Thanks for your responses Skye, Tricia, David, Jeff, Lisa, Suzanne and Rob

I will email you off-list to set up a time for us to Skype and explore the 
question further. 

I will let the List know when we’re meeting and others might wish to join us...

Meantime, I have watched the video that Harold posted of Harrison’s 
Saturday/Sunday reflections from the NY International House Open Space for High 
Performance and Practice of Peace - thanks Harold

And thanks Harrison for continuing to tell the OS story in your natural, folksy 
and compelling way - pretty good for an eighty-year old elder  -:) 


> On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 10:35 AM, Brendan McKeague via OSList 
> < <>> 
> wrote:
> Dear friends on the List - and beyond...
> I have recently been stirred by memories, current events and conversations. 
> The recent passing of one of our Open Space Elders, Florian Fischer, my 
> memories of Fr Brian Bainbridge (moved between spaces on Feb 2, 2012), 
> birthday celebrations of Harrison, many ongoing acts of terror around our 
> planet, community concerns about displaced people, refugees and asylum 
> seekers, and a recent poem on this List (thanks Lucas), have prompted me to 
> release an invitation to conversation.
> It always starts like this.
> It always starts with someone like you.
> And you've got your idea.
> And you're wondering what to do next.
> This is the way it happens.
> -Anonymous, 2016
> I have a story to share (not that unusual for an Irishman)....
> I have passion for Open Space
> I have passion for Peace
> I have passion for Nonviolent Conflict Transformation
> I have passion for OPEN SPACE as a PRACTICE OF PEACE
> In 2003, Harrison wrote The Practice of Peace which was published by the 
> existing OS Institutes in various places and later by the Human Systems 
> Dynamics Institute (2004). This book was, and continues to be, a rich source 
> of sustenance for my soul ( 
> <> )
> In 2003, there was a Practice of Peace Conference at The Whidbey Institute on 
> Whidbey Island, Washington and another one two years later in Albuquerque, 
> New Mexico (2005). 
> I found a link here:
> <>
> I was unable to attend either of these although I was deeply inspired from 
> afar by the stories emerging. I have continued to be inspired for over a 
> decade by the stories of those who create space for peace in war-torn 
> landscapes and conflict-crushed countries.  
> Last year, I was privileged to visit the Western Cape region of South Africa 
> working with colleagues on 'the spirituality and practice of active 
> nonviolence'. We used a collaborative learning model, designed on the 
> principles of Open Space, to engage and utilise the collective wisdom of 
> those who joined us for a five-day program. Participants particularly loved 
> being part of the OST meeting towards the end of our time together to 
> co-create actions for the future. This experience confirmed my deep longing 
> and commitment to encourage the use of OST as a peace-making practice. 
> I would like to issue an invitation to conversation:
> to explore the creation of an 'Open Space Practice of Peace' gathering 
> somewhere on our planet in 2016-17 (or whenever the time is right). 
> My dream is to be part of a gathering of people who have used, are currently 
> using, or would dearly love to use Open Space in powerful, conflict-energised 
> situations. 
> Please let me know if you are interested and I will convene a skype 
> conversation (or something else) in the coming weeks to start the 
> exploration. 
> Cheers 
> Brendan
> from an ever-warming Western Australia
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> Skye Hirst, PhD
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