Hi Christine,

I very much enjoy the GroupWorks card deck and use it frequently to help me understand, work with, and improve group dynamics when I teach at Montana Code School, when I set up Open Space events, and when I coach agile teams.

I've also used them to help me with group dynamics on the OSList. Tricia Chirumbole and I were on the OSHotline at least a year ago and the two cards that seemed to be the most helpful were the following:

*Embrace Dissonance and Difference:*
Encourage your group to honour contradictory viewpoints, sitting with the uncertainty and ambiguity this brings. Acknowledge all perspectives as equally valid and explore them fully as needed, especially when tensions are high and agreement seems far away.

Invite light-hearted and high-spirited interaction to exercise mind, senses, imagination, and body, to engender creativity, and deepen relationships. Playfullness may be evoked through structured but fun ways to engage relevant topics, or restorative breaks that allow laughter free reign, or may simply show up as humour.

The GroupWorks card deck was an open source project based on the design pattern language from legendary architect Christopher Alexander which also inspired the popular Design Patterns for object oriented software development.

You can download the cards for free: http://groupworksdeck.org/


On 3/22/16 11:27 AM, christine koehler via OSList wrote:
Dear Friends of Open Space

We are very pleased to announce the release in French of the deck of cards you may know: Group Pattern langage. The Group pattern langage was created by a group of US facilitators who gave it to the world with a creative common licence ( website <http://groupworksdeck.org/> here) With 2 colleagues, Jeremie from Switzerland and Juan-Carlos from Canada, we translated it into French and found an editor who prints it and distribute it. We've created a website dedicated to the cards : dynamiques-de-groupe.com <http://dynamiquesdegroupe.com/>

The cards are coming out in France and Switzerland next Friday , and will be available in many bookstores for a few weeks.

Those beautiful cards show the many patterns we, as facilitators, can see when a group works at its best.

There are many different ways to use those cards, and I'd love to hear how you use it in your work. Would you share this with me ?

I'd wish all groups in the world would connect and use those patterns to have conversations and work together so that terrible events like the one we experienced again today in Bruxelles does not happen again.

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