Comments most welcome on this.

warm wishes

Paul Levy

This is my personal favorite principle of open space technology. Why should
a session run to the end of its allotted time on a timetable if the
conversation has reached a natural end? Why should a vital conversation be
brought to a premature end if it needs to flow on?

When we self-organise a conversation, we self-organise the flow, and that
includes self-organising the start and end points. There may, indeed, be
consequences for any timetabled following sessions, but in open space it
usually tends to work out, especially if we are in a zone of “whatever
happens , happens.”

This isn’t about being irresponsible, or disrespectful. This is about
processes starting and ending as needed in the present situation.
Timetables then become drafts, the reality of the emerging now is then
given more weight.

When it’s over, it’s over can be relevant for a group and/or for an
individual. The conversation may be over for me and I may use to two feet
to go elsewhere, even as others in the circle continue the conversation. It
may be over for the group or even for the one who called the session.

We cannot predict when things will be ready end, even if we set the start
and end times down in writing. This principles offers up an invitation to
let the ending happen when it happens, and to be at ease with that being
earlier, on time, or later.

Now, that also sets up some wonderful nuances. Sometimes when we walk away
from something, it gives as the new perspective of that thing being behind
us. If, on reflection, we turn back and look at it, new insights might
emerge, and even a re-evaluation. Deciding something is over, may
paradoxically, offer up the insight that it is far from over. If we allow
ourselves the flexibility, we may decide it isn’t over at all and either
head back into the flow, or offer up a session of continuity later.

Another possibility can emerge where what is actually over is a particular
avenue of conversation. If we find a little shared silence, a new avenue
may open up. I’ve heard of several session leaders inviting a pause at the
potential end of a session – some quiet reflection time for anyone who
wants to. Out of that silence, Quaker-like, comes a new impulse and
something new begins, or something creates continuity.

So, when it’s over, it’s over, doesn’t only refer to sessions, but also to
lines of flow, to themes and specific questions. The end of something can
be the end of an out-breath and a little silence can be the in-breadth of
something further, something possible.

So, when it’s over, it is over. But is can also mean: When it’s over, it’s
over for now.

I love this principle when it is experiences playfully, as part of a rhythm
of flow, rather than as some kind of absolute commandment from a
facilitator. Some open space facilitators present this as “When it’s over,
get the hell out of there, without looking back”.

I think that is a shame. Because endings are always the doors new new
beginnings and, more often than not, simply pauses in the flow.

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