This was sent to me and to a set of "undisclosed-recipients". Since I did not see it on OSLIST, I am forwarding it knowing that there are a number of folks interested in MetaNet

Greetings from Berlin

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: The Future of the MetaNetwork
Date: Wed,  1 Jul 2015 10:13:24 -0400 (EDT)
From: Hope O'Keeffe <>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

From: Hope O’Keeffe, on behalf of Lisa Kimball and the MetaNet Community

For lots of reasons, we’ve been thinking about the future of MetaNet. Lisa is stepping down from day to day management. Lisa’s dream, which many of us share, is to find a way for MetaNet to live on forever. We are not able to take that on alone. So we are reaching out to see if there is a creative way one or more Metanetters could get together in some self-organizing kind of way and figure it out.

Since 1983, the Meta Network has built an online community dedicated to learning and creative freedom. Our common goal has been to make rich interaction possible beyond the limits of time and space.

Today, so many social media venues grab for our attention and time. But MetaNet continues to be a haven of stimulating resources and conversation that reaches beyond the superficiality of the latest tweet. We share deeply held values of candor, curiosity, cooperation, and creativity.

So our first hope is that you rejoin our ongoing conversation. Please join us in our 2015 conference

The 2015 conference is the place to start to envision the future of MetaNet, and we hope that you will join that conversation. Should we keep it as is, or rebuild? Should we rejuvenate it, and branch out in new directions? Should we try to identify an organization that could house MetaNet?

We built this community together.  Together, we can build its future.

Michael M Pannwitz
Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
++49 - 30-772 8000

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