in the best of OS
> > tradition – one Harold Shinsato. He actually moved us from our old home at
> > Bose State to our new digs. In an effort to save space and keep thing simple
> > things like attachments and graphics are generally avoided. So the easiest,
> > best way to post stuff is not with an attachment, but just put it out there,
> > loud, clear, bold, and beautiful.
> >
> >
> >
> > Harrison
> >
> >
> >
> > Harrison Owen
> >
> > 7808 River Falls Dr.
> >
> > Potomac, MD 20854
> >
> > USA
> >
> >
> >
> > 189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)
> >
> > Camden, Maine 04843
> >
> >
> >
> > Phone 301-365-2093
> >
> > (summer)  207-763-3261
> >
> >
> >
> > www.openspaceworld.com
> >
> > www.ho-image.com (Personal Website)
> >
> > To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives of OSLIST
> > Go to:http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org
> >
> >
> >
> > From: oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org
> > [mailto:oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org] On Behalf Of Tricia
> > Chirumbole
> > Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 11:09 AM
> >
> >
> > To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
> > Subject: Re: [OSList] Village Care skype III - 1pm EST today!
> >
> >
> >
> > Hey Harrison!
> >
> >
> >
> > Attached is a word doc w/ some notes - they are not complete, and likely not
> > entirely accurate :o
> >
> >
> >
> > I created a google doc and shared it with the list on Friday, BUT, it is
> > awaiting moderator approval since it came from some google-based email
> > address, which is not a member of the OS list.
> >
> >
> >
> > Do you know who this shadowy list moderator is???
> >
> > On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 11:06 AM, Harrison Owen <hho...@verizon.net> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Tricia! It’s me again. Still wondering what is happening with all this
> > marvelous Skyping! Just a teaser would surely do.
> >
> >
> >
> > J
> >
> >
> >
> > Harrison Owen
> >
> > 7808 River Falls Dr.
> >
> > Potomac, MD 20854
> >
> > USA
> >
> >
> >
> > 189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)
> >
> > Camden, Maine 04843
> >
> >
> >
> > Phone 301-365-2093
> >
> > (summer)  207-763-3261
> >
> >
> >
> > www.openspaceworld.com
> >
> > www.ho-image.com (Personal Website)
> >
> > To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives of OSLIST
> > Go to:http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org
> >
> >
> >
> > From: oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org
> > [mailto:oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org] On Behalf Of Tricia
> > Chirumbole
> > Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 9:31 AM
> >
> >
> > To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
> > Subject: Re: [OSList] Village Care skype III - 1pm EST today!
> >
> >
> >
> > Sorry about that Jamie! The time is EDT.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 9:21 AM, Jamie Colston <jamiecols...@googlemail.com>
> > wrote:
> >
> > Hi Tricia
> >
> >
> >
> > Is it est or edt? Just to check as I need to find out what my local time is?
> > My Skype name is below
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> >
> >
> > Jamie
> >
> > Jamie Colston
> >
> >
> >
> > Tel: 07909442006
> >
> > Email: jamiecols...@gmail.com
> >
> > Skype: father_to_zephyr
> >
> > Twitter: spearthwarrior
> >
> >
> >
> > Programme Leader
> >
> > www.now-here.com/ecl
> >
> >
> >
> > Facilitator & Catalyst
> >
> > Www.greenvisionmovement.org
> >
> >
> > On 25 Mar 2013, at 12:57, Tricia Chirumbole
> > <tri...@investorswithoutborders.net> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all!
> >
> >
> >
> > By popular vote, the Village Care skype with David Glenwinkel will commence
> > today, Monday March 25th at 1pm EDT - pending David's confirmation.
> >
> >
> >
> > I will initiate the skype, but I need to be on another call, so I will only
> > have from 1pm-1:05pm EST to get all interested participants on the call.
> >
> >
> >
> > If you want to be on and we are not yet connected on skype, please: 1) send
> > me your skype name, and 2) accept my request for you to share your contact
> > info via skype.
> >
> >
> >
> > Doodle link to confirm your interest in participating:
> > http://doodle.com/v5hheuq6kdmmsfhk
> >
> >
> >
> > btw, on Friday I typed up notes from previous calls and shared with the OS
> > list via a google doc - email w/ attachment is pending approval by the
> > OSlist moderator - whoever that shadowy figure might be :)
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > --
> > Tricia Chirumbole
> > US: +1-571-232-0942
> > Skype: tricia.chirumbole
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > OSList mailing list
> > To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
> > To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org
> > To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
> > http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > OSList mailing list
> > To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
> > To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org
> > To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
> > http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Tricia Chirumbole
> > US: +1-571-232-0942
> > Skype: tricia.chirumbole
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > OSList mailing list
> > To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
> > To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org
> > To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
> > http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Tricia Chirumbole
> > US: +1-571-232-0942
> > Skype: tricia.chirumbole
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > OSList mailing list
> > To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
> > To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org
> > To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
> > http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Tricia Chirumbole
> > US: +1-571-232-0942
> > Skype: tricia.chirumbole
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > OSList mailing list
> > To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
> > To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org
> > To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
> > http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org
> >
> --
> Kári Gunnarsson
> kari.gunnars...@simnet.is
> gsm: +354 8645189
> _______________________________________________
> OSList mailing list
> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
> To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org
> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
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