Dear Michael,

first movie that comes to my mind
Salt of the Earth
here is a link

I remember mostly the story of the miners' women that organized to fight the mining company to "protect" their husbands. It also shows vividly the connection between selforganisation and emancipation in a highly volatile context.

As I remember the movie, made in the 50s, was shown many decades later... it was certainly un- whatever, such as Un-American...

Greetings from Berlin where I and my family and neighbors are speechless about the airliner shot down over the Ukraine...


On 18.07.2014 03:27, Michael Wood wrote:
Last night I watched a film called The Dallas Buyers Club. It won a couple of 
Academy Awards last year. It tells the story from the mid 1980s about how 
groups of people living with AIDS self organised themselves to source and 
experiment with various 'unauthorised' treatments. This fringe work ultimately 
shaped more mainstream treatments. Over breakfast this morning I was thinking 
about it some more and thinking what a powerful example it was of a 
self-organising system. There was a complex/wicked problem, a few people 
stepped forward combining passion and responsibility and invited other people 
to join them.

Then I started wondering what other movies give such good illustrations of the 
power of self organisation. When we try to tell others about the 
self-organising principles of OST it is usually easiest to tell stories and 
movies are a form of story telling.

I accept that if we live in a self-organising world then all movies will 
illustrate self-organisation in some way. However, I suspect that some films 
illustrate it more clearly than others. What movie would you point to as 
vividly illustrating the power of self-organisation, and why?

Michael Wood
Perth, Western Australia
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