So that is what I see happen a lot, as well, Adriana.
People do not seem to take the time to explore the "why" behind process, behind facilitating - Open Space or other processes.

In Open Space, for example, the principles and law may be listed somewhere on a link - but that is different than naming them clearly as invitations about opportunities and possibilities.
And so many people do not go to that link anyway.

And just saying the words of the principles - how could people know what that means if they have not experienced the model? It is a different way to think about being in groups.

So I feel that the participants - and the work at hand - deserve someone holding the space in a way that (some may speak in illustrative language, some may speak in more concise language, it is often cultural) - not just 'says' the principles or posts them, but explains them within the context of the meeting.

Sure, it can happen well anyway.

But I find there is a difference to the experience if the person facilitating is not just doing what is visible to the participants (circle, topics on the wall / marketplace, some guidelines posted somewhere) - but really truly making these guidelines / this material accessible and understandable to all - and really truly understanding the dynamics of participants in this process and their own role and dynamic in it.

What do others think?


On Jun 23, 2013, at 5:36 PM, Lourdes Adriana Diaz-Berrio Doring wrote:

Lisa thank you for sharing this!
I went to 2 OS recently with a lot of people from Agile community, coaches and srcum masters and what I noticed is that they did not take time to focus the group and neither to really explain the principles. They just read those and I feld that the energy was not the same. They are using OS without event reading the book so they dont get that part. On the other hand they have a lot of energy and topics they want to talk about together so the event was OK but I had an impression of something related to the quality of the presence was missing there.
This happend 2 times.
I have the impression that people just take the "external format" of OS but they are not getteing the essence but as, I said in the other hand, the space was opened and the guys enjoyed a lot.


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