Dear Harrison and all,

Oh how I love Camden Maine which is not so far from where I spent a big
chunk of my life and I indeed imagine how easy it would be to say "come on
down", keeping it so simple in the natural beauty of this wonderful place
plus of course, there is always that special one with the hat... that need
only extend an invitation and folks will hop on planes, trains, bikes and
cars to get there.... (smiling with a touch of humor here)!

Yes maybe we are doing a tad more than Harrison describes for Florida but
not a chore at all, just a lot of joy as Lisa mentions.

Now to give you a sense of the "one less thing to do" behind the scenes
stuff happening in Florida as we await the arrival of our friends and
colleagues, well let  me say it is wonderfully peaceful and calm.  As a
French Canadian with a tradition of big families and big parties, we love
to host and imagine merry times and that spirit is very present now in the
preparing.  People coming out of the woodwork to help with the major
complaint being... "I don't feel I'm doing anything" and yet lots of happy
doing going on just not a lot for any one person including myself. Unique
gifts of talent, creativity and possibility of what this event and this
Open Space means to us is infusing itself into the details. Add to this the
vibrant and excited energy of 25+ University Millennials who just can't
wait for the training and then to co-host all of you with us, well it makes
for a happy mix.

Our University of South Florida St. Petersburg partners have been
amazing... generous and also proud to be part of this.  The feeling is

We are expecting in the neighborhood of 65 to 75 people and who knows maybe
more by next week cause people are still registering. I am imagining the
spirit of my first ever WOSonOS in Taiwan which had the most wonderful
spirit of simplicity and hospitality...which opened up so much wonderful
space and where I met many very special now lifelong friends. May the same
be true for newcomers and old timers here!

So with a wink and a smile, I will simply add to all... "be prepared to be
surprised" and expect to hear from us again before the first WOSonOS day

Suzanne... with a special wave to Spark and other dear OS pals from afar!

On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 5:16 AM, Spark Stanley Park <>wrote:

> I can recall the OSONOS by the sea covened by ho and friends with deeply
> ingrained memories of all loving friends!!!^^
> Although arrived late for there were more than one Portland in U.S.A., I
> knew I finally arrived at the home of my soul immediately.
> Thank you Harrison and all my friends of everyday open space!
> I miss you all,
> Viva WOSONOS for entire humanities in Florida!!!^^
> Much Love,
> Spark
> 2013. 5. 10. 오전 6:51에 "Lisa Heft" <>님이 작성:
>> Yes, that's what I referred to in my message, Harrison - that you rent a
>> church hall and get some muffins and say 'join me' - and that people can do
>> it that way as well.
>> And it's fabulous indeed.
>> For me, there's zero 'agony of organization' - I enjoy doing all the
>> little things I can think of to help people join us. In fact, I help the
>> Host Teams every year.
>> (That's different, of course, than when I facilitate Open Space - I don't
>> do things for people or get 'helpy'.)
>> For me, these sorts of tasks of invitation and inclusion preceding an
>> in-person gathering are fun and joyful work. And my 2008 team really
>> enjoyed it as well. No agony involved. Just different styles, right?
>> And whatever our styles, all bringing together a marvelous community...
>> And I love how you share unexpected surprise funds with the Access Queen
>> project.
>> And I love how you call me Lisa Love...
>> A bit hug and see you in Florida,
>> Lisa
>> On May 9, 2013, at 2:24 PM, Harrison Owen wrote:
>> Lisa Love! You do do wonderful things! AND Me thinkest that everybody is
>> working much too hard. Not that I don't appreciate the effort - yours and
>> everybody else's. BUT There really is an easier way for WOSONOS or OSONOS -
>> or whatever...****
>> ** **
>> Several years ago (just to make the point) I "convened" OSONOS-BY-THE-SEA
>> in Camden Maine, a small village where I spend my summers. The conference
>> fee was a raging $25 (half of which we didn't use, so I sent it to "The
>> Access Queen Fund."). For space I talked to a local church, where I had
>> some connections. As for accommodations I gave the website of the local
>> Chamber of Commerce which listed all Hotels, Camp Sites, B&B's, etc -
>> figuring that the good folks coming could find their own place. All meals
>> were "on your own" - with all the wonderful eating establishments of Camden
>> available. We did supply coffee/tea and delicious muffins (local of course)
>> - which set us back $50 as I recall.****
>> ** **
>> We actually did this twice. The first year I figured the space could
>> handle 50 - and 50 folks showed up. But it became clear that I had
>> underestimated, and 75 was a more appropriate number. So that was the limit
>> for the following year - and guess what we were "full."  Truthfully, "full"
>> is a miss-statement because I believe everybody who really wanted to come
>> found a place in the space. But we were definitely "full" with wonderful
>> people from all over the world.****
>> ** **
>> As for the "agony of organization" I do have to say, there was none. I
>> think my total effort took place in something less than 12 hours over all.
>> That's everything. And I truly believe it was less by a half.****
>> ** **
>> Doing less, every day! But it worked and it can work. So folks if you are
>> thinking about hosting WOSONOS or OSONOS - Do what you care to do and it
>> will be wonderful! But there is an easier way.****
>> ** **
>> Harrison****
>> ** **
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Suzanne Daigle
NuFocus Strategic Group
7159 Victoria Circle
University Park, FL 34201
FL 941-359-8877;
CT 203-722-2009
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