I am sorry that I can not come this time to the Wosonos, I don't have
the budget right now. I have some items for the silent auction never
the less, but I will not send it.  If anyone traveling over the
Atlantic is stopping over in Iceland on the way (to take a bath in the
blue lagoon), then I would be happy to give these items to the bath
guests and drive them around seeing some sites.

With love from Iceland

On 24 April 2013 17:01, Christina & Ludger Benighaus <benigh...@me.com> wrote:
> Dear Lisa,
> I just read carefully through these lines, and thought about what I can do
> other than financial. I am very sorry, but I am traveling on a tight budget.
> Or could I give a cash note when I arrive?
> Can I do anything during the two events? I may have an idea later this year,
> or I may give some time to organize or spread the idea of Open space or, or,
> or… would love to do so, spreading ideas in Germany...
> Looking forward to the time in St Petersburg
> All the best
> Ludger
> Am 19.04.2013 um 03:20 schrieb Lisa Heft:
> This is a message from Access Queen. For those of you not familiar with
> Access Queen, read below my signature.
> This is a message both for those of you who are coming to the WOSonOS and
> those who are not.
> Yes, it is a long message. Get a cup of tea and read on...
> __________
> This is the time.
> - This is the time to register for the World Open Space on Open Space
> (WOSonOS) conference, if you are thinking of it. May 16-19, St. Petersburg,
> Florida USA
> - This is the time to register for the Open Space Learning Workshop that
> precedes the WOSonOS, if you are thinking of it. May 14-16, St. Petersburg
> also.
> Why?
> - Because when you register for the WOSonOS, you give the WOSonOS 2013 Host
> Team information about who is coming, plus a greater sense of the resources
> they have or need to host this amazing co-learning conference.
> - With more advance information they can see their costs - which is helping
> them as individuals putting on an event.
> - Which is also helping them and me see overall who is coming, who may need
> assistance, who has a room to share and more.
> Register for the WOSonOS
> http://wosonos2013.crowdvine.com/ for more information, including a tab at
> the top to register.
> Register for the Open Space Learning Workshop
> http://wosonos2013.crowdvine.com/pages/pre_conference_workshop for more
> information, including a 'register now' button.
> Why?
> Well of course because I would love to share learning with you. I will be at
> both events.
> But also for those of you who are thinking of coming to the workshop:
> Because when you register for the workshop, you give me information that
> informs the design of my workshop - plus I can see who needs just a little
> bit more help in order to be able to attend.
> If you can afford the travel and the time for either or both of these
> events, and are worried about a few more of the costs, do contact me at
> lisah...@openingspace.net and we will put our creative heads together.
> __________
> We are the people.
> - We are the people who know how amazing Open Space is.
> - A wonderfully diverse group of us will be at the WOSonOS, and at the
> workshop.
> - We are the ones who know how important it is to get together face-to-face
> for rich learning and deepening community.
> - This is why we share this event around the world - and why several of us
> hosts regular regional events, as well.
> - We are also the people who can share resources to help others get to these
> annual events.
> There are several people who have worked very hard to generate resources in
> such creative ways - and yet they need just a little bit more, to be able to
> attend.
> In Access Queen language, these are the Askers.
> I have worked with WOSonOS Host Teams since 2002 and do you know what?
> Almost every year, over 1/2 the participants cannot afford the per-person
> cost it takes to put on this event.
> It costs money to rent a room, and give everyone a lovely several days with
> meals included. And each year's Host Team does it in their own marvelous and
> cultural way.
> - We are the people who can help others - amazing colleagues who we know and
> others who we have never met - attend this event.
> - We can 'pay it forward'.
> Do you have resources to share, financial or otherwise?
> For the WOSonOS:
> - perhaps you are booking a room in St. Petersburg or already have done so,
> and you have an extra bed to share
> - perhaps you are about to register and can afford the higher prices so more
> will go into the resource pool to support this lovely event
> If so, thank you so much  - go ahead and register at that amount. And if you
> have a room or an extra bed to share, let me know and I can pass this
> information along to the fabulous Marilyn on the Host Team.
> For the workshop and the WOSonOS
> - you have registered for one or the other event and are joining us but you
> also have a bit more money to give so that others may join us also
> - you will not be joining us (so sad) but you have some money you would like
> to contribute so that others of diverse financial abilities may join us
> If so, a deep Access Queen bow to you. Contact me at
> lisah...@openingspace.net and I can share information with you about how you
> can contribute.
> __________
> You are the one.
> You are the one who knows. Who believes in community. Who believes that
> money should never get in the way of learning. Who knows that every little
> bit is real, and tangible, and helps create change.
> - Like Amerie Rose, who joined us for both the workshop and the conference
> last year, in London:
> "Sadly won't be able to join everyone at WOSonOS this year - but the good
> news is that it is because I am in the final throws of my MA Dramatherapy,
> and writing a very exciting dissertation, getting back to my roots of
> theatre practice. I would very much like to donate a humble amount to the
> funds to help others get there, as I really benefited from this fund myself
> last year."
> A deep bow to Amerie Rose, and how exciting about her dissertation, eh?
> - Like some of our friends from Taiwan, who reached out with "a little money
> we have stashed away".
> - Like some of our other colleagues, who have built into their facilitation
> work a practice of giving 10% to Access Queen from the fees they collect for
> facilitating.
> - Like some other colleagues and Institutes who have contributed funds
> generated at their events or from their membership contributions.
> A deep bow to ... the ones.
> You are the one who can make a difference by sharing. You are known in
> Access Queen languages as 'Givers'.
> Thank you so much for what you are about to give.
> Contact me at lisah...@openingspace.net and I can share information with you
> about how you can contribute.
> __________
> I am getting dizzy from all this bowing and my tiara is slipping off my head
> but you deserve it all. Many many thanks.
> Lisa Heft
> (also known as Access Queen)
> Access Queen is a project I began in at the WOSonOS in Vancouver in 2001 -
> to help those who need just a little bit more help and those who have
> resources to share help each other, in community.
> You may have heard of the story of 'Stone Soup', where each villager gave
> just some salt, or one potato, or one carrot, and this combination of
> resources made a very rich soup for all to share.
> It is not a big money fund - for example, I do not pay for airplane tickets.
> It is mostly an awareness project for greatest access and inclusion, plus
> small funds that can make all the difference to Askers.
> Pocket money, a little bit more so they can afford registration, a meal out
> with a colleague, the ability to buy a book. And many ways of sharing
> existing resources: room shares, ride shares, language buddies, ways to
> think creatively about raising resources, people who care. Such as you.
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