Congratulations Jonathan!
I very much liked the zen-like poem and I hope to hear more from you in the
coming year.

Pernilla buzzing in Sweden

Den 2013-06-10 02.44, skrev "Lisa Heft" <>:

> Ladies and gentlemen - I now present to you our new Poet Laureate of Open
> Space:
> J o n a t h a n   C o e
> CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS !!
> Jonathan will now hold space for poetry on the OSLIST through the rest of the
> year.
> And how enriched we will be !
> This mens he will write, or invite, or feel, or however he wishes to hold
> space for poetry for our community and for Open Space.
> And see who the other poets are - their work is amazing amazing. Do continue
> to gift us with your thoughts and words, everyone - all inspiration welcome.
> Enjoy, and a deep bow to our new Poet Laureate...
> Lisa
> ____
> First, Jonathan's poem - one of his two contributions to the contest. And then
> the other fabulous poems from our thoughtful creative colleagues. Happy
> reading and dreaming and imagining...
> ___
> WOSONOS 2012 
> In Stoke Newington Town Hall I fell in love with nothing,
> and it was no thing that I loved.
> Alone, knowing no-one and nothing I walked the circle
> I got present
> I was connected.
> Presence,
> absence. 
> The empty space of the opening circle.
> Profoundly empty,
> containing no thing
> Through me 
> everything and no-thing, in me
> the circle, in me
> the space, in me
> the people, in me
> butterflies and bumblebees.  In me
> body, in me
> mind, in me
> image, in me
> thought, in me
> feeling, in me
> sensation, in me
> nothing. 
> It started at the right time
> The right people were the ones who came
> The only thing that could have happened
> Was what happened
> It was over when it was over.
> The bees were buzzing
> The 'flies were flitting
> The space was open.
> The circle was squared.
> -- Jonathan Coe (London, England)
> _____
> Loving My Blank Walls
> 28 February 2013, 12:58PM
> Tacloban City
> I love my blank walls
> They are empty spaces
> For treasures of my heart
> They are my open spaces
> Where I play and dance
> There I draw
> Dreams and visions
> There I start anew
> Awakening fresh each morning
> There my mind wanders
> Coloring my canvass with ideas
> There I forget
> And I remember
> There I am
> There I am not
> -- Carmela Ariza (Manila, the Philippines)
> ____________
> This poem are words I put together from the participants in the Open Space on
> Future of Learning here in Manila in 2011. As I listened to the participants I
> wrote down all the beautiful words and phrases uttered and organized them into
> this (see below). These were words/phrases from about half of the participants
> as I was seated somewhere in the middle (of the circumference) of the circle
> in the closing ceremony. I listened to each one, wrote down, and when It was
> my turn to speak, I read this piece.
> Open Spaces in My Heart
> participants¹ beautiful insights woven into one poem by Carmela Ariza
> at the OST conference on Learning for the Future closing
> SEAMEO Innotech, Manila, March 2012
> Help us to just be
> Not controlling
> Help us share what we learned
> To listen to everyone since we are all brilliant and wise
> Fill us with hope
> So that we may be the rockets and stars in open space
> As we sit at the edge of the lake, keep us still and peaceful
> So that we can marvel at the beauty of open spaces
> Thank you for the gift of the moment
> To slow down, because to be slow also means to be fast
> Lead us to walk towards
> what is life giving
> We were initially hesitant
> But we have learned to open ourselves to others
> We have found the open space
> in our silence within
> From living in tight spaces
> We now know how to live in open spaces
> We thank the sacred source
> For the space of humility and listening from the heart
> For our nature is to be free
> Within this happy sacred circle
> Help us bring healing to others
> Make our circle continuously open
> So that our learning will never stop
> Thank you that we have regained our lost passion
> And turned our cynicism into idealism
> Beyond this meeting
> Use our passions to shape a better future
> May this be just a beginning of more open spaces
> New choices, which are the key to freedom
> Keep us curious
> Help us sustain the convergence
> Instill in us a sense of urgency
> To embrace and own the direction towards what is right and good.
> -- Carmela Ariza (Manila, the Philippines)
> _____
> space,
> opening
> unfolding
> wondrous
> -- Kerry Napuk (Edinburgh, Scotland)
> _____
> This piece I wrote as the team of OS facilitators were designing for many days
> the Sumatran Rhino Crisis Summit. I was reflecting on the issue and I just
> thought about these....
> Saving the Rhinos and Me
> by: Carmela Ariza
> 4 March 2013, 11:52AM
> Can we really save the rhino?
> Or are we here to save ourselves?
> Are we talking about the rhino?
> Or are we talking about me and you?
> Should we talk about them?
> Or should be talk about us?
> It¹s hard when we have to look out there
> When the answers are all in here
> Is it the Rhino who¹s running out of time?
> Or it is us who are chasing the past?
> Tomorrow seems to be now
> And today seems to have gone by
> We¹ve all come from places near or far
> Does your presence have a reason and a rhyme
> How can we make our conversations
> Mean more than what we came here for
> Perhaps we all want answers
> The question is: what is the question?
> How can we find what¹s good for the rhino?
> If we can¹t find what¹s good for ourselves
> Let¹s try to listen more
> To the calling that¹s within
> Let¹s try to open up the spaces
> For the wisdom we all have to share!
> -- Carmela Ariza (Manila, the Philippines)
> _____
> Space Open Circle
> from Open Space Technology - A Users Guide by Harrison Owen
> Note: This poem is in the 'found poetry' form. I have made selections from the
> original text and decided how to shape and punctuate it.
> I have removed all the other words from the book - but none from the selected
> phrases.
> The circle is the fundamental geometry
> of human communication.
> A circle has no head or feet,
> no high or low
> no sides to take;
> in a circle people can simply be
> with each other,
> face to face.
> The geometry of the circle
> and the rhythm of breath.
> Show Up
> Be Present
> Tell The Truth
> Let It All Go.
> Do nothing and remain
> invisible.
> Be prepared
> to be
> surprised.
> Who ever heard of a square of friends?
> -- Jonathan Coe (London, England)
> _____
> This was what I wrote during the Rhino Summit - I started writing there and
> finished it after. It is a very short one...
> Spaces Made Holy for the Rhino
> I sit on holy ground
> As people open spaces
> To try to save the rhino
> there are spaces
> Between us
> Above us
> Inside us
> To voice
> To listen
> To Respect
> And to suspend
> We are holding the space
> For a flow of meaning
> That will be shared by all
> Even for difficult moments
> We seek to keep the space open
> Today, I stand firmly on holy ground
> -- Carmela Ariza (Manila, the Philippines)
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