This post brings a smile to my face


On 24 June 2015 at 19:21, Linda Stevenson via OSList <> wrote:

> Last week while facilitating an Open Space on "creating a
> vibrant parish community" which included 85 people ages 3 to 93, the
> youngest took some markers and paper just to color, so I thought, but
> she reappeared to hold up her drawing and with her older sister by her side
> who announced that the drawing was the playground she wanted.
> This adorable three year took everyone by surprise, myself included, and a
> session was convened around her drawing and the feasibility of creating a
> playground at the parish.
> Passion doesn't know age!
> As always, the community was surprised and amazed with the participation
> and the results.  One long-time parishioner said it was the first time she
> had had a voice in the parish, and another asked me to leave behind The
> Five Principles poster on the wall to remind them of what they had
> experienced.  More than a few said they were very skeptical before hand and
> delighted afterwards.  Some intended to leave after an hour but stayed
> until the closing.  Things that we all hear all the time when opening and
> closing space.
> Thank you, Harrison, for sharing your 30 year experiment with all of us,
> Linda
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