Hi all!

I am helping to organize a local "Ignite" speaker event in the city of
Pittsburgh and planning on presenting Open Space principles, applications,
and opportunities at the event on July 11th.

Ignite events are kind of like mini TED talks, organized by volunteers,
featuring local speakers, held in over 100 cities worldwide. The speakers
share their personal and professional passions using 20 slides that
auto-advance every 15 seconds for a total of just five minutes:

I would be much obliged if anyone was interested in sharing their thoughts
on how to express Open Space in a "lightning fast" format, as well as any
compelling or fun stories about their personal experiences with OS!

I know there is a ton on the OSWorld website and on the listserv, which I
have already scavenged for possible content for my impending OS offering
website....BUT, it would be great if some people could share what pops to
the top of their head that they would present if they were doing a
lightning fast talk on OS.

Ignite events are very informal and fun even though some topics are heady
and serious, so I can get really creative!

Thank you sooooo much for considering my request :)

Tricia Chirumbole
US: +1-571-232-0942
Skype: tricia.chirumbole
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