Sounds like just about what happens at the Stammtisch in Berlin. We always meet on the first Monday of every uneven month (so next one will be on March 7, in case you are in Berlin) at 7pm... that is 7pm is the time for which we reserved tables... folks come and go as it suits them, open space style. We always meet at the same Greek restaurant (it started a decade or more ago), here is the link

in the summer we gather outside.

In fact, there are os-Stammtische all over the planet, some of the known ones you can see here

In German the word Stammtisch can be interpreted in various ways. As far as our Stammtisch in Berlin is concerned, the Stamm in the word means "tribe" and Tisch means "table". So, its the gathering of the local os-tribe gathering around a table for whatever will pass... just as is the style in Melbourne.

By power of being an elder, I declare that anything called yum Cha is suspected to be a Stammtisch.

Greetings from Berlin
On 05.02.2016 09:36, Andrew Rixon wrote:
Hi Michael,

I'm not sure what a Stammtisch is?

However, it was thanks to Brian Bainbridge that the practice emerged of
sitting in a circle at one of Melbournes great Chinese restaurants,
drinking tea (which is what "yum Cha" means in Cantonese, otherwise
known as dim sum) and eating dumplings, pork buns, and what ever
else appeared on the trolleys... All the whilst enjoying the company of
whoever comes.......

Warm regards

On Friday, 5 February 2016, Michael M Pannwitz <
<>> wrote:

      is Yum Cha in your language the same or similar to Stammtisch ?

    whatever it is, enjoy!
    On 05.02.2016 03:26, Andrew Rixon via OSList wrote:

        Hi All,

        It's been a while since we've had our last Open Space Yum Cha,
        and so
        I'd like to extend the invitation to anyone who'd like to join
        us - to
        come along on Friday 12th February at 11:30am at Shark Fin House
        at 131
        Little Bourke Street Melbourne.

        For table booking purposes - please let me know if you'd like to
        join us.

        Whoever comes are the right people.... ;-)

        Warm regards,

        Andrew Rixon PhD
        Babel Fish Group
        E: <>
        M: +61400 352 809
        F: +61(0)3 8610 0162

        *Come join Bob Dick and I on April 12th and 13th in Melbourne for:*
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        An innovative program on applying Open Space Technology and
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    Michael M Pannwitz
    Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
    ++49 - 30-772 8000

    Check out the Open Space World Map presently showing 402 resident
    Open Space Workers in 67 countries working in a total of 143
    countries worldwide:

Andrew Rixon PhD
Babel Fish Group
E: <>
M: +61400 352 809
F: +61(0)3 8610 0162

*Come join Bob Dick and I on April 12th and 13th in Melbourne for:*
"Kickstarting Change that Lasts: How to flatten hierarchies, build
relationships and get work done!
An innovative program on applying Open Space Technology and Action Learning

Michael M Pannwitz
Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
++49 - 30-772 8000

Check out the Open Space World Map presently showing 402 resident Open Space Workers in 67 countries working in a total of 143 countries worldwide:
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