Thank you for those lovely words of praise, Lisa!  Yes, the "book of
proceedings" is what I was referring to.  As for your needing more time,
there should be no worries about access for the Access Queen!  


This raises the question of whether we ought to "freeze" these docs at all.
It is always possible to revert to earlier versions-Google saves changes
every few seconds and lets you track them under the "files" menu tab. So
perhaps, in the spirit of "one less thing to do" and letting people take
responsibility for their own sessions and their participation more
generally, this whole idea of freezing docs so that the only way they can be
added to is via the comments feature might be not only unnecessary but
counter to the self-organizing energy we want to support. In addition, if we
create a separate book of proceedings by generating pdfs or a word doc from
the various session notes (as planned), that will serve as a permanent
snapshot regardless of what happens to the Google docs.


My main concern in wanting to freeze the docs is more around my experience
with people adding new ideas to them and not being able to track that input
easily. Unlike with a forum or a list serve, you can't tell simply by
looking at the doc when a piece of text was added or by whom. That data can
be tracked using the revisions feature I mention above, but it's "one more
thing to do." But if we all understand this and become accustomed to using
the comments feature, the problem goes away, if it even is a problem to
begin with! So I'm going with more trust and less control and suggesting
that freezing is unnecessary and we let the experiment run!





Ben Roberts

The Conversation Collaborative


(203) 426-1039

Skype: benjamin_j_roberts


tagxedo 1


From: Lisa Heft [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 6:59 PM
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
Cc:; Aaron Wasserman (Google Drive)
Subject: Re: [OSList] Read/update/comment on WOSonOS notes NOW!


Hi, Ben and Aaron - it will take me a bit more time to complete and enter my
notes - both because of client deadlines and because I did not have time to
do so at the conference. So I am one of these people who says 'please don't
freeze the notes too soon and I promise to float mine in very soon...'

If a briefing book means a Book of Proceedings - I think that is what you
are talking about.

PS YOU. are fabulous, Ben and Aaron. And it was super to have met and shared
thoughts and ideas with you.

My OSLIST friends - you will love playing with these two, as many of you
already are. 

Off I go to my client projects, with a deep bow to Ben, Aaron, Devon and all
of you who designed for, held space for, invited, improvised, explored and
facilitated the use of technology partnered with dialogue at the WOSonOS
(and before and after)...





On May 22, 2013, at 3:49 PM, Ben Roberts wrote:

One more note on finding the Google docs you want to read or add to
now-Suzanne is planning to make an index of them all and post that to the
WOSonOS 2013  <> "Crowdvine" site sometime


That is, unless someone else would like to volunteer! It is simply a matter
of going through all the docs in the News Room folders
<>  and copying the session title, initiator,
day held and the web address of that doc and then compiling all these in a
list that can easily be shared, copied onto a web page, etc. Anyone feel
like giving Suzanne "one less thing to do?!"





From: Ben Roberts [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 11:34 AM
To: 'World wide Open Space Technology email list'
Cc: Aaron Wasserman (Google Drive);
Subject: Read/update/comment on WOSonOS notes NOW!


In an earlier message, our fabulous leader Suzanne noted that "you will hear
more about our experience in our briefing book, which will take longer to
prepare than typically happens after an  Open Space because we have much to
share.  So please be patient with us!"

Yes, AND. Because we used Google docs to make our News Room virtual,
anything that has been posted there has been accessible to the world from
the moment it was first written. So you are invited to go there now and.


1.       Simply read what was posted

2.       Update and expand upon the notes for sessions you attended to help
us get a more complete record of each conversation for the briefing book. We
expect to keep the docs editable for another week or so, after which we plan
to freeze what is there as a permanent record. If you need more time to add
key content, let us know and we can give you extended access.

3.       Continue the conversation by commenting on the notes using the
"comment button" in the upper right for general thoughts and/or highlighting
a particular section and using the Insert/Comment feature to start a thread
about that piece of content in particular (see the notes from the "OST in
Written Form
poY4/edit> " conversation for an example of both types of commenting)


Please note that it is important that we make a distinction between the
types of additions to these documents described in 2 and 3 above. We want
the body of the doc to reflect what was actually said in the session, while
the comments are a good way to add additional thoughts. This is true both
because there is value in keeping a clear record of the conversation itself
and because the comments are time stamped and linked to notifications for
those shared on a document, allowing people to easily notice that a new
thought has been posted (whereas if you simply type it into the middle of a
doc, people who have already read the notes will have no way of recognizing
that as something new).


Here is the link to access the virtual News Room:
Note that there are four subfolders-one for each day and one for "multi-day
virtual sessions." Within each day, there are sub-folders by round.


Hopefully all this isn't too complicated! Feel free to email me and Aaor
(cc'd here) for some help if you need it. It sounds trickier than it is.
With a bit of experience, I believe we might all quickly become comfortable
with this new approach and find that it offers some significant advantages
over the use of a platform such as Word for the News Room.





Ben Roberts

The Conversation Collaborative


(203) 426-1039

Skype: benjamin_j_roberts




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