Marvelous. Thank you, Sharon.


 From: Sharon Joy Chao <>
Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2013 1:02 PM
Subject: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours - The Report

Just two weeks ago I had this interesting
experience of opening space for 1,100 (yes, the number swelled) under 4
hours. You probably remember the massive exchange in OSList on how to convene
under these conditions as we burned the line talking about the merit of
this assignment. The extent of our discussion was remarkable for it showed
the depth of wisdom and passion attached to the practice with ideas flying
from one side of the globe to the other.  

It started with an invitation to a two-day
symposium on performance management system in government service. And because
it’s a symposium there were 6 speakers lined up including a dozen others
for concurrent sessions. Day 1 had a couple of plenary and concurrent sessions.
Open Space was slated in the morning of Day 2 followed by a formal symposium
integration and closure in the afternoon. This was the first time HR people
in government are called together, and there was a good mix of people from
national agencies, government corporations, state universities and local
government units in attendance. 
The open space session focused on making
performance management system (PMS) in public service truly essential,
responsive and life giving. Sitting through Day 1 presentations and forums
made me realize that the audience have compelling stories to tell in addition
to having contending views on how to move PMS in their agency. This prompted
me to check my own motivation as I worked with government in the past and
I know that PMS has always been a thorny issue in the service. I need to
bring respect to everyone involved and there’s no sense adding my own
ideas and arrogance to the issue. 
Bits and pieces of the process I used
that somehow worked despite the number and the time configuration: 
·        Space
was tight to include provision of an open space in the middle, but the
hotel staff did an incredible job of assembling 5 layers of chairs in concentric
circle. With this arrangement a thousand chairs almost reached the wall
but then again that’s fine as there was ample space for people to move
in the center. To facilitate movement an open aisle was provided from four
points of the room so what we actually had was an open circle. 
·        Opening
was limited to an hour with 15-minute sponsorship and a walkthrough of
the theme and the OST process. The whole spiel gave me time to completely/slowly
walk the circle to establish some degree of proximity with the participants.
The rest of the hour was spent getting people to queue and publicly announce
their topics. 
·        Convenors
used placards (illustration board stapled on three-foot bamboo stick) instead
of papers to publish their topics. There was no marketplace because the
market was mobile. It was messy, disorderly and fun when convenors started
to go around the room for membership, while the rest decide which topic
to join. The decision to use placards was brought about by hotel’s policy
not to stick anything on the wall, and this policy actually worked to everyone’s
·        It
helped to talk about chaos openly and early on. There’s no way I can manage
a thousand in four hours; and the only other thing left was expect chaos,
accept it, and work it to my advantage. At the same time I remained calm
and secure despite the seeming disarray inside the room especially when
people start standing up and moving into groups. It’s essential to coach
the sponsor to expect it. The analogy I used to convince them was that
of a  wedding event, one can think things through and organize it
to death but then again things don’t usually turn out as planned. I also
told the participants to expect chaos, learn to live with the mess and
love it. 
·        When
all the topics were declared (about a hundred), I realize it did not make
sense sticking to the original plan of having two one-hour session, despite
the color coded placards and instructions for groups to have two separate
time frames. With placards on hand, people immediately self organized.
Not even those sticky numbers posted (yes, this was the only concession
we got from the hotel) made sense at this point. Respecting that tendency,
I decided not to call for two sessions but instead do a two-hour session
on the topics generated. This two hour event gave convenors ample time
not only to convene their group and discuss the topic but also time to
review and enrich the report.  
·        Wonderful
suggestion never to let go of the microphone especially during the queuing
for topics and the closing of circle when a drove wanted to speak. We 
an hour for closing the circle, with about 20 people sharing their thoughts
on the process and how they plan to move forward with PMS in their agency. 
·        What
worked for me in closing the circle was having someone to anchor it and
in this case it was the Chair of the Civil Service Commission. This was
very strategic as one can’t get any higher than this guy. Commitments
were made on the results of the OS discussion including the commitment
to  hold an annual gathering of HR people in public service. 
·        I
worked with one other friend in convening the circle. Having one person
to do the walk is fine but it’s important to have someone to help hold
the space with me, someone to ground me and to help make sense of the pulse
of those in the circle which can easily be missed when one is caught up
with things. 
·        I
remember Harrison saying that opening spaces is a dance and we can dance
beautifully yet we should not be caught in it (I added some words here,
not sure if he agrees). It’s this balancing act that keeps me grounded
and calm but also allowed me to gently take rein of things when necessary
to secure the space, and it worked especially in opening and closing of
the space. In the end, OST became an act of accepting whatever comes and
letting go whatever goes. 
Preparing the self or what works for
me two weeks ago: 
·        I
learn to love the mess and expect that nothing can be completely accounted
for. I talk about it with the organizers, cue people who are in the circle
and most importantly I embrace it like a mother embraces a child and just
let it be without losing myself to it. 
·        I
learn to connect...I am passionate about this assignment as I worked with
government for 14 years before joining my present job. There was deep connection
between my need to serve and the intention of this gathering, and this
was instructive in the way I prepared myself for the assignment. I drew
strength from my love of government service, that I did not worry myself
senseless unlike my previous OS engagements. I eased up and just refused
to get caught in the usual pre-work worries. Don’t get me wrong pre-work
is important and I’m glad I had a group of young women backing me on the
details. But at the personal level, this engagement was unique as I dig
deep and spend more time settling down. I also had a good night rest before
opening the circle, so unlike the past. And there was a conscious attempt
to stop talking the night before, not only outside but also inside. I practiced
noble silence, ending the talk from the mouth and the mind. This is graceful
silence and a very powerful one, it’s the silence that heals and nourishes,
same energy I brought to the circle the next day. 
·        I
learn to hack my way through and think on my feet. The ways of OST never
fail to surprise me, it served me on what I know would work yet  there’s
no one way. I learn that there are many possible ways of moving forward,
and it is by challenging and provoking what I already know that helps.
What is universal and unchanging, what stays are the principles and the
law, in whatever arrangements or configuration these are the things that
stick. The rest is as experimental as catching the wave. 
·        I
learn to stay humble and step back from a prescribed program that’s already
agreed upon but at the same time fearless despite what others say because
in the end it's also about that one solitary person in the middle of the
circle. It’s important to be open to the flow and to feel one’s way through
the crowd, just as we do in real life.  
For better appreciation of this experience,
I’ve uploaded some photos in my Facebook account.  
Again, thank you for seeing me through
this assignment. 


 07/14/2013 04:07 AM 
   OSList Digest,
Vol 29, Issue 12 
Sent by: 


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Today's Topics:
1. Fwd:  1,000 participants in 4 hours (Suzanne

Message: 1
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 07:36:22 -0400
From: Suzanne Daigle <>
Subject: [OSList] Fwd:  1,000 participants in 4 hours
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Dear Sharon Joy,
I am sending you my love and great "joy"
that you have been asked to
facilitate this large and diverse group.
In Open Space, they say whoever comes are the right
people and you my dear
are the "right facilitator".  You are already opening space
so beautifully
for this event, with many on the OS list and in your midst coming forward
to contribute their great wisdom, experience and support because you have
extended the invitation.
By simply asking and sharing, what wondrous space
you are opening already.
What a gift to each of us, reading all that has been contributed. The
future and possibilities are being created before our eyes.
You say in your note: "I pray for humility to
open the circle, and strength
to step aside once the circle is open."
Is this not the beautiful yin and yang of life!  The
pull of the opposites
-- the opposite of humility, the opposite of strength that we humans
struggle with so much. The walking into the unknowing that requires much
courage, wondering if we are enough to open such a big space.  Know
that we
are walking with you, Sharon Joy.
I would not be able to offer any pearls of wisdom
on the logistics of a
large group like this, not having had that experience.
Yet in my heart of heart, guided by those beautiful
OS principles, that law
and the "be prepared to be surprised", breathing in deeply, I
know you will
be opening beautiful space.  You will be inviting others to "experience
magic" of Open Space just as we did together at WOSonOS in Taiwan
where we
first met, in those early days of Open Space for each us...and now in that
short time, it has led to this!  The opportunity to open space for
government Philippine people who want  to create a truly essential,
energizing and responsive performance management system? Like wow how very
cool is that!
I want to also thank you Sharon Joy. Because of what
you posted and all the
wonderful replies that it invited,   the dual role of the facilitator
into sharper focus for me:  the "doing" and the "not
I saw more clearly the important  practical role
of having all the
logistics in place, simply and effectively, from the fine details of the
traffic patterns to the basics of preparing an Open Space and then the
spiritual role of opening, holding and closing space with no attachment
outcome, just trusting the process. This too invites a duality, the duality
of organizing lightly and effectively and then letting go.
In the end, however it happens, the gift is that space
will be opened for
people to engage on what they care about.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sharon Joy Chao <>
Date: Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 11:07 AM
Subject: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours
To: "" <>

Its overwhelming reading through all the exchanges
and good intentions my
request has generated. I read  each mail and can't help but smile
at the
treasure trove of ideas.
First off, the 1,000 participants in 4 hours, is definitely
pushing through
in Cebu. As its a big event, theres a team that's helping me and  doing
much of the pre work on the ground. The venue is a huge hotel ballroom
enough to accommodate over 2,000 so space is not much of a worry. I was
shown pictures, the ballroom is squarish with high ceiling.  Now here's
catch, initially we thought of deploying balloons much like how Michael
done in Germany some years back. But the hotel won't allow balloons inside
the hall, and also do not permit sticking anything on the wall. So, we
left with following options: either to use the laundry line complete with
laundry clips or placards, which can be raised for people to see.
I like the suggestion of Chris, as its something I
can use to close the
circle. Some tweaking so it reads like this..."what did we learn in
open space gathering and what do we need to do to support the momentum?"
course I still need to work with  Civil Service people to make sense
of the
results and also to post the same question to them.
Btw, this OST event happens within a two-day symposium
on Performance
Management System. And Harrison is right, there are tons of speakers on
1, day 2 starts with open space in the morning. The big question paused
them is this: What bold steps can we take to create a truly essential,
energizing and responsive performance management system? Additional
speakers take over in the afternoon mainly for government pronouncements.
The participants are government HR, OD and planning
people, local
government and some private sector representatives. There might not be
much exposure for deep engagement, but I'd still take this assignment
To touch base with as many government agencies and
be able to open the
discussion on performance management; to have this engagement even for
four hours and get government to seriously consider
the kind of system
that gives life to the service...these are enough incentives for me to
accept the assignment.
>From the practice of open space I learn to adopt
a beginner's mind, one
that's open to possibility, a don't know mind, this coupled with the
practice of quieting the mind, prepares me to gracefully enter the circle.
I pray for humility to open the circle, and strength to step aside once
circle is open. And yes, 15 min is enough time to set the space.
The program, thanks to your suggestions is more
opening/issue generation; two one- hour sessions and another hour for
closing the circle.
I truly can't thank everyone enough. Sending my love
to Harrison, Lisa and
Franklin, and all those who are kind enough to play through the
configuration of 1,000 under 4 hours. I'll get back to you and share how
goes. That would be something to look forward to :)
Sharon Joy

Sent from my iPad
On Jul 12, 2013, at 4:06 AM,
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: 1,000 participants in 4 hours (Scott Gassman)
2. Re: 1,000 participants in 4 hours (Harrison Owen)
3. Re: 1,000 participants in 4 hours (Chris Corrigan)
4. Re: 1,000 participants in 4 hours (Scott Gassman)
5. Re: 1,000 participants in 4 hours (K?ri Gunnarsson)
6. Re: 1,000 participants in 4 hours (Michael M Pannwitz)
7. open space in jeeps (K?ri Gunnarsson)
8. Re: open space in jeeps (gerardo de luzenberger)
9. Re: open space in jeeps (K?ri Gunnarsson) 

10. Re: 1,000 participants in 4 hours (Harrison Owen)
11. Re: open space in jeeps (Lise Damkj?r)
12. Re: 1,000 participants in 4 hours (
13. Re: 1,000 participants in 4 hours 
(Lourdes Adriana Diaz-Berrio Doring)

Message: 1
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 17:00:37 -0400
From: Scott Gassman <>
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
Subject: Re: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"
Hi Harrison,
Glad you responded, Sharon gets to think deeper about
how to proceed and be
hopefully clearer about her design decisions.
I clearly hear "get out of the way quickly," and the authenticity
of how
you have lived/practiced OpenSpace. I love it when I do it.
Not all of us have your confidence, clarity or competence in all situations
to trust ourselves, in an organization we may live/work in and/or the
process in a room potentially filled with bureaucrats, whose shadow can
slow down the speed of large group movement.
Whether my approach is a cop out to the OS process, my Kathie Dannemiller
lessons about Design Teams has helped me to usually make the process
consciously the participants' process.
On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 1:30 PM, Harrison Owen <>
> Scott ? I guess I really have a different take.
I have never seen any
> reason to ?plant? topics, or emplace ?spark plugs.? In every situation
> large groups in my experience (my largest was 2108 J) ? the people
do it
> all by themselves, just like usual. If anything the action is faster,
> more furious with a large group. Once it rolls, it really rolls. You
> got to get out of the way quickly ? which is why I would make sure
> opening was fast and sweet. Once person (facilitator) only ? and on
> the show! Of course the ?necessary conditions? must be in place (real
> business issue, complexity, diversity, passion, conflict, urgency)
? and
> from there on out the only thing you need to do is sit in a circle,
> bulletin board, open market place ? and go to work. Nothing else needed.**
> **
> ** **
> Harrison****
> ** **
> Harrison Owen****
> 7808 River Falls Dr.****
> Potomac, MD 20854****
> USA****
> ** **
> 189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)****
> Camden, Maine 04843****
> ** **
> Phone 301-365-2093****
> (summer)  207-763-3261****
> ** **
(Personal Website)****
> To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives
> OSLIST Go to:
> ** **
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Scott Gassman
> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 10, 2013 10:13 AM
> *To:* World wide Open Space Technology email list
> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours****
> ** **
> Hi Sharon Joy,****
> ** **
> Thanks for sharing your opportunity and provoking our experience and
> imagination.****
> Lisa has given you great tips, great food for thought. For me the
joy of a
> laid back ****
> OS alters when I must manage tighter time frames, larger numbers and
> logistics. I ****
> want people to see what they can get done when they are focused and
> through ****
> well planned OS tasks. ****
> I think about the outcome/purpose the client/group wants to walk away
> with. I try to ****
> get clear on their goal(s)/desired outcomes. I am fond of design teams
> preceding ****
> any large group initiative. I would bring together 5 to 10 vertically
> positioned ****
> influencers as soon as possible and preceding the get together and
> sought ****
> desired outcomes, I would then ask them to brainstorm a list of important
> topics****
> for this conversation and to rework the list into a vital few examples.
> would also ****
> encourage this group to recognize the significance of their role and
> serve as ****
> spark plugs to get the large group moving forward.****
> However the session is opened, I would include a design team member
or two
> to share their ****
> hopes and aspirations for this meeting, and to briefly share the list
> topics as examples ****
> for the 1,000 others to raise what matters most to them per the "high
> performance ****
> system"sought.****
> ** **
> This is a great opportunity for your government to work together.****
> I also look forward to learning about your experience and next steps.****
> ** **
> Scott Gassman****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 8:38 PM, Sharon Joy Chao <
>> wrote:****
> Need to figure a way of convening a thousand government people to
> through an exploratory discussion on high performance system, all
under 4
> hours.
> This happens next week down south in the city of Cebu. The focus is
on the
> Philippine government service, its performance management system and
> can be truly essential, responsive and life-giving.
> Gail West, my OS mentor friend, has provided me with some incredible
> suggestions on how to proceed and she also advised me to post on OSList.
> Any thoughts on how best to proceed with a cast of thousand in 4 hours
> time?
> Maraming Salamat.
> ========================================
> Sharon Joy Berlin Chao
> Commonwealth Avenue, U.P. Diliman, Quezon City
> Metro Manila 1101 Philippines
> Phone (632) 924-7681, 9267900
> Fax (632) 928-7692
> _______________________________________________
> OSList mailing list
> To post send emails to
> To unsubscribe send an email to
> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
> ****
> ** **
> --
> Scott Gassman
> IdeaJuice
> (917) 951 - 0258
> America Speaks on Scott:
> ****
> _______________________________________________
> OSList mailing list
> To post send emails to
> To unsubscribe send an email to
> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:

Scott Gassman
(917) 951 - 0258
America Speaks on Scott:
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Message: 2
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 18:06:55 -0400
From: "Harrison Owen" <>
To: "'World wide Open Space Technology email list'"
Subject: Re: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours
Message-ID: <000601ce7db9$cb061bc0$61125340$@net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Scott said - "Not all of us have your (that's
me - HO) confidence, clarity
or competence in all situations to trust ourselves, in an organization
may live/work in and/or the process in a room potentially filled with
bureaucrats, whose shadow can slow down the speed of large group movement."

Nice words, Scott - but once again I have a different
take. Truth is I have
ZERO confidence, to say nothing of clarity, in my "competence in all
situations to trust (my)ourselves, in an organization we may live/work
and/or the process in a room potentially filled with bureaucrats, whose
shadow can slow down the speed of large group movement." Quite to
contrary,  I know totally and completely that I will NEVER have a
real clue
about what is going on. Too complex, inter-related, fast moving, opaque...
BUT the people do. My only responsibility (possibility) is to invite them
do what only they know how to do - and then, as quickly as possible, get
of the way. Usually to take a napJ

And Kathie Dannemiller was a special person and a
friend. I respect her
greatly. And... somebody once asked her why, given what she did, she didn't
use Open Space. Her reply, as I heard it, was - "I'd be terrified
... it
could get out of control." The big secret, of course, was that she
(as we
all are) was always out of control - so there was nothing to lose.

Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Dr.
Potomac, MD 20854

189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)
Camden, Maine 04843

Phone 301-365-2093
(summer)  207-763-3261 Website)
To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view
the archives of OSLIST
Go to:

On Behalf Of Scott Gassman
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 5:01 PM
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
Subject: Re: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours

Hi Harrison,

Glad you responded, Sharon gets to think deeper about
how to proceed and be
hopefully clearer about her design decisions.
I clearly hear "get out of the way quickly,"
and the authenticity of how you
have lived/practiced OpenSpace. I love it when I do it.
Not all of us have your confidence, clarity or competence
in all situations
to trust ourselves, in an organization we may live/work in and/or the
process in a room potentially filled with bureaucrats, whose shadow can
down the speed of large group movement.
Whether my approach is a cop out to the OS process,
my Kathie Dannemiller
lessons about Design Teams has helped me to usually make the process
consciously the participants' process.


On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 1:30 PM, Harrison Owen <>
Scott - I guess I really have a different take. I
have never seen any reason
to "plant" topics, or emplace "spark plugs." In every
situation with large
groups in my experience (my largest was 2108 J) - the people do it all
themselves, just like usual. If anything the action is faster, and more
furious with a large group. Once it rolls, it really rolls. You just got
get out of the way quickly - which is why I would make sure the opening
fast and sweet. Once person (facilitator) only - and on with the show!
course the "necessary conditions" must be in place (real business
complexity, diversity, passion, conflict, urgency) - and from there on
the only thing you need to do is sit in a circle, create bulletin board,
open market place - and go to work. Nothing else needed.


Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Dr.
Potomac, MD 20854

189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)
Camden, Maine 04843

Phone 301-365-2093
(summer)  207-763-3261<><>
 (Personal Website)
To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view
the archives of OSLIST
Go to:

On Behalf Of Scott Gassman
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 10:13 AM
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
Subject: Re: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours

Hi Sharon Joy,

Thanks for sharing your opportunity and provoking
our experience and
Lisa has given you great tips, great food for thought.
For me the joy of a
laid back
OS alters when I must manage tighter time frames,
larger numbers and
logistics. I
want people to see what they can get done when they
are focused and led
well planned OS tasks.
I think about the outcome/purpose the client/group
wants to walk away with.
I try to
get clear on their goal(s)/desired outcomes. I am
fond of design teams
any large group initiative. I would bring together
5 to 10 vertically
influencers as soon as possible and preceding the
get together and confirm
desired outcomes, I would then ask them to brainstorm
a list of important
for this conversation and to rework the list into
a vital few examples. I
would also
encourage this group to recognize the significance
of their role and to
serve as
spark plugs to get the large group moving forward.
However the session is opened, I would include a design
team member or two
to share their
hopes and aspirations for this meeting, and to briefly
share the list of
topics as examples
for the 1,000 others to raise what matters most to
them per the "high

This is a great opportunity for your government to
work together.
I also look forward to learning about your experience
and next steps.

Scott Gassman

On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 8:38 PM, Sharon Joy Chao <>
Need to figure a way of convening a thousand government
people to go through
an exploratory discussion on high performance system, all under 4 hours.
This happens next week down south in the city of Cebu.
The focus is on the
Philippine government service, its performance management system and how
can be truly essential, responsive and life-giving.
Gail West, my OS mentor friend, has provided me with
some incredible
suggestions on how to proceed and she also advised me to post on OSList.
Any thoughts on how best to proceed with a cast of
thousand in 4 hours time?

Maraming Salamat.
Sharon Joy Berlin Chao
Commonwealth Avenue, U.P. Diliman, Quezon City
Metro Manila 1101 Philippines
Phone (632) 924-7681, 9267900
Fax (632) 928-7692

OSList mailing list
To post send emails to
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Scott Gassman
(917) 951 - 0258
America Speaks on Scott:

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Scott Gassman
(917) 951 - 0258
America Speaks on Scott:

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Message: 3
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 15:47:45 -0700
From: Chris Corrigan <>
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
Subject: Re: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"
Agreeing with Harrison here.
Lisa has given some great advice.  If you were
going to make it possible to
host 1000 people in Open Space for 4 hours, Lisa's detailed list gives
your best shot of doing that and being successful.
Don't be fooled though...this is a huge ask to do
this well.  The largest
group I ever hosted was about 600 people and honestly, the thought of doing
that in a half day is truly overwhelming.  You need a large team with
to make sure the logistics flow and make sure that people can find where
they need to go in a timely way.  But 1000 people moving about in
a space
is a really big ask, and that takes WAAAAY more time than you think it
will. And God forbid someone calls a session and 75 people show up because
it is rich and juicy - just being able to be heard and get a few comments
in will be challenging.
As for the design teams idea, that one is really simple.
 With a crowd of
1000 people all proposing and hosting conversations I think having a few
people predetermine some trigger topics will give a false sense of comfort
that they are actually able to be influential.  The fact is that 1000
people are ALREADY talking and this Open Space will simply make that all
visible.  To host this in Open Space you simply HAVE to have confidence
your ability to stand in the room and host.  If you can't do that,
going to be hard for you.  You will not be able to control the shadow
the group nor the possibility of emergence.  Once the group is working
will barely be able to reconvene them, let alone impact the emotional field
of the event.  So you and the core team need to let go of outcomes
and get
really curious about what might emerge from this afternoon of work.
Instead of design teams I would counsel that you have
several dozen
listeners somehow connected to the bigger project who can discern what
going on.  After the event invite them and the conveners of every
conversation to engage in a little meaning making together.  That
still be a meeting of more than 100 people, but you could do it in Open
Space and ask the question: "So what did we learn from our 1000 people
space and what do we need to do to support momentum?"
And as for outcomes, there is very little this group
collectively will be
able to accomplish in four hours other than people shaving the conversation
they came to have (not the ones the sponsors want them to have) with a
people who managed to find them.  You might use a tool like
http://smsharvest.comas a way of catching insights on the fly from
everywhere.  But it will be really hard to get any collective clarity.
This is a tough one Sharon Joy.  I wish you a
lot of luck and good clarity
and hope you will share the story with us of whatever happens.  There
be lots of learning in it for all of us.

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 3:06 PM, Harrison Owen <>
> Scott said ? ?Not all of us have your (that?s
me ? HO) confidence, clarity
> or competence in all situations to trust ourselves, in an organization
> may live/work in and/or the process in a room potentially filled with
> bureaucrats, whose shadow can slow down the speed of large group
> ****
> ** **
> Nice words, Scott ? but once again I have a different take. Truth
is I
> have ZERO confidence, to say nothing of clarity, in my ?competence
in all
> situations to trust (my)ourselves, in an organization we may live/work
> and/or the process in a room potentially filled with bureaucrats,
> shadow can slow down the speed of large group movement.? Quite to
> contrary,  I know totally and completely that I will NEVER have
a real
> about what is going on. Too complex, inter-related, fast moving, opaque...
> BUT the people do. My only responsibility (possibility) is to invite
> to do what only they know how to do ? and then, as quickly as possible,
> out of the way. Usually to take a napJ****
> ** **
> And Kathie Dannemiller was a special person and a friend. I respect
> greatly. And... somebody once asked her why, given what she did, she
> use Open Space. Her reply, as I heard it, was ? ?I?d be terrified
... it
> could get out of control.? The big secret, of course, was that she
(as we
> all are) was always out of control ? so there was nothing to lose.****
> ****
> Harrison****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> Harrison Owen****
> 7808 River Falls Dr.****
> Potomac, MD 20854****
> USA****
> ** **
> 189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)****
> Camden, Maine 04843****
> ** **
> Phone 301-365-2093****
> (summer)  207-763-3261****
> ** **
(Personal Website)****
> To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives
> OSLIST Go to:
> ** **
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Scott Gassman
> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 10, 2013 5:01 PM
> *To:* World wide Open Space Technology email list
> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours****
> ** **
> Hi Harrison,****
> ** **
> Glad you responded, Sharon gets to think deeper about how to proceed
> be hopefully clearer about her design decisions.****
> I clearly hear "get out of the way quickly," and the authenticity
of how
> you have lived/practiced OpenSpace. I love it when I do it.****
> Not all of us have your confidence, clarity or competence in all
> situations to trust ourselves, in an organization we may live/work
> and/or the process in a room potentially filled with bureaucrats,
> shadow can slow down the speed of large group movement. ****
> Whether my approach is a cop out to the OS process, my Kathie Dannemiller
> lessons about Design Teams has helped me to usually make the process
> consciously the participants' process.****
> ** **
> Scott****
> ** **
> On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 1:30 PM, Harrison Owen <>
> ****
> Scott ? I guess I really have a different take. I have never seen
> reason to ?plant? topics, or emplace ?spark plugs.? In every situation
> large groups in my experience (my largest was 2108 J) ? the people
do it
> all by themselves, just like usual. If anything the action is faster,
> more furious with a large group. Once it rolls, it really rolls. You
> got to get out of the way quickly ? which is why I would make sure
> opening was fast and sweet. Once person (facilitator) only ? and on
> the show! Of course the ?necessary conditions? must be in place (real
> business issue, complexity, diversity, passion, conflict, urgency)
? and
> from there on out the only thing you need to do is sit in a circle,
> bulletin board, open market place ? and go to work. Nothing else needed.**
> **
>  ****
> Harrison****
>  ****
> Harrison Owen****
> 7808 River Falls Dr.****
> Potomac, MD 20854****
> USA****
>  ****
> 189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)****
> Camden, Maine 04843****
>  ****
> Phone 301-365-2093****
> (summer)  207-763-3261****
>  ****
(Personal Website)****
> To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives
> OSLIST Go to:
>  ****
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Scott Gassman
> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 10, 2013 10:13 AM
> *To:* World wide Open Space Technology email list
> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours****
>  ****
> Hi Sharon Joy,****
>  ****
> Thanks for sharing your opportunity and provoking our experience and
> imagination.****
> Lisa has given you great tips, great food for thought. For me the
joy of a
> laid back ****
> OS alters when I must manage tighter time frames, larger numbers and
> logistics. I ****
> want people to see what they can get done when they are focused and
> through ****
> well planned OS tasks. ****
> I think about the outcome/purpose the client/group wants to walk away
> with. I try to ****
> get clear on their goal(s)/desired outcomes. I am fond of design teams
> preceding ****
> any large group initiative. I would bring together 5 to 10 vertically
> positioned ****
> influencers as soon as possible and preceding the get together and
> sought ****
> desired outcomes, I would then ask them to brainstorm a list of important
> topics****
> for this conversation and to rework the list into a vital few examples.
> would also ****
> encourage this group to recognize the significance of their role and
> serve as ****
> spark plugs to get the large group moving forward.****
> However the session is opened, I would include a design team member
or two
> to share their ****
> hopes and aspirations for this meeting, and to briefly share the list
> topics as examples ****
> for the 1,000 others to raise what matters most to them per the "high
> performance ****
> system"sought.****
>  ****
> This is a great opportunity for your government to work together.****
> I also look forward to learning about your experience and next steps.****
>  ****
> Scott Gassman****
>  ****
>  ****
>  ****
> On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 8:38 PM, Sharon Joy Chao <
>> wrote:****
> Need to figure a way of convening a thousand government people to
> through an exploratory discussion on high performance system, all
under 4
> hours.
> This happens next week down south in the city of Cebu. The focus is
on the
> Philippine government service, its performance management system and
> can be truly essential, responsive and life-giving.
> Gail West, my OS mentor friend, has provided me with some incredible
> suggestions on how to proceed and she also advised me to post on OSList.
> Any thoughts on how best to proceed with a cast of thousand in 4 hours
> time?
> Maraming Salamat.
> ========================================
> Sharon Joy Berlin Chao
> Commonwealth Avenue, U.P. Diliman, Quezon City
> Metro Manila 1101 Philippines
> Phone (632) 924-7681, 9267900
> Fax (632) 928-7692
> _______________________________________________
> OSList mailing list
> To post send emails to
> To unsubscribe send an email to
> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
> ****
>  ****
> --
> Scott Gassman
> IdeaJuice
> (917) 951 - 0258
> America Speaks on Scott:
> ****
> _______________________________________________
> OSList mailing list
> To post send emails to
> To unsubscribe send an email to
> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
> ****
> ** **
> --
> Scott Gassman
> IdeaJuice
> (917) 951 - 0258
> America Speaks on Scott:
> ****
> _______________________________________________
> OSList mailing list
> To post send emails to
> To unsubscribe send an email to
> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:

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*Art of Hosting - Art of (Inter)action* <>
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Message: 4
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 20:47:52 -0400
From: Scott Gassman <>
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
Subject: Re: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"


I am going to print these paragraphs of yours and think about the "ZERO
confidence," "about what is going on."
That's  good  material for me to think about as I approach future
I am touched by your Kathie story.  Kathie's respect for you came
out in a
conversation and made me want to learn Open Space, and so she really
steered me towards learning with you and Lisa up in Maine. I do remember
you leaving to take a nap and me scratching my head - how - in the middle,
can you let go? I guess until now I dance between the freedom of Open Space
and joint design team sharing that anchors me to do as much as I can to
support the group and deliver a quick start.  I want the organizational
team to discover and I also want to have them have those first few steps
how to get going on their own.
I think of it as pushing a kid on a 2 wheel bicycle, also "out of
aiming to get them to keep pedaling  and stay up.

Here's my honesty to you, Sharon Joy.


On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 6:06 PM, Harrison Owen <>

> Scott said ? ?Not all of us have your (that?s me ? HO) confidence,
> or competence in all situations to trust ourselves, in an organization
> may live/work in and/or the process in a room potentially filled with
> bureaucrats, whose shadow can slow down the speed of large group
> ****
> ** **
> Nice words, Scott ? but once again I have a different take. Truth
is I
> have ZERO confidence, to say nothing of clarity, in my ?competence
in all
> situations to trust (my)ourselves, in an organization we may live/work
> and/or the process in a room potentially filled with bureaucrats,
> shadow can slow down the speed of large group movement.? Quite to
> contrary,  I know totally and completely that I will NEVER have
a real
> about what is going on. Too complex, inter-related, fast moving, opaque...
> BUT the people do. My only responsibility (possibility) is to invite
> to do what only they know how to do ? and then, as quickly as possible,
> out of the way. Usually to take a napJ****
> ** **
> And Kathie Dannemiller was a special person and a friend. I respect
> greatly. And... somebody once asked her why, given what she did, she
> use Open Space. Her reply, as I heard it, was ? ?I?d be terrified
... it
> could get out of control.? The big secret, of course, was that she
(as we
> all are) was always out of control ? so there was nothing to lose.****
> ****
> Harrison****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> Harrison Owen****
> 7808 River Falls Dr.****
> Potomac, MD 20854****
> USA****
> ** **
> 189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)****
> Camden, Maine 04843****
> ** **
> Phone 301-365-2093****
> (summer)  207-763-3261****
> ** **
(Personal Website)****
> To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives
> OSLIST Go to:
> ** **
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Scott Gassman
> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 10, 2013 5:01 PM
> *To:* World wide Open Space Technology email list
> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours****
> ** **
> Hi Harrison,****
> ** **
> Glad you responded, Sharon gets to think deeper about how to proceed
> be hopefully clearer about her design decisions.****
> I clearly hear "get out of the way quickly," and the authenticity
of how
> you have lived/practiced OpenSpace. I love it when I do it.****
> Not all of us have your confidence, clarity or competence in all
> situations to trust ourselves, in an organization we may live/work
> and/or the process in a room potentially filled with bureaucrats,
> shadow can slow down the speed of large group movement. ****
> Whether my approach is a cop out to the OS process, my Kathie Dannemiller
> lessons about Design Teams has helped me to usually make the process
> consciously the participants' process.****
> ** **
> Scott****
> ** **
> On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 1:30 PM, Harrison Owen <>
> ****
> Scott ? I guess I really have a different take. I have never seen
> reason to ?plant? topics, or emplace ?spark plugs.? In every situation
> large groups in my experience (my largest was 2108 J) ? the people
do it
> all by themselves, just like usual. If anything the action is faster,
> more furious with a large group. Once it rolls, it really rolls. You
> got to get out of the way quickly ? which is why I would make sure
> opening was fast and sweet. Once person (facilitator) only ? and on
> the show! Of course the ?necessary conditions? must be in place (real
> business issue, complexity, diversity, passion, conflict, urgency)
? and
> from there on out the only thing you need to do is sit in a circle,
> bulletin board, open market place ? and go to work. Nothing else needed.**
> **
>  ****
> Harrison****
>  ****
> Harrison Owen****
> 7808 River Falls Dr.****
> Potomac, MD 20854****
> USA****
>  ****
> 189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)****
> Camden, Maine 04843****
>  ****
> Phone 301-365-2093****
> (summer)  207-763-3261****
>  ****
(Personal Website)****
> To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives
> OSLIST Go to:
>  ****
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Scott Gassman
> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 10, 2013 10:13 AM
> *To:* World wide Open Space Technology email list
> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours****
>  ****
> Hi Sharon Joy,****
>  ****
> Thanks for sharing your opportunity and provoking our experience and
> imagination.****
> Lisa has given you great tips, great food for thought. For me the
joy of a
> laid back ****
> OS alters when I must manage tighter time frames, larger numbers and
> logistics. I ****
> want people to see what they can get done when they are focused and
> through ****
> well planned OS tasks. ****
> I think about the outcome/purpose the client/group wants to walk away
> with. I try to ****
> get clear on their goal(s)/desired outcomes. I am fond of design teams
> preceding ****
> any large group initiative. I would bring together 5 to 10 vertically
> positioned ****
> influencers as soon as possible and preceding the get together and
> sought ****
> desired outcomes, I would then ask them to brainstorm a list of important
> topics****
> for this conversation and to rework the list into a vital few examples.
> would also ****
> encourage this group to recognize the significance of their role and
> serve as ****
> spark plugs to get the large group moving forward.****
> However the session is opened, I would include a design team member
or two
> to share their ****
> hopes and aspirations for this meeting, and to briefly share the list
> topics as examples ****
> for the 1,000 others to raise what matters most to them per the "high
> performance ****
> system"sought.****
>  ****
> This is a great opportunity for your government to work together.****
> I also look forward to learning about your experience and next steps.****
>  ****
> Scott Gassman****
>  ****
>  ****
>  ****
> On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 8:38 PM, Sharon Joy Chao <
>> wrote:****
> Need to figure a way of convening a thousand government people to
> through an exploratory discussion on high performance system, all
under 4
> hours.
> This happens next week down south in the city of Cebu. The focus is
on the
> Philippine government service, its performance management system and
> can be truly essential, responsive and life-giving.
> Gail West, my OS mentor friend, has provided me with some incredible
> suggestions on how to proceed and she also advised me to post on OSList.
> Any thoughts on how best to proceed with a cast of thousand in 4 hours
> time?
> Maraming Salamat.
> ========================================
> Sharon Joy Berlin Chao
> Commonwealth Avenue, U.P. Diliman, Quezon City
> Metro Manila 1101 Philippines
> Phone (632) 924-7681, 9267900
> Fax (632) 928-7692
> _______________________________________________
> OSList mailing list
> To post send emails to
> To unsubscribe send an email to
> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
> ****
>  ****
> --
> Scott Gassman
> IdeaJuice
> (917) 951 - 0258
> America Speaks on Scott:
> ****
> _______________________________________________
> OSList mailing list
> To post send emails to
> To unsubscribe send an email to
> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
> ****
> ** **
> --
> Scott Gassman
> IdeaJuice
> (917) 951 - 0258
> America Speaks on Scott:
> ****
> _______________________________________________
> OSList mailing list
> To post send emails to
> To unsubscribe send an email to
> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:

Scott Gassman
(917) 951 - 0258
America Speaks on Scott:
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Message: 5
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 05:55:23 +0000
From: K?ri Gunnarsson <>
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
Subject: Re: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

A question here
I have been a bit confused about the selection process
for open space.
In my last possibly large gathering, there I was opening up the idea
to my client that we should have a self-selection of participants in
the open space by use of open invitation letters to the possible
participants. My client did not like that.

How have these 1000 people been selected to take part in the open
space and dose that mater in any way?
with a breeze from Iceland

On 10 July 2013 19:56, Harrison Owen <> wrote:
> Sharon Joy -- What a joy (excuse the pun) to see you here! You do
have a
> hand full, but it will be fun. With large groups, my biggest concern
> always to have enough space. And 1000 people do need some major room
> maneuver, particularly when the time is short. Two spaces are critical:
> the center of the circle, and at the wall. With that many people I
> look for a center open space of 100 feet across. It is more than likely
> you will have 100-150 people all rushing to the center, and that will
> quite confusing if they don?t have any room. And at the wall ? remember
> there will be a time when you have 1000 people all trying to read
what is
> there (issues) and make their session selections. If the wall is too
> the people will bunch up, and when people are standing 5-6 deep, it
> frustrating and things will move slowly. My rule of thumb is 6 inches
> wall per participant. That way people will never be more than 2-3
> can get away with less wall, but, but you do pay a price. In terms
of time
> periods I would suggest 1 ? hours for the opening, 2 -- 1 hour Sessions,
> a half hour for the close, maybe even less. It is all ?doable? but
I do
> to ask: Why just 4 hours?
> I suspicion the answer is something like ? there will be speeches
> presentations in the morning, which presumably will provide the people
> the necessary inspiration and information to do the job. However,
> I have been in a situation like that, the information provided was
> enough, and the inspiration imparted simply didn?t do the job. More
to the
> point, there is an implicit statement made which I find most troubling.
> would seem that the wisdom of the several ?presenters? somehow was
> and/or took precedence over the collective wisdom and experience of
> people. Of course this could be true, but if it is, I seriously doubt
> Opening Space will do all that much good. Probably better to just
> (terminate) the lot. On the other hand, if that 1000 person collective
> wisdom is of the sort and depth I suspect it to be ? the allocation
> is, if nothing else, short sighted and disrespectful. It might seem
> ?idiots and children? will be allowed a little play time after the
> and adults have set the stage. Am I suggesting that you and your
> thought this way? Definitely not. But that is a possible conclusion
> the facts on the ground. And I have definitely experienced situations
> the ?thought? not only occurred, but was totally conscious. Worst
was a
> CEO of a large American corporation who was heard to say, ?Never turn
> asylum over to the inmates.? The Asylum, of course was the company,
> ?inmates? were all the employees. Is it any wonder that creativity
> innovation at that company were virtually non-existent, and that employee
> morale was dismal? Thankfully the company is now out of business.
> Doubtless I have gone way too far here, and knowing you Sharon Joy,
I know
> that such thoughts would never enter your mind. That said, I find
> sometimes what we do speaks so much louder than what we think or say.
> even worse when our actions are the direct antithesis of our real
> intentions.
> Harrison
> Harrison Owen
> 7808 River Falls Dr.
> Potomac, MD 20854
> 189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)
> Camden, Maine 04843
> Phone 301-365-2093
> (summer)  207-763-3261
> Website)
> To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives
> Go to:
> From:
> [<>]
On Behalf Of Sharon Joy Chao
> Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2013 8:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours
> Need to figure a way of convening a thousand government people to
> an exploratory discussion on high performance system, all under 4
> This happens next week down south in the city of Cebu. The focus is
on the
> Philippine government service, its performance management system and
> can be truly essential, responsive and life-giving.
> Gail West, my OS mentor friend, has provided me with some incredible
> suggestions on how to proceed and she also advised me to post on OSList.
> Any thoughts on how best to proceed with a cast of thousand in 4 hours
> Maraming Salamat.
> ========================================
> Sharon Joy Berlin Chao
> Commonwealth Avenue, U.P. Diliman, Quezon City
> Metro Manila 1101 Philippines
> Phone (632) 924-7681, 9267900
> Fax (632) 928-7692
> _______________________________________________
> OSList mailing list
> To post send emails to
> To unsubscribe send an email to
> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:

K?ri Gunnarsson
gsm: +354 8645189


Message: 6
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 09:00:29 +0200
From: Michael M Pannwitz <>
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
Subject: Re: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
Dear Kari,
if an invitation is sent to all that the Planning Group (sponsor
included) want to be at the event under the approach/question "who
should be at the event so that the stuff we expect from the event under
the Heading we came up with for the event will happen?" those receiving
the invitation respond to the invitation the way one would usually
respond: accept or decline (selfselection).
Huge advantage of this selfselection is that the people picking up their
spirit and body to come are the right people.
People that come because they ought to, feel they have to, are forced to
etc. are also selfselecting themselves.
And all that show up hear my words about "The Law" and my invitation
"obey" it (at least twice in the event)... listening to their
feedback I
find that most folks find it liberating when they follow The Law, and
stay and participate (passionately).
Now, this is not really an answer to your question on the selection of
the 1000 people.
The event that HO refers to occasionally (the event with 2108
participants) took place at the end of a five day conference with 3500
folks in attendance. In the invitation to the conference people wanting
to attend the OST part had to sign up for it seperately (this determined
how many cushions we bought and how much food was supplied and how many
toilets had to be set up etc.) and pay an additonal fee.
In this way, following the invitation meant putting down some extra
money, filling out a form with their contact data for the documentation
all in addition to the decision that they wanted to be part of it. These
kinds of commitments are perhaps trivial but many sponsors are trying to
avoid to attach those commitments to the invitation to make it "easier"
for people to come... also a form of control.

Like the breeze from Iceland which actually arrived during the night and
brought a refreshingly cool morning
Greetings from Berlin

On 11.07.2013 07:55, K?ri Gunnarsson wrote:
> A question here
> I have been a bit confused about the selection process for open space.
> In my last possibly large gathering, there I was opening up the idea
> to my client that we should have a self-selection of participants
> the open space by use of open invitation letters to the possible
> participants. My client did not like that.
> How have these 1000 people been selected to take part in the open
> space and dose that mater in any way?
> with a breeze from Iceland
> K?ri
> On 10 July 2013 19:56, Harrison Owen <> wrote:
>> Sharon Joy -- What a joy (excuse the pun) to see you here! You
do have a
>> hand full, but it will be fun. With large groups, my biggest concern
>> always to have enough space. And 1000 people do need some major
room to
>> maneuver, particularly when the time is short. Two spaces are
>> the center of the circle, and at the wall. With that many people
I would
>> look for a center open space of 100 feet across. It is more than
>> you will have 100-150 people all rushing to the center, and that
>> quite confusing if they don?t have any room. And at the wall ?
>> there will be a time when you have 1000 people all trying to read
is up
>> there (issues) and make their session selections. If the wall
is too
>> the people will bunch up, and when people are standing 5-6 deep,
it will
>> frustrating and things will move slowly. My rule of thumb is 6
inches of
>> wall per participant. That way people will never be more than
2-3 deep.
>> can get away with less wall, but, but you do pay a price. In terms
>> periods I would suggest 1 ? hours for the opening, 2 -- 1 hour
>> a half hour for the close, maybe even less. It is all ?doable?
but I do
>> to ask: Why just 4 hours?
>> I suspicion the answer is something like ? there will be speeches
>> presentations in the morning, which presumably will provide the
>> the necessary inspiration and information to do the job. However,
>> I have been in a situation like that, the information provided
was never
>> enough, and the inspiration imparted simply didn?t do the job.
More to
>> point, there is an implicit statement made which I find most troubling.
>> would seem that the wisdom of the several ?presenters? somehow
was equal
>> and/or took precedence over the collective wisdom and experience
of 1000
>> people. Of course this could be true, but if it is, I seriously
>> Opening Space will do all that much good. Probably better to just
>> (terminate) the lot. On the other hand, if that 1000 person collective
>> wisdom is of the sort and depth I suspect it to be ? the allocation
>> is, if nothing else, short sighted and disrespectful. It might
seem that
>> ?idiots and children? will be allowed a little play time after
>> and adults have set the stage. Am I suggesting that you and your
>> thought this way? Definitely not. But that is a possible conclusion
based on
>> the facts on the ground. And I have definitely experienced situations
>> the ?thought? not only occurred, but was totally conscious. Worst
was a
>> CEO of a large American corporation who was heard to say, ?Never
turn the
>> asylum over to the inmates.? The Asylum, of course was the company,
>> ?inmates? were all the employees. Is it any wonder that creativity
>> innovation at that company were virtually non-existent, and that
>> morale was dismal? Thankfully the company is now out of business.
>> Doubtless I have gone way too far here, and knowing you Sharon
Joy, I
>> that such thoughts would never enter your mind. That said, I find
>> sometimes what we do speaks so much louder than what we think
or say. And
>> even worse when our actions are the direct antithesis of our real
>> intentions.
>> Harrison
>> Harrison Owen
>> 7808 River Falls Dr.
>> Potomac, MD 20854
>> USA
>> 189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)
>> Camden, Maine 04843
>> Phone 301-365-2093
>> (summer)  207-763-3261
>> Website)
>> To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives
>> Go to:
>> From:
>> [<>]
On Behalf Of Sharon Joy Chao
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2013 8:39 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours
>> Need to figure a way of convening a thousand government people
to go
>> an exploratory discussion on high performance system, all under
4 hours.
>> This happens next week down south in the city of Cebu. The focus
is on
>> Philippine government service, its performance management system
and how
>> can be truly essential, responsive and life-giving.
>> Gail West, my OS mentor friend, has provided me with some incredible
>> suggestions on how to proceed and she also advised me to post
on OSList.
>> Any thoughts on how best to proceed with a cast of thousand in
4 hours
>> Maraming Salamat.
>> ========================================
>> Sharon Joy Berlin Chao
>> Commonwealth Avenue, U.P. Diliman, Quezon City
>> Metro Manila 1101 Philippines
>> Phone (632) 924-7681, 9267900
>> Fax (632) 928-7692
>> _______________________________________________
>> OSList mailing list
>> To post send emails to
>> To unsubscribe send an email to
>> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:

Michael M Pannwitz
Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
++49 - 30-772 8000


Check out the Open Space World Map presently showing
410 resident Open
Space Workers in 72 countries working in a total of 143 countries

Message: 7
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 08:04:55 +0000
From: K?ri Gunnarsson <>
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
Subject: [OSList] open space in jeeps
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
I been wondering for a few years if anyone here has
ever attempted to
host a moving open space.
If you are booking Iceland for your open space, then
perhaps it would
be fun to see some sites and have discussion on the road. In my
extended family we have a tradition that every 3 years we meet for a
road trip. This road trip covers a short distance and is like an open
space. for we drive for 5 to 15 minutes and then we stop for an hour
in different locations where the power of the coffee brake takes over
and people gather to talk about what needs to be talked about. This
year we had 85 people in 20 jeeps driving around and mixing up the
groups every time. If discussion was not done, then it would continue
in the new place, the arrangement of people in jeeps was also
changeable based on what we needed to talk about. Even with the
possibly bad whether we can do this, as we all have nice clothing that
protects us from rain, snow and wind. If it rains then we keep our
papers in the jeeps.

Open Space meeting in jeeps on the road has the problem of
impermanence of space, as we are driving around. Any wall space would
need to be virtual. We already have good place markers that we take
with us, that is the jeeps them selves, as a different discussion
group can form next to jeep A or B. The time slots would be the place
names of the sites that we visit. Like "Jeep B at Geysir" would
be a
group convening next to jeep B whenever we are next at the Geysir

The traditional site seeing in groups is usually hosted with a site
guide that dumps to much information in to short of a time and hurries
along so most of the people become to tiered to talk about other
maters. This must be avoided, but we can still have some light and
informative information of the sites by use of the comm system in the
jeeps while approaching the sites. We can also tag along and enjoy the
sites while conversing with our groups by giving a little more time, I
would recommend to take a step out of the discussion to take in the
site and revive the power of the pure nature to fuel the spiritual
dimension of the discussion.

In my experiences, the energies and dimensions of a group of jeep
traveling have almost all the parts that can be used for a good open
space practice. The only missing part would be the wall that would
need to be implemented virtually with tablet or smart phone
application usable with an in jeep wifi / G4 system.

There are two major factors that drive me to these thoughts, one is
that the nature is marvels and it is a shame to be stuck in a building
when we can be traveling. And the other factor is that I like groups
to come to my small country for experiencing these marvels while going
on with the business that matters.

Any experiences, thoughts, opportunities or comments are welcome.


Message: 8
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 12:53:30 +0200
From: gerardo de luzenberger <>
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
Subject: Re: [OSList] open space in jeeps
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"

Hi Kari, what marvellous story.
While reading I was just wondering
what happens to the law of two feet and
how you manage to aloud butterflying.
Are those lovely creatures that are just
there doing nothing sitting on a special car?

*Gerardo de Luzenberger**
****Mob: +39 3293281343*
*Tel: +39 02 89751746*
*Fax: +39 02 87151318 *
*Skype: gerardodeluz ?
*IAF: Certified Professional Facilitator*

*genius**loci *

*facilitation & development
* <>
? <>

Sede legale: Via A. Volta 12 - 20121 Milano ? Italy
Uffici: Via A. Volta 6 - 20121 Milano ? Italy


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2013/7/11 K?ri Gunnarsson <>

> I been wondering for a few years if anyone here has ever attempted
> host a moving open space.
> If you are booking Iceland for your open space, then perhaps it would
> be fun to see some sites and have discussion on the road. In my
> extended family we have a tradition that every 3 years we meet for
> road trip. This road trip covers a short distance and is like an open
> space. for we drive for 5 to 15 minutes and then we stop for an hour
> in different locations where the power of the coffee brake takes over
> and people gather to talk about what needs to be talked about. This
> year we had 85 people in 20 jeeps driving around and mixing up the
> groups every time. If discussion was not done, then it would continue
> in the new place, the arrangement of people in jeeps was also
> changeable based on what we needed to talk about. Even with the
> possibly bad whether we can do this, as we all have nice clothing
> protects us from rain, snow and wind. If it rains then we keep our
> papers in the jeeps.
> Open Space meeting in jeeps on the road has the problem of
> impermanence of space, as we are driving around. Any wall space would
> need to be virtual. We already have good place markers that we take
> with us, that is the jeeps them selves, as a different discussion
> group can form next to jeep A or B. The time slots would be the place
> names of the sites that we visit. Like "Jeep B at Geysir"
would be a
> group convening next to jeep B whenever we are next at the Geysir
> site.
> The traditional site seeing in groups is usually hosted with a site
> guide that dumps to much information in to short of a time and hurries
> along so most of the people become to tiered to talk about other
> maters. This must be avoided, but we can still have some light and
> informative information of the sites by use of the comm system in
> jeeps while approaching the sites. We can also tag along and enjoy
> sites while conversing with our groups by giving a little more time,
> would recommend to take a step out of the discussion to take in the
> site and revive the power of the pure nature to fuel the spiritual
> dimension of the discussion.
> In my experiences, the energies and dimensions of a group of jeep
> traveling have almost all the parts that can be used for a good open
> space practice. The only missing part would be the wall that would
> need to be implemented virtually with tablet or smart phone
> application usable with an in jeep wifi / G4 system.
> There are two major factors that drive me to these thoughts, one is
> that the nature is marvels and it is a shame to be stuck in a building
> when we can be traveling. And the other factor is that I like groups
> to come to my small country for experiencing these marvels while going
> on with the business that matters.
> Any experiences, thoughts, opportunities or comments are welcome.
> _______________________________________________
> OSList mailing list
> To post send emails to
> To unsubscribe send an email to
> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
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Message: 9
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 11:23:40 +0000
From: K?ri Gunnarsson <>
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
Subject: Re: [OSList] open space in jeeps
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252
Hi Gerardo

I have often been butterflying with my mind out of the window enjoying
the marvels of the landscape while begin a passenger of a Jeep, taking
no notice of the conversations happening next to me.

In our Open Space Jeep ride with frequent stops for sites and
conversations and many Jeeps, the butterflies will see the sites and
find them sleeves in different jeeps all of the time.

I think Ill draft out a fun 3 day tour and an empowering 5 day tour
for this new moving by jeep open space format, with hot-spring outdoor
thermal pools, geysers, volcanic lava-fields, waterfalls, glaciers,
Nordic buffets, green energy sites and all the traditional fun stuff,
ready for a topic and an invited group.

with a breeze from Iceland

On 11 July 2013 10:53, gerardo de luzenberger <> wrote:
> Hi Kari, what marvellous story.
> While reading I was just wondering
> what happens to the law of two feet and
> how you manage to aloud butterflying.
> Are those lovely creatures that are just
> there doing nothing sitting on a special car?
> ge
> Gerardo de Luzenberger
> Mob: +39 3293281343
> Tel: +39 02 89751746
> Fax: +39 02 87151318
> Skype: gerardodeluz ?
> IAF: Certified Professional Facilitator
> geniusloci
> facilitation & development
> Sede legale: Via A. Volta 12 - 20121 Milano ? Italy
> Uffici: Via A. Volta 6 - 20121 Milano ? Italy
> Prima di stampare questa mail pensa all'ambiente! Please consider
> environment before deciding to print this e-mail
> Il contenuto e gli allegati di questo messaggio sono strettamente
> confidenziali. Ne ? vietata la diffusione e l'uso non autorizzato.
> il presente messaggio le fosse pervenuto per errore, le saremmo grati
> distruggesse e, via e-mail, ce ne comunicasse l'errata ricezione
> all'indirizzo
> This e-mail (and any attachment(s)) is strictly confidential and for
> only by intended recipient(s). If you are not an intended recipient(s),
> please notify it via e-mail at promp
> 2013/7/11 K?ri Gunnarsson <>
>> I been wondering for a few years if anyone here has ever attempted
>> host a moving open space.
>> If you are booking Iceland for your open space, then perhaps it
>> be fun to see some sites and have discussion on the road. In my
>> extended family we have a tradition that every 3 years we meet
for a
>> road trip. This road trip covers a short distance and is like
an open
>> space. for we drive for 5 to 15 minutes and then we stop for an
>> in different locations where the power of the coffee brake takes
>> and people gather to talk about what needs to be talked about.
>> year we had 85 people in 20 jeeps driving around and mixing up
>> groups every time. If discussion was not done, then it would continue
>> in the new place, the arrangement of people in jeeps was also
>> changeable based on what we needed to talk about. Even with the
>> possibly bad whether we can do this, as we all have nice clothing
>> protects us from rain, snow and wind. If it rains then we keep
>> papers in the jeeps.
>> Open Space meeting in jeeps on the road has the problem of
>> impermanence of space, as we are driving around. Any wall space
>> need to be virtual. We already have good place markers that we
>> with us, that is the jeeps them selves, as a different discussion
>> group can form next to jeep A or B. The time slots would be the
>> names of the sites that we visit. Like "Jeep B at Geysir"
would be a
>> group convening next to jeep B whenever we are next at the Geysir
>> site.
>> The traditional site seeing in groups is usually hosted with a
>> guide that dumps to much information in to short of a time and
>> along so most of the people become to tiered to talk about other
>> maters. This must be avoided, but we can still have some light
>> informative information of the sites by use of the comm system
in the
>> jeeps while approaching the sites. We can also tag along and enjoy
>> sites while conversing with our groups by giving a little more
time, I
>> would recommend to take a step out of the discussion to take in
>> site and revive the power of the pure nature to fuel the spiritual
>> dimension of the discussion.
>> In my experiences, the energies and dimensions of a group of jeep
>> traveling have almost all the parts that can be used for a good
>> space practice. The only missing part would be the wall that would
>> need to be implemented virtually with tablet or smart phone
>> application usable with an in jeep wifi / G4 system.
>> There are two major factors that drive me to these thoughts, one
>> that the nature is marvels and it is a shame to be stuck in a
>> when we can be traveling. And the other factor is that I like
>> to come to my small country for experiencing these marvels while
>> on with the business that matters.
>> Any experiences, thoughts, opportunities or comments are welcome.
>> _______________________________________________
>> OSList mailing list
>> To post send emails to
>> To unsubscribe send an email to
>> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
> _______________________________________________
> OSList mailing list
> To post send emails to
> To unsubscribe send an email to
> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:

K?ri Gunnarsson
gsm: +354 8645189


Message: 10
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 08:35:31 -0400
From: "Harrison Owen" <>
To: "'World wide Open Space Technology email list'"
Subject: Re: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours
Message-ID: <000301ce7e33$2242d440$66c87cc0$@net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Scott - When teaching a kid to ride a bike, you only push as long as you
have to. When the kid takes off - Let Them Go! In my experience, when riding
the "Open Space Bike" a 15 min push will do the job, provided
the conditions
are right (real issue, complexity, diversity, etc). Actually, with every
group I've ever worked with - large or small - it seems like they already
knew how to ride. They just needed a gentle reminder - and off they went.
help needed.


Harrison Owen

7808 River Falls Dr.

Potomac, MD 20854


189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)

Camden, Maine 04843

Phone 301-365-2093

(summer)  207-763-3261 Website)

To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives of OSLIST
Go to:

On Behalf Of Scott Gassman
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 8:48 PM
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
Subject: Re: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours


I am going to print these paragraphs of yours and think about the "ZERO
confidence," "about what is going on."

That's  good  material for me to think about as I approach future

I am touched by your Kathie story.  Kathie's respect for you came
out in a
conversation and made me want to learn Open Space, and so she really steered
me towards learning with you and Lisa up in Maine. I do remember you leaving
to take a nap and me scratching my head - how - in the middle, can you
go? I guess until now I dance between the freedom of Open Space and joint
design team sharing that anchors me to do as much as I can to support the
group and deliver a quick start.  I want the organizational team to
and I also want to have them have those first few steps of how to get going
on their own.

I think of it as pushing a kid on a 2 wheel bicycle, also "out of
aiming to get them to keep pedaling  and stay up.

Here's my honesty to you, Sharon Joy.


On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 6:06 PM, Harrison Owen <>

Scott said - "Not all of us have your (that's me - HO) confidence,
or competence in all situations to trust ourselves, in an organization
may live/work in and/or the process in a room potentially filled with
bureaucrats, whose shadow can slow down the speed of large group movement."

Nice words, Scott - but once again I have a different take. Truth is I
ZERO confidence, to say nothing of clarity, in my "competence in all
situations to trust (my)ourselves, in an organization we may live/work
and/or the process in a room potentially filled with bureaucrats, whose
shadow can slow down the speed of large group movement." Quite to
contrary,  I know totally and completely that I will NEVER have a
real clue
about what is going on. Too complex, inter-related, fast moving, opaque...
BUT the people do. My only responsibility (possibility) is to invite them
do what only they know how to do - and then, as quickly as possible, get
of the way. Usually to take a napJ

And Kathie Dannemiller was a special person and a friend. I respect her
greatly. And... somebody once asked her why, given what she did, she didn't
use Open Space. Her reply, as I heard it, was - "I'd be terrified
... it
could get out of control." The big secret, of course, was that she
(as we
all are) was always out of control - so there was nothing to lose.


Harrison Owen

7808 River Falls Dr.

Potomac, MD 20854


189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)

Camden, Maine 04843

Phone 301-365-2093

(summer)  207-763-3261<><>
 (Personal Website)

To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives of OSLIST
Go to:

On Behalf Of Scott Gassman
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 5:01 PM

To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
Subject: Re: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours

Hi Harrison,

Glad you responded, Sharon gets to think deeper about how to proceed and
hopefully clearer about her design decisions.

I clearly hear "get out of the way quickly," and the authenticity
of how you
have lived/practiced OpenSpace. I love it when I do it.

Not all of us have your confidence, clarity or competence in all situations
to trust ourselves, in an organization we may live/work in and/or the
process in a room potentially filled with bureaucrats, whose shadow can
down the speed of large group movement.

Whether my approach is a cop out to the OS process, my Kathie Dannemiller
lessons about Design Teams has helped me to usually make the process
consciously the participants' process.


On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 1:30 PM, Harrison Owen <>

Scott - I guess I really have a different take. I have never seen any reason
to "plant" topics, or emplace "spark plugs." In every
situation with large
groups in my experience (my largest was 2108 J) - the people do it all
themselves, just like usual. If anything the action is faster, and more
furious with a large group. Once it rolls, it really rolls. You just got
get out of the way quickly - which is why I would make sure the opening
fast and sweet. Once person (facilitator) only - and on with the show!
course the "necessary conditions" must be in place (real business
complexity, diversity, passion, conflict, urgency) - and from there on
the only thing you need to do is sit in a circle, create bulletin board,
open market place - and go to work. Nothing else needed.


Harrison Owen

7808 River Falls Dr.

Potomac, MD 20854


189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)

Camden, Maine 04843

Phone 301-365-2093

(summer)  207-763-3261<><>
 (Personal Website)

To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives of OSLIST
Go to:

On Behalf Of Scott Gassman
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 10:13 AM
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
Subject: Re: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours

Hi Sharon Joy,

Thanks for sharing your opportunity and provoking our experience and

Lisa has given you great tips, great food for thought. For me the joy of
laid back

OS alters when I must manage tighter time frames, larger numbers and
logistics. I

want people to see what they can get done when they are focused and led

well planned OS tasks.

I think about the outcome/purpose the client/group wants to walk away with.
I try to

get clear on their goal(s)/desired outcomes. I am fond of design teams

any large group initiative. I would bring together 5 to 10 vertically

influencers as soon as possible and preceding the get together and confirm

desired outcomes, I would then ask them to brainstorm a list of important

for this conversation and to rework the list into a vital few examples.
would also

encourage this group to recognize the significance of their role and to
serve as

spark plugs to get the large group moving forward.

However the session is opened, I would include a design team member or
to share their

hopes and aspirations for this meeting, and to briefly share the list of
topics as examples

for the 1,000 others to raise what matters most to them per the "high


This is a great opportunity for your government to work together.

I also look forward to learning about your experience and next steps.

Scott Gassman

On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 8:38 PM, Sharon Joy Chao <>

Need to figure a way of convening a thousand government people to go through
an exploratory discussion on high performance system, all under 4 hours.

This happens next week down south in the city of Cebu. The focus is on
Philippine government service, its performance management system and how
can be truly essential, responsive and life-giving.

Gail West, my OS mentor friend, has provided me with some incredible
suggestions on how to proceed and she also advised me to post on OSList.

Any thoughts on how best to proceed with a cast of thousand in 4 hours

Maraming Salamat.

Sharon Joy Berlin Chao
Commonwealth Avenue, U.P. Diliman, Quezon City
Metro Manila 1101 Philippines
Phone (632) 924-7681, 9267900
Fax (632) 928-7692

OSList mailing list
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Scott Gassman
(917) 951 - 0258

America Speaks on Scott:

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Scott Gassman
(917) 951 - 0258

America Speaks on Scott:

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Scott Gassman
(917) 951 - 0258

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Message: 11
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 14:38:15 +0200
From: Lise Damkj?r <>
Subject: Re: [OSList] open space in jeeps
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hey K?ri

I really like your idea - I certainly would like to enjoy Iceland and do
an open space at the same time - lot of fun with the jeeps as well I think.

I hope your idea will grow and become thrue one day...

Lise, Copenhagen

Den 11-07-2013 10:04, K?ri Gunnarsson skrev:
> I been wondering for a few years if anyone here has ever attempted
> host a moving open space.
> If you are booking Iceland for your open space, then perhaps it would
> be fun to see some sites and have discussion on the road. In my
> extended family we have a tradition that every 3 years we meet for
> road trip. This road trip covers a short distance and is like an open
> space. for we drive for 5 to 15 minutes and then we stop for an hour
> in different locations where the power of the coffee brake takes over
> and people gather to talk about what needs to be talked about. This
> year we had 85 people in 20 jeeps driving around and mixing up the
> groups every time. If discussion was not done, then it would continue
> in the new place, the arrangement of people in jeeps was also
> changeable based on what we needed to talk about. Even with the
> possibly bad whether we can do this, as we all have nice clothing
> protects us from rain, snow and wind. If it rains then we keep our
> papers in the jeeps.
> Open Space meeting in jeeps on the road has the problem of
> impermanence of space, as we are driving around. Any wall space would
> need to be virtual. We already have good place markers that we take
> with us, that is the jeeps them selves, as a different discussion
> group can form next to jeep A or B. The time slots would be the place
> names of the sites that we visit. Like "Jeep B at Geysir"
would be a
> group convening next to jeep B whenever we are next at the Geysir
> site.
> The traditional site seeing in groups is usually hosted with a site
> guide that dumps to much information in to short of a time and hurries
> along so most of the people become to tiered to talk about other
> maters. This must be avoided, but we can still have some light and
> informative information of the sites by use of the comm system in
> jeeps while approaching the sites. We can also tag along and enjoy
> sites while conversing with our groups by giving a little more time,
> would recommend to take a step out of the discussion to take in the
> site and revive the power of the pure nature to fuel the spiritual
> dimension of the discussion.
> In my experiences, the energies and dimensions of a group of jeep
> traveling have almost all the parts that can be used for a good open
> space practice. The only missing part would be the wall that would
> need to be implemented virtually with tablet or smart phone
> application usable with an in jeep wifi / G4 system.
> There are two major factors that drive me to these thoughts, one is
> that the nature is marvels and it is a shame to be stuck in a building
> when we can be traveling. And the other factor is that I like groups
> to come to my small country for experiencing these marvels while going
> on with the business that matters.
> Any experiences, thoughts, opportunities or comments are welcome.
> _______________________________________________
> OSList mailing list
> To post send emails to
> To unsubscribe send an email to
> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
> -----
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Lise Damkj?r
T: +45 2949 9636
Kan du skabe 30% ekstra v?rdi i projektet
ved at arbejde systematisk med flow?


Message: 12
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 06:33:30 -0700 (PDT)
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
Subject: Re: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Interesting discussion...
Scott, you said: "I want the organizational team to discover and I
want to have them have those first few steps of how to get going on their
own.?" What do THEY want?
I guess a fundamental message that needs to be clearly conveyed?from the
outset?is who's responsible for the outcomes of the meeting? If you are,
and so communicated, I can see your desire to make sure certain things
happen...but if they are, and agree to it, then you are simply providing
environment that allows them to be their own leaders and be responsible
their?own passions. If things don't turn out to their satisfaction, there
is something to be learned?about themselves.
I would focus the planning on the logistics so that the least amount of
time is wasted.
Chuni Li

From: Scott Gassman <>
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 8:47 PM
Subject: Re: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours


I am going to print these paragraphs of yours and think about the "ZERO
confidence," "about what is going on."?
That's ?good ?material for me to think about as I approach future group
I am touched by your Kathie story. ?Kathie's respect for you came out in
conversation and made me want to learn Open Space, and so she really
steered me towards learning with you and Lisa up in Maine. I do remember
you leaving to take a nap and me scratching my head - how - in the middle,
can you let go? I guess until now I dance between the freedom of Open Space
and joint?design team?sharing that anchors me to do as much as I can to
support the group and deliver a quick start. ?I want the organizational
to discover and I also want to have them have those first few steps of
to get going on their own.?
I think of it as pushing a kid on a 2 wheel bicycle, also "out of
aiming to get them to keep pedaling ?and stay up.

Here's my honesty to you, Sharon Joy.


On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 6:06 PM, Harrison Owen <>

Scott said ? ?Not all of us have your (that?s me ? HO) confidence, clarity
or competence in all situations to trust ourselves, in an organization
may live/work in and/or the process in a room potentially filled with
bureaucrats, whose shadow can slow down the speed of large group movement.??
>Nice words, Scott ? but once again I have a different take. Truth is
have ZERO confidence, to say nothing of clarity, in my ?competence in all
situations to trust (my)ourselves, in an organization we may live/work
and/or the process in a room potentially filled with bureaucrats, whose
shadow can slow down the speed of large group movement.? Quite to the
contrary, ?I know totally and completely that I will NEVER have a real
about what is going on. Too complex, inter-related, fast moving, opaque...
BUT the people do. My only responsibility (possibility) is to invite them
to do what only they know how to do ? and then, as quickly as possible,
out of the way. Usually to take a napJ
>And Kathie Dannemiller was a special person and a friend. I respect
greatly. And... somebody once asked her why, given what she did, she didn?t
use Open Space. Her reply, as I heard it, was ? ?I?d be terrified ... it
could get out of control.? The big secret, of course, was that she (as
all are) was always out of control ? so there was nothing to lose.
>Harrison Owen
>7808 River Falls Dr.
>Potomac, MD 20854
>189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)
>Camden, Maine 04843
>Phone 301-365-2093
>(summer)? 207-763-3261
> Website)
>To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives of
> [<>]
On Behalf Of Scott Gassman
>Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 5:01 PM
>To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
>Subject: Re: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours
>Hi Harrison,
>Glad you responded, Sharon gets to think deeper about how to proceed
be hopefully clearer about her design decisions.
>I clearly hear "get out of the way quickly,"?and the authenticity
of how
you have lived/practiced OpenSpace. I love it when I do it.
>Not all of us have your confidence, clarity or competence in all
situations to trust ourselves, in an organization we may live/work in
and/or the process in a room potentially filled with bureaucrats, whose
shadow can slow down the speed of large group movement.?
>Whether my approach is a cop out to the OS process, my Kathie Dannemiller
lessons about Design Teams has helped me to usually make the process
consciously the participants' process.
>On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 1:30 PM, Harrison Owen <>
>Scott ? I guess I really have a different take. I have never seen any
reason to ?plant? topics, or emplace ?spark plugs.? In every situation
large groups in my experience (my largest was 2108 J) ? the people do it
all by themselves, just like usual. If anything the action is faster, and
more furious with a large group. Once it rolls, it really rolls. You just
got to get out of the way quickly ? which is why I would make sure the
opening was fast and sweet. Once person (facilitator) only ? and on with
show! Of course the ?necessary conditions? must be in place (real business
issue, complexity, diversity, passion, conflict, urgency) ? and from there
on out the only thing you need to do is sit in a circle, create bulletin
board, open market place ? and go to work. Nothing else needed.
>Harrison Owen
>7808 River Falls Dr.
>Potomac, MD 20854
>189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)
>Camden, Maine 04843
>Phone 301-365-2093
>(summer)? 207-763-3261
> Website)
>To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives of
> [<>]
On Behalf Of Scott Gassman
>Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 10:13 AM
>To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
>Subject: Re: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours
>Hi Sharon Joy,
>Thanks for sharing your opportunity and provoking our experience and
>Lisa has given you great tips, great food for thought. For me the joy
of a
laid back?
>OS alters when I must manage tighter time frames, larger numbers and
logistics. I?
>want people to?see what they can get done when they are focused and
>well planned OS tasks.?
>I think about the?outcome/purpose the client/group wants to walk away
with. I try to?
>get clear on their?goal(s)/desired outcomes. I am fond of design teams
>any large group initiative. I would bring together 5 to 10 vertically
>influencers as soon as possible and preceding the get together and
>desired outcomes, I would then ask them to brainstorm a list of important
>for this conversation and to rework the list into a vital few examples.
would also?
>encourage this group to recognize the significance of their role and
serve as?
>spark plugs to get the large group moving forward.
>However the session is opened, I would include a design team member
or two
to share their?
>hopes and aspirations for this meeting, and to briefly share the list
topics as examples?
>for the 1,000 others to raise what matters most to them per the "high
>This is a great opportunity for your government to work together.
>I also look forward to learning about your experience and next steps.
>Scott Gassman
>On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 8:38 PM, Sharon Joy Chao <>
>Need to figure a way of convening a thousand government people to go
through an exploratory discussion on high performance system, all under
>This happens next week down south in the city of Cebu. The focus is
on the
Philippine government service, its performance management system and how
can be truly essential, responsive and life-giving.
>Gail West, my OS mentor friend, has provided me with some incredible
suggestions on how to proceed and she also advised me to post on OSList.
>Any thoughts on how best to proceed with a cast of thousand in 4 hours
>Maraming Salamat.
>Sharon Joy Berlin Chao
>Commonwealth Avenue, U.P. Diliman, Quezon City
>Metro Manila 1101 Philippines
>Phone (632) 924-7681, 9267900
>Fax (632) 928-7692
>OSList mailing list
>To post send emails to
>To unsubscribe send an email to
>To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
>Scott Gassman
>(917) 951 - 0258
>America Speaks on Scott:?
>OSList mailing list
>To post send emails to
>To unsubscribe send an email to
>To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
>Scott Gassman
>(917) 951 - 0258
>America Speaks on Scott:?
>OSList mailing list
>To post send emails to
>To unsubscribe send an email to
>To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:

Scott Gassman
(917) 951 - 0258

America Speaks on Scott:?

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Message: 13
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 19:38:20 +0200
From: Lourdes Adriana Diaz-Berrio Doring <>
To:, World wide Open Space Technology email list
Subject: Re: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"

Hello: Responding to the question about an OS for a large group but  e
hours I agree with Lisa and I want to say that yes it is very importqnt
have a lot os space for the agenda. I had 320 participants last week and
this was a problem because they had problems getting to the wall to read.
For the closing circle they helped put the chairs back in circles and I
just took a few interventions but it was really interesting!


2013/7/11 <>

> Interesting discussion...
> Scott, you said: "I want the organizational team to discover
and I also
> want to have them have those first few steps of how to get going on
> own. " What do THEY want?
> I guess a fundamental message that needs to be clearly conveyed from
> outset is who's responsible for the outcomes of the meeting? If you
> and so communicated, I can see your desire to make sure certain things
> happen...but if they are, and agree to it, then you are simply providing
> environment that allows them to be their own leaders and be responsible
> their own passions. If things don't turn out to their satisfaction,
> is something to be learned about themselves.
> I would focus the planning on the logistics so that the least amount
> time is wasted.
> Chuni Li
>   *From:* Scott Gassman <>
> *To:* World wide Open Space Technology email list <
> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 10, 2013 8:47 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours
> Harrison,
> I am going to print these paragraphs of yours and think about the
> confidence," "about what is going on."
> That's  good  material for me to think about as I approach
future group
> work.
> I am touched by your Kathie story.  Kathie's respect for you
came out in a
> conversation and made me want to learn Open Space, and so she really
> steered me towards learning with you and Lisa up in Maine. I do remember
> you leaving to take a nap and me scratching my head - how - in the
> can you let go? I guess until now I dance between the freedom of Open
> and joint design team sharing that anchors me to do as much as I can
> support the group and deliver a quick start.  I want the organizational
> team to discover and I also want to have them have those first few
> how to get going on their own.
> I think of it as pushing a kid on a 2 wheel bicycle, also "out
> control," aiming to get them to keep pedaling  and stay
> Here's my honesty to you, Sharon Joy.
> Scott
> On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 6:06 PM, Harrison Owen <>
>  Scott said ? ?Not all of us have your (that?s me ? HO) confidence,
> clarity or competence in all situations to trust ourselves, in an
> organization we may live/work in and/or the process in a room potentially
> filled with bureaucrats, whose shadow can slow down the speed of large
> group movement.? ****
> ** **
> Nice words, Scott ? but once again I have a different take. Truth
is I
> have ZERO confidence, to say nothing of clarity, in my ?competence
in all
> situations to trust (my)ourselves, in an organization we may live/work
> and/or the process in a room potentially filled with bureaucrats,
> shadow can slow down the speed of large group movement.? Quite to
> contrary,  I know totally and completely that I will NEVER have
a real
> about what is going on. Too complex, inter-related, fast moving, opaque...
> BUT the people do. My only responsibility (possibility) is to invite
> to do what only they know how to do ? and then, as quickly as possible,
> out of the way. Usually to take a napJ****
> ** **
> And Kathie Dannemiller was a special person and a friend. I respect
> greatly. And... somebody once asked her why, given what she did, she
> use Open Space. Her reply, as I heard it, was ? ?I?d be terrified
... it
> could get out of control.? The big secret, of course, was that she
(as we
> all are) was always out of control ? so there was nothing to lose.****
>  ****
> Harrison****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> Harrison Owen****
> 7808 River Falls Dr.****
> Potomac, MD 20854****
> USA****
> ** **
> 189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)****
> Camden, Maine 04843****
> ** **
> Phone 301-365-2093****
> (summer)  207-763-3261****
> ** **
(Personal Website)****
> To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives
> OSLIST Go to:
> ** **
>  *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Scott Gassman
> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 10, 2013 5:01 PM
> *To:* World wide Open Space Technology email list
> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours****
>  ** **
> Hi Harrison,****
>  ** **
>  Glad you responded, Sharon gets to think deeper about how to
proceed and
> be hopefully clearer about her design decisions.****
>  I clearly hear "get out of the way quickly," and the
authenticity of how
> you have lived/practiced OpenSpace. I love it when I do it.****
>  Not all of us have your confidence, clarity or competence in
> situations to trust ourselves, in an organization we may live/work
> and/or the process in a room potentially filled with bureaucrats,
> shadow can slow down the speed of large group movement. ****
>  Whether my approach is a cop out to the OS process, my Kathie
Dannemillerlessons about Design Teams has helped me to usually make the
> consciously the participants' process.****
>  ** **
>  Scott****
>  ** **
>  On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 1:30 PM, Harrison Owen <>
> wrote:****
>  Scott ? I guess I really have a different take. I have never
seen any
> reason to ?plant? topics, or emplace ?spark plugs.? In every situation
> with large groups in my experience (my largest was 2108 J) ? the people
> do it all by themselves, just like usual. If anything the action is
> and more furious with a large group. Once it rolls, it really rolls.
> just got to get out of the way quickly ? which is why I would make
> opening was fast and sweet. Once person (facilitator) only ? and on
> the show! Of course the ?necessary conditions? must be in place (real
> business issue, complexity, diversity, passion, conflict, urgency)
? and
> from there on out the only thing you need to do is sit in a circle,
> bulletin board, open market place ? and go to work. Nothing else needed.**
> **
>  ****
> Harrison****
>  ****
> Harrison Owen****
> 7808 River Falls Dr.****
> Potomac, MD 20854****
> USA****
>  ****
> 189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)****
> Camden, Maine 04843****
>  ****
> Phone 301-365-2093****
> (summer)  207-763-3261****
>  ****
> Website)****
> To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives
> OSLIST Go to:
>  ****
>  *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Scott Gassman
> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 10, 2013 10:13 AM
> *To:* World wide Open Space Technology email list
> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] 1,000 participants in 4 hours****
>   ****
> Hi Sharon Joy,****
>   ****
>  Thanks for sharing your opportunity and provoking our experience
> imagination.****
>  Lisa has given you great tips, great food for thought. For me
the joy of
> a laid back ****
>  OS alters when I must manage tighter time frames, larger numbers
> logistics. I ****
>  want people to see what they can get done when they are focused
and led
> through ****
>  well planned OS tasks. ****
>  I think about the outcome/purpose the client/group wants to
walk away
> with. I try to ****
>  get clear on their goal(s)/desired outcomes. I am fond of design
> preceding ****
>  any large group initiative. I would bring together 5 to 10 vertically
> positioned ****
>  influencers as soon as possible and preceding the get together
> confirm sought ****
>  desired outcomes, I would then ask them to brainstorm a list
> important topics****
>  for this conversation and to rework the list into a vital few
> I would also ****
>  encourage this group to recognize the significance of their
role and to
> serve as ****
>  spark plugs to get the large group moving forward.****
>  However the session is opened, I would include a design team
member or
> two to share their ****
>  hopes and aspirations for this meeting, and to briefly share
the list of
> topics as examples ****
>  for the 1,000 others to raise what matters most to them per
the "high
> performance ****
>  system"sought.****
>   ****
>  This is a great opportunity for your government to work together.****
>  I also look forward to learning about your experience and next
>   ****
>  Scott Gassman****
>   ****
>   ****
>   ****
>  On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 8:38 PM, Sharon Joy Chao <
>> wrote:****
> Need to figure a way of convening a thousand government people to
> through an exploratory discussion on high performance system, all
under 4
> hours.
> This happens next week down south in the city of Cebu. The focus is
on the
> Philippine government service, its performance management system and
> can be truly essential, responsive and life-giving.
> Gail West, my OS mentor friend, has provided me with some incredible
> suggestions on how to proceed and she also advised me to post on OSList.
> Any thoughts on how best to proceed with a cast of thousand in 4 hours
> time?
> Maraming Salamat.
> ========================================
> Sharon Joy Berlin Chao
> Commonwealth Avenue, U.P. Diliman, Quezon City
> Metro Manila 1101 Philippines
> Phone (632) 924-7681, 9267900
> Fax (632) 928-7692
> _______________________________________________
> OSList mailing list
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> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
> ****
>   ****
> --
> Scott Gassman
> IdeaJuice
> (917) 951 - 0258
> America Speaks on Scott:
> ****
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> OSList mailing list
> To post send emails to
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> ****
>  ** **
> --
> Scott Gassman
> IdeaJuice
> (917) 951 - 0258
> America Speaks on Scott:
> ****
> _______________________________________________
> OSList mailing list
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> --
> Scott Gassman
> IdeaJuice
> (917) 951 - 0258
> America Speaks on Scott:
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Adriana D?az-Berrio Ph.D. CRHA
(514) 739 2268
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NuFocus Strategic Group
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