Hi Michael,
I am in agreement too with Michael P. and Harrison, from a
facilitator-space-holder's perspective.  It is interesting though:  a few
weeks ago, I had the for-me rare experience of being a participant and
co-sponsor for an OST in an organization that I am a part of.  It was
exciting and rather astounding to be "on the other side" of a major OST for
the first time in many years.  I definitely was not picking up coffee cups
or taking naps!  While I would not describe my role as any attempt to
"elevate passion," I was certainly acting, speaking, engaging with passion
from my own truth and my own agenda for my organization.  Since that event
also, I have been highly engaged in conversations with my organizational
leadership in which I am working to keep the space open so that the energy
released can cascade meaningfully through our complex work without
unnecessary structural obstacles.
So my observation is simply this:  It is good to remember when we
facilitate an OST how much awareness and engaged hard work is required of
the folks in the organization to continue opening space for passion and
transformation long after the closing circle is complete.

On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 3:35 PM, Harrison Owen <hho...@verizon.net> wrote:

> I really can't argue with Michael P. in his response to Michael W. --
> Inspiration in Open Space is something that just seems to happen, if by
> inspiration we mean the appearance of spirit, with a capitol or small "s."
> And I'm really not sure that we can do anything to increase its appearance.
> Spirit, for better or worse, always seems to have mind of its own. That
> said, the appearance of Spirit/spirit in Open Space is (for me) a matter of
> more than incidental concern. I find it just awesome in every sense of that
> word. Wonderful is another word that comes to mind. Just like clockwork, it
> seems that whenever/wherever space is open, spirit shows up.
> It might be tempting to think what we did it. Like some sorcerer, we have
> waved our hands, mumbled some words... and POOOF! Spirit!! Oh the POWER!!!
> What a fraud.
> The truth of the matter, I think, is that Spirit was there all the time,
> buried under the layers of abuse, rules, regulations, social constraints,
> organizational structures and procedures... just hiding out. Were we to
> create some new special procedures, methods, tools -- we would only make
> the
> situation worse. What we can do is Nothing at all. Just get out of the way.
> I guess this could sound a lot weird and mystical, but actually it is just
> a
> practical, everyday experience whenever space is opened. At least it has
> been my constant experience whenever I have been privileged to be in open
> space. The cases are multiple, and usually go something like this. Some
> group of people, typically an organization of some sort, shows up and sits
> in a circle... and in what seems just a moment, pass from dispirited
> cantankerousness into a state of excited interchange and (dare we say it?)
> inspired performance. Contrary to their expectations and the expectations
> and perceptions of their friends, managers, and enemies...it turns out that
> somebody really is home. They demonstrate capacity and competence. It is
> exciting just to be in their presence. WOW!
> But did we do it? I don't think so. We just got out of the way, otherwise
> known as being totally present and absolutely invisible. Or something.
> If I haven't lost you, and you want some more try:
> http://openspaceworld.com/spirt_shows.htm
> Harrison
> Harrison Owen
> 7808 River Falls Dr.
> Potomac, MD 20854
> 189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)
> Camden, Maine 04843
> Phone 301-365-2093
> (summer)  207-763-3261
> www.openspaceworld.com
> www.ho-image.com (Personal Website)
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org
> [mailto:oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org] On Behalf Of Michael M
> Pannwitz
> Sent: Friday, November 29, 2013 8:40 AM
> To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
> Subject: Re: [OSList] raising inspiration
> Dear Michael,
> I dont invite "leadership as a combination of passion and responsibility"
> when I facilitate an os-event.
> In that sense I dont have to elevate anything (although I have had the
> experience, especially referring to romantic passion, that it has at times
> been elevated, it being a complete mystery to me, how that happens, but it
> happies me, when it happens).
> In my experience a lot of things that I observe happening in an open space
> event happen without me being much interested in them happening but they
> certainly are meaningful. But really, whether they happen or not, I dont
> really care.
> What I focus on, is to have time and space expand for the unfolding of
> selforganisation. And that keeps me really busy, just no time to think of
> all those things that ensue: passion, responsibility, peace, love,
> ingenuity, high performance, community, creativity, fun, play, high
> learning, you name it.
> These things, wonderful as they are, just happen or take place in the wake
> of selforganisation doing its thing.
> As I probably often have said on this LIST: they are byproducts of my focus
> on the force of selforgaisation.
> Have a great weekend, slowing down is a good idea... I will be doing a bit
> of that on my trip from Berlin to Krakow on Sunday, 8 hours on a long
> distance bus, trying to follow the invitation to a Stammtisch in Krakow on
> Monday.
> Cheers
> mmp
> On 29.11.2013 05:47, Michael Wood wrote:
> > In OST we invite leadership  as a combination of passion and
> > responsibility. A question I sometimes mull over is, 'is it possible
> > to elevate 'passion' (clearly I'm not just referring to romantic
> > passions)? If to be inspired is to be 'in-spirited', then is there
> > anything we can do to raise Spirit amongst people who might not
> > currently be experiencing very much of it? Or is it always a
> > gift/grace which catches us by surprise?
> >
> > When I ask this question of my own experience I find that inspiration
> > sometimes comes to me in silence, when I slow down. At other times
> > I've been inspired from the outside by an inspirational speech in
> > which a great vision of alternative future has got my attention. In an
> > OST event there will be certain people who will be there immediately
> > because they are already inspired by the topic. But can anything be
> > done to inspire the currently uninspired? Or doesn't it matter that we
> > even try to do so?
> >
> > Michael Wood Perth, Western Australia
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> --
> Michael M Pannwitz
> Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
> ++49 - 30-772 8000
> Check out the Open Space World Map presently showing 419 resident Open
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