Reminding... please do join us, in conversation and in spreading the word.
i think we have a few dozen registered and otherwise declared, so far.

*Join us for Virtual OSonOS: A Worldwide Open Learning Event...*
Inviting Community, Sharing Learnings, Evolving Practice
Everywhere, July 8-11th or 9-12th (depending on where you are)

Conference Schedule
 | QiqoChat Platform and Registration <> |
Questions <>

We have learned so much about bringing people together. We have imagined,
invited, and unleashed. We are agile and appreciative, artful and
improvisational. Our media is social, our networks are linked, and upstart
movements can have national and international effects. We mix the newest
technologies and the oldest human patterns. We work on peace AND high
performance, passion and purpose, sharing and storytelling. We focus on
what’s working, why it works, and how we can make more of it.

So what? And now what? The world is under pressure, in every time zone,
maybe like never before – socially, politically, economically,
environmentally, spiritually. Everywhere, complexity, diversity, real and
potential conflict, and urgent needs are more obvious than ever. What is
the opportunity here? What is our responsibility? What are the
possibilities – and the practices that are working now – *where you are?*
*A Virtual Open Space on (All Kinds of) Open Space *

What are you learning about creating what you want in the world – in
organizations and markets, communities and families, body and mind? What is
your practice and what is it becoming? What can we learn and do now
together to make a difference in your work? And what could happen if we
work and learn together, all around the world, all at once, even for just a
few days? This is what we want to find out, in a four-day virtual
conference experiment in world-around self-organization.

Anyone with a good head and a good heart, actively engaged in bringing
people together to meet the large and small challenges of our time, is
invited to join in. We want to extend and expand the decades-old tradition
of the *Open Space on Open Space
<> (OSonOS)* conferences, in
Virtual, Video Open Space on* *All Kinds of Practices that Open Space** –
VOSonOS for short. *It’s about inviting and renewing connections, sharing
learnings and insights, and evolving practice(s), everywhere.
*How Will It Work?*

We will use to create our agenda, host (most of) our breakout
conversations in live video galleries, and capture our notes on Qiqo’s
virtual flip charts. During waking hours in your timezone, you can join any
of two opening plenaries, many different breakout sessions and two closing
plenary sessions.  Stay up late or get up early for more, if you like!

   - *Day 1:* Three opening sessions, 8 hours apart, each one followed
   immediately by a 2-hour round of breakout conversations
   - *Day 2:* Six 2-hour rounds of breakout sessions, starting every 4
   hours (2 hrs on/2 hrs off)
   - *Day 3:* Six more 2-hour rounds of breakout sessions, starting every 4
   - *Day 4:* Three closing circles, starting 8 hours apart.

Our full conference schedule
be created, and stay available for editing in a global community bulletin
board, also viewable at QiqoChat <>. The
QiqoChat platform will let us move ourselves between breakout circles and
other meeting places. We will be able to convene breakouts via Skype, Zoom
and other platforms, or even in-person gatherings in coffee shops, if you
like. And of course, you’ll focus on the issues and areas of practice that
are most important to you.
*How to Register?*

Please register in advance at QiqoChat <> for
this grand experiment, including a $20 contribution toward direct
conference hosting costs. One week before the event, we’ll open our virtual
meeting space for testing and exploration. In the meantime, please share
this invitation with friends and colleagues you would like to have join us!

Tech Notes:  All participants will be able to participate by listening
and/or viewing live sessions at QiqoChat <>.
You can use your phone or computer microphone for audio connection (to
speak).  To share your video (be seen), please use Chrome, Firefox, Opera,
or Internet Explorer 10+.  Safari is not yet compatible.
*Co-conveners (join us!)*

Lucas Cioffi, Tricia Chirumbole, Suzanne Daigle, Karen Davis, Christy
Lee-Engel, Joelle Everett, Michael Herman, Skye Hirst, Thomas Herrmann,
Peggy Holman, Karolina Iwa, Lisa Kimball, Paul Levy, Jane Lewis, Daniel
Mezick, Anne Stadler, Alan Stewart, Linda Stevenson, Christine Whitney
Sanchez, and… *you?*

*Add a brief comment to add your own voice to this invitation, share
something about what you want this to be, why you think this matters, or
anything else you’d like to say to anyone joining or thinking about joining
this experiment. AND THEN… Register at QiqoChat
<>, spread the word, bring friends, and add
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