G'day Neighbour Michael

Great story - great learnings - great facilitation!

Thanks for posting on List.  I'm so delighted that these young'uns are having 
an early exposure to this way of working with wisdom!

AND - the additional riches from intentionally expanding and embracing 

AND - here in Western Australia


On 19/04/2013, at 9:32 AM, Michael Wood wrote:

> Had a lovely experience yesterday setting up a little ‘taster’ of ‘self 
> organisation and Open Space principles’ with a bunch of Engineering Students. 
> The unit is focussed on Engineering and Social Justice.
> The focus for the students this week was ‘Community Engagement in Engineering 
> Projects’ so we set up a 2.5 hour session of self-organised conversations on 
> this theme and asked each student to invite a community member to come along. 
> We kicked off with 33 students and about 10 guests including experienced 
> Engineers from industry and some fellow students from other (non engineering) 
> faculties.
> In opening the circle I briefly explained that we were inviting the group 
> into some self-organised conversations based on Open Space principles, and 
> that Open Space would typically be over a 1-2 day period, but that we were 
> really there to get a feel for how self-organisation works in a relatively 
> short period of time. I continued with classic Open Space intro (four 
> principles and one law), structured 2 x 45 minute conversations and a 15 
> minute closing circle. In the closing circle I invited participants to 
> reflect on ‘what did I notice and/or what did I learn from the conversations 
> I participated in’.
> In opening the circle I was carrying a bit of background anxiety because the 
> ideal condition for OS of voluntary participation was compromised by the fact 
> that students were ‘expected’ to be there as part of the course, combined 
> with the fact they were mainly teenagers (18-20) and well…they were 
> teenagers. So when I walked out of the circle there was a longer than usual 
> period of stunned silence (probably only 1-2 minutes but felt much longer to 
> me). I breathed my way through it, and over a period of 15 minutes the topics 
> slowly went up on the wall. They then got to work and had 2 hours of rich, 
> deeply engaged conversation. Really smart, highly reflective, students  
> engaged in creating a co-learning engagement with each other and, most 
> significantly, with the guests.
> After the closing circle we had a 30 minute small group/large group debrief 
> of ‘self organising process and potential application in engineering projects 
> contexts’. The overall comments were extremely positive. One student 
> commented how the ‘organic flow’ of the conversations seemed to enable 
> greater learning that sitting in a classroom listening to a lecture.  
> The key learning for me was the extremely high value, to learning, of 
> diversifying the group through inclusion of ‘outsiders’ (e.g. in this case, 
> the community guests). I don’t think we would have had anywhere near the same 
> learning value if we’d just had the students talking about ‘Community 
> Engagement in Engineering Projects’ if we hadn’t actually included community 
> members! In other words, we tried to model what we were talking about.
> And another happy outcome is that we introduced 33 engineering students to a 
> new experience of self organisation and Open Space.
> Michael Wood
> Perth, Western Australia
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