i woke up this morning thinking about this game, thinking in a direction
similar to paul levy.

i am the nominal leader of a community garden now for four years.  my
management is deeply informed by my learning in and about open space.  does
it count as 1 or 4?

i once had a client who flew me in to facilitate a meeting.  we also built
a weblog and they contacted me a number of times, over several years, with
minor technical questions.  do the meeting and the blog count as one
together, or two separate?

i taught my grandma to say "ah," as she began the active process of dying.
 she then repeated that seed syllable, a one-syllable mantra for peace, on
every breath of her last week of life.  she never opened her eyes but over
that week completely relaxed her whole body.  was that open space?  what
about up all night rocking a tiny, sick, neice?

i saw some new neighbors moving in the other day.  our neighborhood has a
lot of old houses and everybody moves in and starts updating everything.  i
offered my tools and experience.  if they never take me up on that
offer/invitation, does it count?  what if they just look for me at my desk
in our front window, and wave when they see me, while out walking their
dog?  that could happen a lot.  must count as only once?  or maybe it
doesn't count at all?

what about three opening briefings, on three consecutive days of open space
trainings i've done?  and what about all the things that happen after an
event, does the original opener get partial credit for things his/her
participants open later on?

to paul's point, i can ask questions like this about almost every situation
where i facilitated a meeting in an open space way, and about many other
situations where i was not "facilitating" anything, apparently.  this is
one of the ways i understand that we live in open space.

my approach to training folks in and about open space is significantly
focused on the crafting of invitations, in the belief that if we make
enough invitations, over time, people, groups and good work are going to
show up.

i also focus on discovering all the different ways that whomever i'm
"training" has already been opening space in their own lives.  i don't
think anyone could come to this work without having already done it before.
 it would be completely un-understandable to them without prior experience.
 i think people ask for training so they can do what they already know/do
better.  so i try to build on and from whatever understanding they bring.

so this question of seven or more is not so easy for me.  not sure it's
even helpful.  i'm more interested in questions like:

1. when did you first hear about os or ost?
2. what was the hook?  how did you notice it might have value?
3. when did you notice that you'd started letting it inform how you live?
4. what has happened since then?  what difference does it seem to make?

and so on.  a new game?  the next round?  maybe.  or maybe it's just the
game Murli called OSLIST back in 1996?



Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates
312-280-7838 (mobile)


On Sun, Dec 14, 2014 at 8:47 AM, Eva P Svensson via OSList <
oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
> I have also stopped counting :-)
> But love doing it whenever it’s possible.
> :o)
> Eva
> Sweden
> Bästa hälsningar
> Eva P Svensson
> *EPS Human Invest AB*
> *Co owner Genuine Contact Group Inc*
> *Medlem i Beyond Performance Group*
> *"Verksamhetsutveckling genom människor skapar långsiktigt välmående
> företag och organisationer"*
> Anåsbergsvägen 22, 439 34 ONSALA
> Besöksadress; Norra Allégatan 8, Göteborg
> Tfn: 0300-615 05, Mobil; 0706- 89 85 50
> www.epshumaninvest.se
> Skype: eva.p.svensson
> Facebook sida: EPS Human Invest AB
> twitter:@EvaPSvensson
> *"Jag kan inte lära dig något. Allt jag kan göra är att ställa frågor till
> dig, och låta dig själv finna svaren." Sokrates*
> 13 dec 2014 kl. 18:05 skrev Gray via OSList <
> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>:
> Um...I've facilitated, at this point, a little over 60. Smallest was 8
> people on Maui. Largest was about 375, in Chicago. Been doing it since 2007.
> And I say "um..." Because I am still learning, still figuring it out, and
> still hear Lisa Heft in my head saying "be more invisible, Gray..."
> —
> Sent from Mailbox <https://www.dropbox.com/mailbox>
> On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 10:34 AM, Daniel Mezick via OSList <
> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
>> Hmmm, the the Lurker Game proved interesting.
>> ...lots of seldom-heard-from voices! Quite a deep level of experience
>> being reported!
>> So interesting ... so much depth.  Seems like something to ...
>> *explore....*
>> So: if you want, *you are cordially invited* to play ... let's call it
>> the OST-7 Game:
>> ========================================
>> *The OST-7** Game*
>> ========================================
>> *The Goal:*
>> Get a collective idea of how many people here have actually Facilitated 7
>> or more OST events in their lifetime. Put another way: what is the depth of
>> practical OST facilitation experience across the entire membership?
>> *The Rules:*
>> If you have Facilitated at least 7 OST events, consider replying with
>> "hey" ... or optionally, with absolutely anything else you might like to
>> say, for example: where you are located, last time you did one, your hair
>> color, etc
>> *Tracking Progress:*
>> Watch the thread to track progress, by: # of replies, # of countries, #
>> of OST events, replies per unit of time, # of people with red hair, or
>> absolutely any other measures you like
>> *Play:*
>> 100% optional. Play if you like. If you've done more 7 or more and prefer
>> to just watch the game, that's OK too.
>> ========================================
>> Notes:
>>    - For this game, "OST" means something like this:
>>    http://www.openspaceworld.com/users_guide.htm
>>    - This is for Facilitating only; consider replying if you've
>>    Facilitated at least 7 of these events in your lifetime.
>>    - Please reply by clicking [Reply All] Or [Reply List], so the thread
>>    stays together, under the same subject
>> Steps to Play:
>>    - Click [Reply All] Or [Reply List]
>>    - Reply with "hey" or with absolutely anything else you might like to
>>    say
>> You are invited. What might happen next? Let's see...
>> Daniel
>> --
>> Daniel Mezick, President
>> New Technology Solutions Inc.
>> (203) 915 7248 (cell)
>> Bio <http://newtechusa.net/dan-mezick/>. Blog
>> <http://newtechusa.net/blog/>. Twitter
>> <http://twitter.com/#%21/danmezick/>.
>> Examine my new book:  The Culture Game
>> <http://newtechusa.net/about/the-culture-game-book/>: Tools for the
>> Agile Manager.
>> Explore Agile Team Training
>> <http://newtechusa.net/services/agile-scrum-training/> and Coaching.
>> <http://newtechusa.net/services/agile-scrum-coaching/>
>> Explore the Agile Boston  <http://newtechusa.net//user-groups/ma/>
>> Community.
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