For those who read French, here
a wonderful exemple of what happens when you open space.
It is the story of a university teacher in Lyon, saturday morning, supposed
to do a 3,5 hour course about body, sex and cultures, who started talking
about not being sure to be able to teach, about Paris, about having dinner
together, about listening to music and of the wonderful dialogue that took
place with all his students, christians, muslims, boys, girls, full with
emotion and respect.

On Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 10:57 PM, Harrison Owen via OSList <> wrote:

> The events in Paris have caught our attention. However, with deepest
> respect and sympathy for my Parisian friends (Christine in particular), the
> simple truth is that the human toll (127 and counting) is only the daily
> score in many troubled spots of the world. You can name them as well as I.
> And Mr Holland, President of France, declaring, “This is an act of War,”
> and “promising” retaliation of whatever sort  -- is quite understandable.
> Of course he also (according to the American Press) closed the borders.
> Again understandable, but curious.... especially when it appears that some
> substantial portion of the combatants (enemy) are French. Somehow the enemy
> is us.... This is not your grandfather’s war.
> Or Something.
> Any human being who claims to understand what is going on, and feels
> competent to prescribe the  specific solution (close the borders, open the
> borders, ban the immigrants, welcome the immigrants, shoot them all,
> whatever) is, in my humble judgment, quite mad.
> I, however, will venture one affirmative (positive) statement. We (That’s
> all 7 ½ Billion of us) are in a Transformative Moment. How long it will
> last, and what the end result will be, I don’t have a clue. But I do
> believe that it will take all 7 ½ billion of us, working together, to solve
> the issues at hand. Tall order, to be sure. Then again, we have had some
> several hundred thousand years’ practice. And to date – despite all odds –
> we’re still here.
> And the magic sauce?
> I do know some things it’s (special sauce) NOT: a special program,
> ideology, methodology, tool, technique, intervention, practice,
> discipline...
> It is.... something that has been around a lot longer, much more basic and
> fundamental.
> You guessed it. Self Organization.
> We did not invent it. Certainly didn’t create it. But we can help, I do
> believe.
> Open Space wherever, whenever, however, with whom-so-ever as often as you
> can. If nothing else, it will give you something to do during this
> Transformative Moment.
> Harrison
> Winter Address
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[image: Christine Koehler, créatrice d'espace de Dialogue et de Coopération]
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