Ja, ja, badakizue? Erratu egin naz mezuaren helbideagaz, nazioarteko
OSLIST-era (World wide Open Space Technology email list <
OSList@lists.openspacetech.org>) bidali gura nendun! Izan be, Filipinetan
izatekoa da W16, baina inork ez dau iragarri oraindik zerrenda horretan,...

Aprobetxatuz, bai, egongo gara laster barriren bat emoteko, eta Maitek
dioenez, Donostia aldera egiten du haizeak :)!

Aprovecho mi error (querĂ­a haber enviado el mensaje a la OSLIST-lista
internacional sobre OS) para decir hola y que seguimos hablando pronto, con
alguna novedad interesante,...



2015-09-16 11:46 GMT+02:00 Eleder_BuM <eleder.aurtene...@gmail.com>:

> Hi!
> Great learning and great fun in Krakow, during #Wosonos15 last days.
> Thanks so much to the inviters, the participants and all the beautiful
> people whose soul were also around.
> Now, is anybody interested in #Wosonos16? Where will it take place and who
> are inviting?
> Intriguing :)!
> My soul will be there, sure, and I would recommend whoever to try and go,
> specially if you have never experienced Wosonos.
> Best wishes!
> @Eleder_BuM <https://twitter.com/Eleder_BuM> (back in a windy and warm
> Bilbao, home sweet home!)
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