The sacred emerged once again!^^
2013. 5. 25. 오전 5:44에 "Suzanne Daigle" <>님이 작성:

> And this is why Open Space is neither a tool or a process!
> Have not watched the video...I fear I would cry if I did in gratitude for
> the privilege of walking the circle and of knowing others doing the same
> around the world.
> I soon imagine young leaders in Florida, in Serbia and in other places
> experiencing this dance and in so doing, the middle will appear more
> inviting and then perhaps we will truly find each other living and being in
> Open Space together.
> Harrison and others, thank you for sharing!
> Suzanne
> Suzanne
> On May 24, 2013 4:11 PM, "Harrison Owen" <> wrote:
>> Christy - You caught me! What did I learn?  ("But, wait - you didn't
>> say: *what* did you learn??")
>> ****
>> - Well I guess it was more re-learn, or better... remember. It was all
>> about the dance. There is a dance in our opening moments, and I rather
>> suspect it may communicate more than whatever words may be spoken. It is a
>> simple but elegant dance beginning with a full slow sweep of the circle, a
>> cut to the center, followed by random crossings of the circle, and ending
>> at rest somewhere between the center and the edge. Early on, there was no
>> conscious intent on my part to do or create a dance, it just seemed to
>> happen as a natural expression of my relationship to the circle and the
>> people who create it. In truth it took more than a few years before I even
>> realized that it was a dance, repeated at every opening - and even more
>> years until its primal forms and meanings became apparent to me. The
>> interesting thing to me is that as I have watched my friends and colleagues
>> over the years, seems like we all do pretty much the same things, which
>> speaks, I think to the natural and emergent quality. At some level it is
>> without intention. It is simply called forth as an organic expression of
>> the moment, and our (as facilitators) place in that moment. ****
>> ** **
>> Interpreting a dance is always a dangerous thing, but in this case the
>> forms are so archetypical and manifest that it seems less about
>> interpretation than a naming of the obvious. Part I (The circle sweep) is
>> perhaps the oldest shamanic act going, which travels under various names,
>> but is often called "bounding the circle." It is all about defining and
>> claiming a safe space. In West African bush villages the shamans actually
>> bound the whole village with a vine rope that they weave in the night and
>> encircle the village. Nobody sees them, but in the morning the villagers
>> arise to see the village defined. It is always interesting to see what is
>> "inside" and what is excluded - so it is often the case that the school
>> house (a western/modern addition) is often on the "outs." What is safe, and
>> what is questionable? Who, what, where are WE?****
>> ** **
>> Part II (Cut to the Center) takes a little more explanation. I have
>> always thought of it as a ritual re-enactment of The Hero's Journey. Joseph
>> Campbell, whose epic works on global mythology re-introduced the power of
>> myth to the modern world, wrote a book of the same name. In the book he
>> argues that all major traditions have a common theme story which he calls,
>> The Hero's Journey. In it a common man rises up one morning and departs on
>> a far journey through many dangerous places and situations. He is
>> essentially transformed by the experience and his common consciousness is
>> expanded in ways he could never have imagined. But he is not a hero yet -
>> not until he returns to his fellows and shares his expanded insight with
>> his fellows(offers a boon). Think: Jesus in the wilderness, Moses in the
>> desert, etc.  If Campbell is right, and I think he is, this story is part
>> of the tradition and consciousness of virtually all the peoples of the
>> earth. In short it doesn't have to be told again (but that is always nice)
>> - it is part of who and what we are. Now back to Open Space and The Cut to
>> the Center.****
>>                 The physical open space in the center of the circle we
>> create is a dangerous place. Even worse, it is pure Chaos. Nobody goes
>> there willingly. Who knows, there might be dragons! Sounds a little weird
>> and far out, I guess, but the next time you have an opportunity watch how
>> the people (participants) treat that space, particularly if it is a large
>> group, with a large circle, and a LOT of space. People will walk all the
>> way around it rather than crossing. And if they do cross, they often do it
>> in pairs (safety, you know). Watch how they treat the edge of the circle.
>> They will come right up to it, and then back away. No sane person would
>> willingly go to the center of such a circle! You can prove this to yourself
>> just by remembering the first time you ever facilitated an Open Space. OMG!
>> ****
>>                 So the Cut to the Center is a journey to hell - and guess
>> what? The Facilitator survives! At this point, the circle has been bounded
>> and the space claimed - but the story is not over. The boon (gift) has yet
>> to be given. We come to Part III - Random Crossings.****
>> ** **
>> From the center of the circle, the facilitator moves to the edges in a
>> random pattern, making contact with the people on the edge and then
>> crossing again to make contact with others on the opposite side. Back and
>> forth, back and forth - weaving a pattern of meaning and safety. Trails in
>> the desert wilderness, so to speak. ****
>> ** **
>> And then it is over. The facilitator moves to a resting position part way
>> between the center and the edge - and invites the people to come (with
>> their issues). Under usual circumstances (read just about every time) - the
>> people show up with alacrity, "following the trails in the desert."  And
>> the Hero (facilitator) essentially disappears. The boon has been given and
>> the people have claimed it as their own. Time for a nap! ****
>> ** **
>> Oh yes, a few words have been spoken, but I really think the dance says
>> it all.****
>> ** **
>> So that is my story, and doubtless more than you anticipated, Christy.
>> Who knows if it is true, but it works for me. And if it works for you -
>> consider it yours.****
>> ** **
>> Harrison  ****
>> ** **
>> Harrison Owen****
>> 7808 River Falls Dr.****
>> Potomac, MD 20854****
>> USA****
>> ** **
>> 189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)****
>> Camden, Maine 04843****
>> ** **
>> Phone 301-365-2093****
>> (summer)  207-763-3261****
>> ** **
>> <> ****
>> <> (Personal Website)****
>> To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives of
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>> *From:* [mailto:
>>] *On Behalf Of *Christy Lee-Engel
>> *Sent:* Thursday, May 23, 2013 12:32 PM
>> *To:* World wide Open Space Technology email list
>> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] Rough little video of HO walking the circle in
>> the Already Always Open Space****
>> ** **
>> You are always welcome, dear HO. But, wait - you didn't say: *what* did
>> you learn??
>> curious to hear more,
>> love, Christy
>> ****
>> Christy Lee-Engel, ND, EAMP ****
>> Director, Center for Spirituality, Science and 
>> Medicine<>
>> ****
>> *Bastyr** **University*
>> Acupuncture and Naturopathic Medicine practice: Core Chiropractic and
>> Wellness <>
>> 206.708.7172
>> *
>> We're all just walking each other home - Ram Dass*****
>> ** **
>> On Sun, May 19, 2013 at 4:04 PM, Harrison Owen <>
>> wrote:****
>> Christy - I really learned something. Thank you for your experiment.
>> Weird, I guess, but it really was a "classic" moment, and you got it all.
>> The fact that it was something less than a PBS Special made it all the
>> better, I think. Thank you.****
>>  ****
>> ho****
>>  ****
>> Harrison Owen****
>> 7808 River Falls Dr.****
>> Potomac, MD 20854****
>> USA****
>>  ****
>> 189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)****
>> Camden, Maine 04843****
>>  ****
>> Phone 301-365-2093****
>> (summer)  207-763-3261****
>>  ****
>> <> ****
>> <> (Personal Website)****
>> To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives of
>> OSLIST Go to:
>>  ****
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