Hello all, 


I don’t normally contribute to this list (I’m an online ‘lurker’, or an
introvert in flesh, but have always felt welcome here in the OS community),
but I did want to come in here to celebrate Daniel’s work, in effect
potentially elevating Open Space to a new level.  Even if you are not
involved in agile or IT, please read on – what Daniel has to say goes way
beyond “agile” (I myself am also not an agile coach, nor have any
involvement with the agile world).


You can follow all the links Daniel has provided explaining Open Agile
Adoption, so I’m not going to explain it here.  All I feel compelled to do
is point out the relevance of OAA in today’s organisational world.


Daniel says OAA is new.  Is it?  Well the open space part of it is not new,
the open space events that Daniel is talking about are the very same open
space events that you guys have been running for the last 20-30 years.  What
is new, however, I think, is this:


*         the use or application of Open Space beyond deliberations of a
topic which people feel passionate about, beyond running conferences and
barcamps, beyond conflict resolution or peace talks, beyond repairing
dysfunctionality, beyond planning Olympic pavilions :), beyond ………. and so
on, to introducing culture change, and going beyond the initial spark by
making transformation stick.  In other words introducing Open Space into
organisations and anchoring it as part of a new culture (rather than a
one-off event with the typical bounce back) – making change last and


*         the intentional double open space framework separated by a time in
between where learning and playful experimentation takes place, creating
what I call a metamorphosis cocoon where people take it upon themselves to
experiment freely, learn and co-create the change (thereby co-owning it),
knowing well there is an end open space to really hash out all the learnings
and adapt accordingly; in other words the second open space is much more
than simply a “follow up”, it’s what anchors the shift and enables the
organisation on a journey of further open space and transformations beyond.


This latter cocoon feature demarcated by an opening and closing open space
is what Daniel has referred to as a 100-day open space.  Yes, strictly it is
not open space, after all there are coaches, trainers, facilitators, guided
iterations and all sorts; but the spirit of open space, its serendipity of
connections, openness of discussions, the right to fail in order to learn
and move on, lives on (partly enabled by the knowledge of the second open
space).  And in open space spirit everyone affected by the adoption is
invited, on an opt-in basis, to participate, to move, to butterfly and
bumblebee freely, and therefore be fully engaged in the change process,
letting all affected personnel co-create the change rather than it being
dictated.  And this is what enables the change to stick, to make the change
sustainable.  Nothing changes overnight, all change has a gestation period,
and if it takes some initial facilitation in between to let the
metamorphosis proceed, so be it – as someone has said, we must meet clients
where they are at.


OK, so what? So what, you may say, if you’re not into agile.  Well what
Daniel has introduced goes way beyond agile.  The framework Daniel has put
together, surely, is relevant to any adoption (implementation of a new
system or working practice), not just agile.  It relevant to lean adoption,
responsive adoption, environmental management adoption – indeed it is
relevant to any change or transformation process.  So guys, forget the agile
bit, what Daniel is introducing is a way of introducing fundamental
transformation into any organisation and making it stick.


OK, so if you’re not involved with organisations, then fine, maybe this is
not relevant to you.  But for all those of you working for, in or with an
organisation and who are interested in bringing about organisational change,
a new working practice, a new form of capitalism, democracy in the
workplace, whatever, any change, ….., then you need to look at Daniel’s work
more closely.  In particular the latter videos are brilliant testimonials of
a manager himself transformed, together with his whole department, by this
double open space process.


Again, what is new is the double OS cocoon framework and presenting it to
organisations as a new effective application to bring about transformation.
This is not just about agile, but about any organisational transformation.
My OS colleague, Martin Grimshaw whom many of you know, and I have been
adapting Daniel’s principles from agile to any form of transformation.
We’ve called this ‘Open Smart Transformation’, and we’re launching in the UK
as Caterfly (www.caterfly.co.uk <http://caterfly.co.uk/prime-os/> ).  Yet to
be tested in the market place, we are indebted to Daniel’s contribution, and
I am highly enthused as to the possibilities the framework will bring.


I’m not suggesting we should be pushing change.  In the double OS model our
role remains to hold space and let whatever must happen happen, we don’t get
involved in the cocoon bit in between, other than enabling the right
conditions.  But by introducing OS we at least offer the opportunity for
organisations to step back, and let the people explore different ways of
doing or viewing things.  Organisations desperately need open space (though
most don’t know it), and any opportunity to introduce OS should be taken.
By applying the double OS practice, at worst an organisation will
temporarily experience a different reality and way of doing things, but at
best there is a chance of some real transformation which lasts.  This can’t
be a bad thing.


We are not in the business of making change happen, but we are in the
business of enabling the possibility of change, where we can, and creating
the right conditions for it.  I would thus urge you to think beyond agile
and review Daniel’s content with fresh eyes.  





“Most of what we call management consists of making it difficult for people
to get their work done” (Peter Drucker)



François Knuchel

Mob: +44 (0)7729 371915

Tel:  +44 (0)20 8133 5211





From: OSList [mailto:oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org] On Behalf Of
Daniel Mezick via OSList
Sent: 16 March 2015 20:01
To: oslist@lists.openspacetech.org
Subject: [OSList] Agile-in-OpenSpace videos



Find below 15-minute videos of software industry executive Frank Tino,
explaining his org's journey thru Open Space on the way to a genuine, rapid,
lasting, enterprise-wide, "scaled" Agile adoption. 

Frank's 100-person company (now 150++ just one year layer) authorized
several full-day before/after Open Space events. In between there was 100
days of experimentation and learning in between those gatherings. In these
videos he explains the astonishing results obtained in just 100 days...

...Open Space is now part of the cultural fabric of his entire organization.
And the coaches are GONE.


Is Open Agile Adoption something completely new? Well yes, it is actually.
Thanks for asking! Explained here:

Open Agile Adoption Theory and Components


Here's the links to those executive videos:

PART1: 15 mins
PART2: 15 mins
PART3: 15 mins

Open Agile Adoption (OAA) is a new composition of powerful elements that
work together to strongly encourage positive cultural change in
organizations. Open Agile Adoption incorporates the power of invitation,
Open Space, game mechanics, passage rites, storytelling and more…so your
Agile adoption can actually take root. 

OAA is based on people, THEN practices. You can introduce any practice or
framework with it. Open Agile Adoption is based on www.Prime-OS.com
<http://www.Prime-OS.com> , which is social technology published under an
open-source, free-to-the-world ("free culture") license from Creative

www.OpenAgileAdoption.com <http://www.OpenAgileAdoption.com> 
www.Prime-OS.com <http://www.Prime-OS.com> 

Daniel Mezick, President

New Technology Solutions Inc.

(203) 915 7248 (cell)

Bio <http://newtechusa.net/dan-mezick/> .  <http://newtechusa.net/blog/>
Blog.  <http://twitter.com/#%21/danmezick/> Twitter. 

Examine my new book:   <http://newtechusa.net/about/the-culture-game-book/>
The Culture Game : Tools for the Agile Manager.

Explore Agile Team  <http://newtechusa.net/services/agile-scrum-training/>
Training and  <http://newtechusa.net/services/agile-scrum-coaching/>

Explore the  <http://newtechusa.net/user-groups/ma/> Agile Boston Community.

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