...which ranged over a lot of topics!

At one point, the subject of immigration came up,
and I mentioned the following example of a participatory public process
recently held in Austria,
leading to a community-wide effort to respond in constructive ways.

Others on that call encouraged me to share it here, although the processes
were a combination of Dynamic Facilitation (for the microcosm group)
and World Cafe (for the Civic Cafe's.)

Here is a link to the 5 minute video <https://vimeo.com/135618811>with an
overview of the process...

and, to an English-language version of the report

with all best wishes,


*Rosa Zubizarreta*

*meet me at my DiaPraxis website <http://diapraxis.com> and on my Listening
Arts blog <https://rosaz.wordpress.com/>*
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