All who have suggested books and links, thanks! I'll compile these soon.

Scharmer is up to stuff. A local group in Montana is hosting some local conversations as part of the online class he's offering.

This free class seems timely, and starting in a week. Not very Open Space - but I do like the invite if not the lecture style structure. It's hard, people doing great stuff, and not making it the "hey look at me show". But he's clearly an important voice.

I hope these lists can fertilize and nurture some great conversations! I'll add my own as well later - but I'm not sure I've seen folks talk about Angeles Arrien "The Four Fold Way" yet. I know Harrison has talked about her work in the past, and it was a big part of the Anne Stadler "Spirited Work" community's 6 year Open Space experiment.


On 8/30/15 1:05 AM, John Baxter via OSList wrote:
There certainly ins't as much as there could or should be (or I expected there to be when I looked into it earlier this year - including putting the question to this group).

I have a list of readings-of-interest I was compiling when I was doing my background reading in Technologies of Self Organisation.

The more directly relevant OST books (Harrison, Peggy) and (pdf) booklets (Chris C, Michael Herman, Peggy) have already been mentioned. In addition to these I highly recommend Block's Stewardship (good if tangential), which has also come up.

Otherwise, there is a very long tail of potential reading.

My raw notes, in ~decreasing order of relevance
(some links are Evernote internal and won't work):

Key self-org (and hosting) methods
-r Ref. Harrison Owen key refs: Wave Rider, OST etc... <> - OSList archive search <> (and there is this? <>) >> search for "fundamentals of OST" (ca 2009)
- Art of Hosting (/I think I have files on this already??/)
-r The Inviting Guide by Michael Herman; -r The Tao of Holding Space by Chris Corrigan - - Related links: , , "The+concept+of+ba_building+a+foundation+for+knowledge+creation <>" (/BROKEN/...this one is useful, and not an easy read. Nonaka was one of the people who most influenced Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber during the creation of Scrum. Scrum gets its name from a Nonaka co-authored paper that appeared in The Harvard Business Review) -r Daniel Meziks Open Agile Adoption <> - Peggy Holman opening space <> (note the initial minute's reflection, /wave riding/)

Participatory methods:
-r Gathering; Art and Science of Effective Convening, Rockerfeller, via Shareable <> (read) - Arts Participation Incubator (CollaborARTory posts <>)
- *CollabForge's work on Collaboration (and follow links therefrom!)*

Self org and system dynamics theory and philosophy, science etc:
- One From Many, chaordic organisations (self-org, ecology; D. Hock @ Visa)(Booko <>)[Ordered Depository, never arrived!] -- Stuart A Kauffman (biology, self-org systems)(Kauffman <>, "Order for Free", maybe At Home in the Universe)[Can't find copies anywhere!?] -r Holmgren's permaculture (self org ~ storages of energy)(compare with OST & preconditions) - Alexander's The Nature of Order [Lilian reading - asked], and of course Timeless Way of Building (and other pattern language things...)
- systems thinking... (?) especially systemic ecology
- Scharmer, Senge (see Necessary Revolution <> [read > to ennote]) etc - Wikipedia <>: lots of stuff here (esp in society <>), heaps of disciplines; none of these people mentioned! (Only some Meadows and ecology, in passing.) - *Systems Science: **MultiCellularity <>** and* *architectural principles <>* (via Daniel M)
- via Harrison Owen: In historical order they are:
+ “Order out of Chaos,” Ilya Prigogine, and, also from the same authors: " "The New Alliance: Metamorphosis of Science" (SLSA: Order Storage 501 P951 ONSITE STORE) + Progogine: End of Certainty, Time Chaos and New Laws of Nature (General Reference 530.11 P951 (Small books) ORANGE SHELVES), Exploring Complexity (SLSA: Storage 501 N644 ONSITE STORE)
+r “Chaos,”  James Gleick [read],
+ “At home in the Universe” Stuart Kauffmann
- Peggy Holman's Engaging Emergence <> ($15 Kindle, $23 paperback)
- NB Peggy's upcoming Dialogic Organisation book looks even better
- from Peggy: "people who work with complexity and organizations (*Meg Wheatley* [cf *article on emergence change theory <>*], Ralph Stacey, Harrison Owen, Uri Merry, Frances Westley ~/ none in lib/)" - "A couple others: Mitchell Waldrop’s Complexity, which is a great history of the birth of the Sante Fe Institute. - *Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions* is also widely referenced" [ORDERED <>]
- "Gregory Bateson was also widely read"
- Out of Control <>, by the Wired editor Kevin Kelly (HO recommends, 19 paperback) [*SLSA: **General Reference 303.483 K29 (Small books) ORANGE SHELVES*] -r (/*reread and pull out*/) article <> identifying emergence as unifying theme for 21st century science! (/see some thoughts below/) - there are heaps of references from this article, including to a MOOC on complexity and emergence! ( <>, by Santa Fe Institute - /superceded by Gleick's Chaos I think!/) - Niklass Luhmann (Wikiped) "developed evolutionary theory of society using functional analyses and systems' theory."[/*Ecological Communication*/*, SLSA: **General Reference 304.28 L951 (Small books) ORANGE SHELVES*]

From wikiped 'recent developments' in self org:
- Hayek (markets, common law, the brain) (called 'catallaxy <>' - emphasis on emergence vs common) - In "The Republic of Science,"[13] <> Michael Polanyi <> also argued that science is a spontaneous order, a theory further developed by Bill Butos and Thomas McQuade in a variety of papers. - Gus DiZerega has argued that democracy <> is the spontaneous order form of government,[14] <> [/Persuasion, Power and Polity/ - unavailable! But *Google it for articles?*] - David Emmanuel Andersson has argued that religion in places like the United States is a spontaneous order,[15] <> [same as last; unavailable!] - Troy Camplin argues that artistic and literary production are spontaneous orders.[16] <> - Paul Krugman <> too has contributed to spontaneous order theory in his book /The Self-Organizing Economy/,[17] <> in which he explains that cities are self-organizing systems

Related philosophy and theory, 'way of being':
- "control paradigm" ?? What do others say; what feasibility is there for my positions? - 'facilitation philosophy': cf Harrison Owen's "high performance" definition, the same as Alexander's patterns, akin to permaculture practice (definite pattern emerging!)
- "map is not the territory" (Alfred Korzyloski)
- ? Opportunity International founder l/u; re helping others to bear fruit (David Bussau?)
- ? Expert > facilitator transition
- Block: Stewardship
- *Flat Ontology* <> (c/o Sharp) "Flat ontologies consist of self-organizing systems, or "onto-genesis <>" (Simonden 1964 1989), where the dynamic properties of matter produce a multiplicity of complex relations and singularities..." (note ties to Deleuze! Also Latour, Spinoza...), *thoughts thereon <>*, (nb. coined by Manuel DeLanda in his book Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy - See more at: <> > *De Landa SLSA,* /*Thousand Years of Nonlinear History */*General Reference 501 D337 (Small books) ORANGE SHELVES* - (The connections between self-organisation and Gaia theory and the environmental movement are explored in A. Marshall, 2002, /The Unity of Nature/, Imperial College Press: London) - Theory U, social technology for collective action, distributed decision making in complex systems etc (cf

Related practice and organisation:
- Community organising: Swarmwise; Community Alliance (Sydney one); Berkana book (?); Union Privatisation ref (pdf dl/kindled), esp on cross-sector & community mobilisation for cocreation, public admin structure commentary, solidarity...;
- Shirky's Organising without Organisations
- *Landry's Creative (Networked) Bureaucracy - paper from Margie C* (/and ref via Hailey, networks and hierarchies - HBR article?/) - generally, governance: and control | also decision making (/esp democratic alternatives/)
- Collective Impact...

Human-living systems, organisational theory, generativity etc:
- Dialogos <> - and see in particular Bill Isaacs' book 'Dialogue <>', $28+ (he + Senge started MIT's thing!) - creating a kaizen culture ( <>
- Generativity, thriveability and other empowerment-based philosophies
- *"Adaptive" everything (Google for refs)*, from lean to agile to generativity to cocreativity... (/nb. this is Kramer's 3rd "mindset shift" regards Collective Impact/) - empowered and engaged staff: *search for references and see the logics employed*
- "self advocacy" (developmental disabilities, individual to org levels)
- global self organisation, collectivism, e.g. see; *Google & see what there is* - Pages in Org Dev <> (links list...)

*/John Baxter/*
/Community—Facilitation//—//Systems//—//Transformation/ <>
0405 447 829
​ | ​
@jsbaxter_ <>

/I process my emails once per day./
/If you are really hanging out for a response, kill time by reading about the things I care about <>./

On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 7:27 AM, Robyn Stratton-Berkessel via OSList < <>> wrote:

    Hello Everyone,

    While it's not a book, and I don't think I saw it among the
    wonderful list of resources, is Harrison's TEDx talk:

    Dancing with Shiva

    In fact, I don't see any videos mentioned yet.  I'm sure there
    must be others among the plethora of online resources!

    Warmest regards,


    Sent from my iPhone

    On Aug 29, 2015, at 1:56 PM, Suzanne Daigle via OSList
    <>> wrote:

    Ditto to the books everyone has mentioned including the extensive
    list that Daniel just gave.

    I bought all of Harrison's books over the years and love the
    nuanced repetition of them. Like good friends I can pick them up
    and let myself go deep or dance at the surface.

    The interesting thing about Open Space is that it has also opened
    up a love of learning and being that is boundless and diverse. A
    being in life that makes me want to learn and discover in so many
    arenas and most especially organizational transformation,
    self-management and self-organizing at work.

    When it comes to Organizational Self-Management, I would vouch for:

    Beyond Empowerment: the Age of the Self-Managed Organization
    by Doug Kirkpatrick

    Reinventing Organizations
    by Frederic Laloux

    The Living Company
    by Arie De Geus

    Stewardship: Choosing Service over Self-Interest
    by Peter Block

    It is through Open Space that I discovered:

    Global Mindchange
    by Willis Harman

    And also became a life student of Joseph Campbell (mythology,
    ritual, etc). Below a wonderful introduction to the man

    The Wisdom of Joseph Campbell
    (interviews with Joseph Campbell and Michael Toms)

    Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth with Bill Moyers

    And finally this to be savored slowly, helping me learn to let go:

    Do Nothing and Do Everything
    and illustrated by QiQuang Zhao

    Suzanne (Thank you Harold for opening this special space)

    Suzanne Daigle
    Open Space Facilitator
    NuFocus Strategic Group

    FL 941-359-8877 <tel:941-359-8877>
    Cell: 203-722-2009 <tel:203-722-2009> <> <>
    Twitter @Daiglesuz

    On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 11:57 AM, Daniel Mezick via OSList
    <>> wrote:

        I think and feel that the SPIRIT book needs to be at the top
        of the book-list: circa 1985 right? The current home is....
        "...I must warn you, this is a very difficult book." - from
        the Foreword

        It seems like the PDF-books on OST are a category. Here are a
        few of the links I know of, for convenience (Harold.)

        I hereby apologize for missing anyone who currently offers an
        HTML or PDF book about OST online: here are a few (very
        interesting!) titles freely available I know of now, in HTML
        and PDF formats:

        Author: Harrison Owen.

        THE TAO OF HOLDING SPACE. Author: Chris Corrigan

        A BRIEF USERS GUIDE TO OPEN SPACE. Author: Harrison Owen

        (paper that reads like a book...)
        TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES. Author: Peggy Holman

        (short article)
        ENGAGING EMERGENCE: Turning upheaval into opportunity.
        Author: Peggy Holman

        (full text of book on the web)
        ENGAGING EMERGENCE: Turning upheaval into opportunity.
        Author: Peggy Holman

        Thanks to Harold for pulling this book list together.


        On 8/25/15 6:38 PM, Harold Shinsato via OSList wrote:
        Hello Open Space Community!

        Will you help me with some learning resource recommendations
        for those either new to, or already practicing Open Space?
        This is to help update some of the book resources we have
        right now on various Open Space websites.

        1) What books/videos/etc. do you know of that reference or
        teach about Open Space heavily.

        2) What books/videos/etc. that don't reference Open Space
        directly - but never-the-less - have been valuable assets in
        your Open Space Practice.

        3) Optional - a sentence or so about each recommendation?

        4) Are you willing to have your words in item 3 listed on an
        Open Space website - either anonymously, or with your name
        and a like to a personal website?

        This seems like a useful conversation to have on a regular
        basis - and I'm looking forward to learning about books,
        CD's, etc. that would be good to have on my reading list.
        It's also likely your recommendations will go on the Open
        Space Institute's U.S. website. In the future - hopefully we
        can turn this into an easy wiki-like system anyone can add
        to - so it can be a living breathing resource. But for now,
        we can kick it off with a manual update.


-- Harold Shinsato <>
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        <>. Twitter

        Examine my new book:The Culture Game
        <>: Tools
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