Kàri, reading this really make me want to be able to have conversations with 
your and learn more from your experiences.

All the best
18. apr. 2013 kl. 18:32 skrev Skye Hirst <sk...@autognomics.org>:

> THank you so much for this most beautiful mix of mythology, metaphor and 
> experience to point to a most complex and elegant process.  Also with love,  
> Skye from Maine US
> Skye Hirst
> sk...@autognomics.org
> lifeworks beautifully knowing itself
> On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 11:31 AM, Kári Gunnarsson <kari.gunnars...@simnet.is> 
> wrote:
> Last week has been wonderful for my start-up Open Space consultation 
> businesses. With new clients that have ambition to get out of the way for 
> self-organization to take place.
> A small private school and kindergarten system invited the leadership and 
> key-employees of the 17 institutions to discuss how we can prepare for the 
> future now that the first generation of visionaries will no longer be as 
> active in the organization. We had two-day open space filled with learning 
> and longing. Extremely positive comments from participants, two of my 
> favorite were:
> 1. Why did we not meet like this many years ago?
> 2. We need to meet like this for a full uninterrupted week.
> The sponsors are seeing the grief process at work within the leadership of 
> the institutions and I told them a wonderful story of Icelandic myth. It is a 
> story about a man named 'Fúsi', he finds himself at crossroads during 
> midnight at the changing of times. He knew that the elves travel the roads at 
> these times and will offer their gifts to anyone sitting at the crossroad. 
> But one should be careful accept any one gift from the elves or one would go 
> mad. Many elves came and offer him gifts of gold and pleasure and laid them 
> at his feet. And as the night grew, he became hungry. One elven maiden came 
> with a dish full of eatables, a dish called "Flot" and offered to him, he 
> said to the maiden, "Sjaldan hef ég flotinu neitað" (Rarely have I 'been a' 
> "Flot" naysayer), and he became mad from the day he ate from that dish, then 
> I add that we should not jump to conclusions with easy solutions and let the 
> emerging open space take its place, for otherwise we rob ourselves from the 
> leadership development that is necessary for a healthy organization.
> My little story on grief is a follows.  It goes like a berthing exercise, 
> first there is something that happened, we lose our breath and freeze in out 
> track. It is good stop if there is danger, but we can't do much without 
> breath. Anger helps us recapture our breath and move away from danger. Anger 
> lets us draw our breath and drop whatever we are doing so that we can react 
> promptly. Now that we are out of anger and other tasks like feeding the 
> children come to the agenda, then the Denial is like gold. Now as we move in 
> our daily tasks the memories of what happened come to us and we negotiate 
> them into our personal and organizational life stories. As our stories have 
> changed so have our prerequisites for our hopes and plans, it can be a 
> painful process to let go and disconnect from them, but as we do this, we 
> find new space open up in our lives. The methodology of Open Space draws its 
> name from this stage of the grieving process. When here, it is of value to 
> learn from the Story of Fúsi and the elves, and not fill up the space with 
> old ideas, but to let the gifts of the open space unfold. For the next stage 
> holds the promise of a new hope, a new power, a vision for the future. a 
> common direction that is essential for effective strategic planning.
> With love from Iceland
> Kári Gunnarsson
> k...@openspace.is
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