An invitation is "an invitation" if and only if you can refuse it.
This is the core of it's relation with things like boundaries, constraints,
power and control.

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2015-09-02 0:26 GMT+02:00 David Osborne via OSList <>:

> Building on the constraints conversation.Another lens I look at this same
> dynamic through is control. When leaders are establishing constraints they
> are often doing so to try to control the situation or outcome. When control
> is to tight it inhibits the innovation and emergence that can flow form
> self-organization. Similarly no boundaries can leave a system to loose for
> self-organization to coalesce around emerging innovation and so cohesion is
> less likely.
> My thoughts along the way.
> Enjoying the conversation.
> David
> On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 5:58 PM, Harrison via OSList <
>> wrote:
>> Here’s a thought... Space/time is infinite, defined by our minds, and
>> limited by our imagination. So “constraints” are only what you make them
>> out to be. AND... it is always nice to have as much “space/time” as
>> possible. A “genuine invitation” creates a LOT of space/time.
>> Ho
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>> *From:* OSList [] *On
>> Behalf Of *Michael Herman via OSList
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, September 01, 2015 1:15 PM
>> *To:* Chris Corrigan; World wide Open Space Technology email list
>> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] Inviting non-invitation
>> People who write sonnets accept constraints.  monks and nuns accept
>> constraints.  Musicians accept constraints.  Athletes accept constraints.
>> People who live on islands accept constraints.  The idea here is that in
>> accepting sometimes extremely limiting constraints, you are forced to go
>> deeper in your work.  AS a manager if you also offer invitations into a
>> constrained space, you may indeed create the conditions for some amazing
>> things to happen.  “You have $3000 to work with on your prototype, but you
>> have to work with two other people and get it done in two days.  Do you
>> accept this invitation?  OK! Go!”
>> yes!  and there is the chance to notice that there can be a difference
>> between a manager imposing random constraints versus clearly articulating
>> and/or translating the constraints that ARE already existing in the
>> environment.  there is also the possibility for managers to overreact in
>> the transmitting of environment to system, to editorialize and use outside
>> forces as excuses for imposing constraints.  people can opt in to
>> constraints that are randomly or otherwise badly articulated, but i think
>> the ideal to strive for is the very cleanest transmission of the bigger
>> picture environmental constraints.  the practice of invitation is a kind of
>> search for truth(s) about what is.
>> --
>> Michael Herman
>> Michael Herman Associates
>> On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 12:03 PM, Chris Corrigan via OSList <
>>> wrote:
>> My pithy statement about how self-organization works was not meant to be
>> a tossed off reduction, but rather it has important consequences for
>> managing.
>> Enabling constraints can indeed be very rigid.  And in accepting the
>> invitation to step into that container, one can make a conscious choice to
>> confront the stress and see what comes of it.  Deadlines, limited
>> resources, restrictive mandates, policies and procedures are all
>> constraints that are “forced’ upon people at work.  As a manager you can
>> always frame these as an invitation: “your mission, should you choose to
>> accept it, is…”  As a participant you can choose to accept it. Or not.
>> People who write sonnets accept constraints.  monks and nuns accept
>> constraints.  Musicians accept constraints.  Athletes accept constraints.
>> People who live on islands accept constraints.  The idea here is that in
>> accepting sometimes extremely limiting constraints, you are forced to go
>> deeper in your work.  AS a manager if you also offer invitations into a
>> constrained space, you may indeed create the conditions for some amazing
>> things to happen.  “You have $3000 to work with on your prototype, but you
>> have to work with two other people and get it done in two days.  Do you
>> accept this invitation?  OK! Go!”
>> The truly magnificent Open Space gatherings I have been a part of in my
>> life have had a clear set of constraints (sometimes rigid and narrow,
>> sometimes broad but still defined, as in “we are talking about anything you
>> want, but if if you want to stop doing social services and start building
>> Volvos, that isn’t going to make it into the plan…”) and a clear
>> invitation.  Good invitations are both attractors AND boundaries.  They
>> require intention to accept them; buy-in, if you will.  Peter Block says
>> that a good invitation contains a barrier…people have to work to accept
>> it.  They have to prioritize it to participate.  When those conditions are
>> in place, “Whoever comes are the right people” loses all of its sometimes
>> fatalistic tone: we don’t merely accept folks with a shrug and a “I guess
>> this is the best we could do.”  Instead we see participants as folks who
>> have decided to give something up in order to be there.  And that sharpens
>> our attention to one another, creates the conditions for mutual respect and
>> engagement, and gives creative and powerful conversations a real chance.
>> By contrast imposing an invitation and constraints on people rarely
>> works.  An invitation that uses a sexy door prize with a genuine attractor
>> is a bribe: “come to this conversation you don’t want to have and win an
>> iPad!".  And invitation that forces people to show up because “that’s what
>> I’m paying you for” is coercion.
>> When Michael Herman and I did trainings years ago, the training guide he
>> put together had this Kurt Hahn quote on the cover: "There are three
>> ways of trying to win the young. There is persuasion. There is compulsion
>> and there is attraction. You can preach at them; that is a hook without a
>> worm. You can say "you must volunteer." That is the devil. And you can tell
>> them, "you are needed" that hardly ever fails.”  This is good advice.
>> It’s easy, when your system is already command and control, to end up
>> doing things like badly.  The art of invitation IS the art of Open Space.
>> It’s a good practice to learn.
>> Chris
>> On Sep 1, 2015, at 9:19 AM, Daniel Mezick via OSList <
>>> wrote:
>> Ron,
>> So interesting:
>> You wrote one thing below, and that said, I know you mean you'd *stay* if
>> it actually worked:
>> "But I promised to give it six months and if the team *had not decided* that
>> XP was a load of rubbish and were still doing it after 6 months *I will
>> leave* and find another job where sanity still rained. "
>> Freedom
>> -------
>> The key is freedom. The key (I think) is that YOUR commitment was to an
>> "experiment for 6 months", not "a forced march until further notice" ....
>> at least in *your* mind. In your mind you were (and are) *free*
>> "Law-of-2-Feet it" out of there !
>> And so this is some small part of the (freedom) key: make a ....
>>    - "a commitment to experiment" and then to
>>    - "inspect results" and then
>>    - "throw away what is not working" and
>>    - "keep doing what is working and do more of that" and
>>    - "do more experiments."
>> In other words, to actually implement Agile ideas in an Agile way.
>> "Until Further Notice"
>> -----------------
>> Last time I checked, typical Agile adoptions are of the forced-march,
>> "until further notice" variety. Hello?
>> Let's see: If the "until further notice" style of Agile adoption actually
>> worked, then (in theory at least) we could now joyfully point to tens of
>> thousands of verifiable, happy, healthy, whole, genuine, authentic,
>> high-engagement Agile adoptions. Right? It would so be easy to locate ten
>> thousand of them...if it actually worked in the long run....
>> Houston...we have a problem?
>> Committing to Emergence  (aka "experimentation and adaptation")
>> --------------------------------------------------------
>> Commit to *an experiment to be inspected*. So simple. Even joyful!
>> Ironically, this IS the Agile mindset, but ... *not to be used when
>> actually implementing Agile in large organizations* apparently !
>> Is self-organization what actually scales? If so, why are we using any
>> other approach?
>> The alternative-- a mandated and forced march to process change-- is
>> standard, and often the source of many sorrows.
>> I really, really , REALLY like using Open Space in new Agile adoptions.
>> Because it actually works. And also like using Open Space in  troubled
>> Agile adoptions, of which I notice, there seems to be no shortage of supply.
>> The good news is, we are getting the [invitation] meme out there into the
>> Agile world. We invite everyone to give it a try !
>> (If you like this rant, you may also enjoy:
>> Daniel
>> PS Ron, nice suit !
>> On 9/1/15 11:22 AM, Ron Quartel wrote:
>> This debate happens in the world of agile also. Specifically when we talk
>> about Extreme Programming over Scrum. Should a team be told to do the
>> Extreme Programming practices or do we invite them to try them is a debate
>> that rages again and again. (Extreme programming is a very disciplined way
>> of developing software while scrum prescribes no disciplines.)
>> The challenge with Extreme Programming is that the practices are counter
>> intuitive and many will find them distasteful. E.g. why do I have to pair
>> program with a junior developer? That will slow me down and we will get
>> less work done.
>> I don't claim to have an answer to force vs. invite but I can share my
>> story on how I came to love Extreme Programming (XP).
>> XP was forced on my dev team. We were given a new dev manager who said we
>> are going to do XP. If you didn't like it you can use the law of two feet
>> to leave the company. (Not those words exactly but I'm sure you get the
>> drift.) Now I loved the team I was with, the place I worked and the work we
>> were doing but absolutely hated XP. But I promised to give it six months
>> and if the team had not decided that XP was a load of rubbish and were
>> still doing it after 6 months I will leave and find another job where
>> sanity still rained. I hated everything about XP and agile and it took me
>> way out of my comfort zone as a software developer. But then somewhere
>> during the six months the sense of it started to dawn on me and I actually
>> started enjoying it. By the end of six months I was a fan and am now an
>> evangelist for XP. I like finding the haters and assure them it's OK to
>> hate XP. When they get it, they become the biggest advocates.
>> So was it wrong to have XP forced on me? I will leave that up to you to
>> decide. I often wonder if I would have ever come around to agile and
>> especially XP if it had not been forced on me.
>> An analogy I have to learning XP is learning downhill skiing. There is a
>> point where you have to do the unintuitive and lean down the slope. Your
>> body is screaming NO but your ski instructor is telling you that is how you
>> do it. Turns out he is right but you have to get through that disbelief and
>> discomfort to get to the other side. OK that is forcing myself after he
>> invited me to try it - so maybe there needs to be a little of both?
>> Ron Quartel
>> FAST Agile <> - An agile software process
>> incorporating Open Space Technology
>> On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Daniel Mezick via OSList <
>>> wrote:
>> "Is it accurate to say that some self organizing happens by invitation
>> and some happens by coercion/force? "
>> Great question Lucas!
>> The [invitation] wall-poster you suggest feels wall-worthy to me, so long
>> as no one is obligated to examine it... or even look at it.
>> My turn to ask a question: What might a world "void of manipulation" and
>> "replete with invitation" actually look like?
>> Daniel
>> On 8/31/15 9:57 AM, Lucas Cioffi via OSList wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Is it accurate to say that some self organizing happens by invitation and
>> some happens by coercion/force?
>> For example, from the perspective of someone who lives outside of Iraq,
>> the way the Ba'ath Party took charge of Iraq through a coup seems like an
>> example of self-organizing by force to us, because we're outside the system
>> of Iraq.  I welcome some thoughts on this.
>> Over the past few months (and working with Michael Herman for VOSonOS)
>> I've seen that the spirit of invitation shouldn't end with the writing of
>> the invitation, and instead it should be present throughout the open
>> space.  When someone posts a topic on the marketplace wall, they are
>> inviting others to a conversation, not taking over a time slot (like having
>> a coup and taking over a small country).
>> When someone wants to be a "dictator" of their open space session, yes
>> others can use their two feet and walk out, but that comes at a cost to the
>> social fabric of the organization.  A better outcome would be that the
>> would-be dictator holds a welcoming space from the start.  So I'd recommend
>> that another sign worth posting on the wall near "Law of Two Feet" would be
>> "Spirit of Invitation".  I think it's wall-worthy, do you?
>> Lucas Cioffi
>> Founder, <>
>> Charlottesville, VA
>> Mobile: 917-528-1831
>> On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 5:07 AM, Paul Levy via OSList <
>>> wrote:
>> I think the clue lies in the wonderful word "self".
>> We are the selves that organise.
>> Beautiful.
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> --
> David
>  |  703-939-1777  |
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