
When encountering "space invaders" I've always found the sentence... "Sounds 
like a great session.." 

A very useful internal mantra for anger or antagonism.  As being attacked can 
freeze one with shock.

If pushed sometimes I say that out loud... sometimes I just play it in my head 
and it helps ground me. 

As MARSHALL Rosenberg said all anger is the expression of an unmet need. 

Maybe a lot of anger is an as yet unexpressed session.

It could have been a session about the question itself.. 

Best regards,

Phelim McDermott
 I generally pick up emails only at the beginning and end of the working day. I 
am currently aiming to respond the following day. If it is urgent please call 
me on 07956 187298. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 15 Apr 2016, at 07:56, Eva P Svensson via OSList 
> <> wrote:
> Chris
> Smiling when I read ”you need to go to therapy for your need of control” :-) 
> An Open Space facilitator ;-)
> Reminds me of an Open Space some years ago - a ”citizens dialog” around  the 
> city of Stockholm needed to build more place where people can live. It was in 
> an area where it was known that there was heavily resistans to the plans of 
> building. Well, the space was open, I went back to my chair and one man came 
> up to me and wanted to have the microphone to speak first…. I said - ”You are 
> welcome to raise your topic as anyone else” he looked angrily at me and said 
> ”SO! you are violating the democratic process!!!! And I thought with concerns 
> - am I really doing that perhaps? Since I at that time had no experience in 
> what we in Sweden call ”samråd” - i.e you have to involve people in the 
> decisions making process. So I was thinking that may be that was what we did? 
> - but I just had that thought going through my head for a milli second 
> because the next thing the man said to me was ”And besides you can’t speak 
> Swedish!! —> I’m from the south part of Sweden and do not have the accent 
> they speak in Stockholm :-) So then I realized that he just wanted to be 
> angry :-)
> Of course the OST went well, he was still there until the end and the group 
> wonderfully handled his antagonism and he was not able to infect the others 
> :-)
> Trust the process
> :o)
> Eva
> Bästa hälsningar
> Eva P Svensson
> EPS Human Invest AB
> Co owner Genuine Contact Group Inc
> Medlem i Beyond Performance Group
> "Verksamhetsutveckling genom människor skapar långsiktigt välmående företag 
> och organisationer"
> Anåsbergsvägen 22, 439 34 ONSALA
> Besöksadress; Norra Allégatan 8, Göteborg
> Tfn: 0300-615 05, Mobil; 0706- 89 85 50
> Skype: eva.p.svensson
> Facebook sida: EPS Human Invest AB
> twitter:@EvaPSvensson
> "Jag kan inte lära dig något. Allt jag kan göra är att ställa frågor till 
> dig, och låta dig själv finna svaren." Sokrates
>> 14 apr. 2016 kl. 18:54 skrev Michael Herman via OSList 
>> <>:
>> reminds me of an opening i did a long time ago, in an small group, about a 
>> dozen, i guess.  on guy who thought he was pretty important interrupted 
>> several times, pushing to have a moment to go around the circle and hear 
>> names, organizations, titles and such.  i put him off and put him off.  i 
>> explained that we'd be learning much more than that about each other very 
>> shortly.  
>> finally, i decided his insisting was more disruptive than actually doing the 
>> go-round with names.  we made it a little ways around the circle, when we 
>> get to one old and wise community organizer.  he says, quiet and smooth as 
>> can be, "my name's lester and i'm just trying to figure out how to be a 
>> human being," giving the invader absolutely none of the info he was looking 
>> for and opening space for everyone else to answer without answering.  in 
>> this case, one more thing to not do was to get out of the way of the invader 
>> and let the wisdom in the circle take care of itself. 
>> AND
>> i also notice that this guy seemed to be objecting to your theme/question, 
>> which apparently was not part of the invitation that these folks responded 
>> to.  difficult as this guy might have been, if the invitation changed 
>> between what was published (and he rsponded to) and what was stated in the 
>> opening, then he might have had a fair concern.  at the same time, if his 
>> concern about the spin of the theme wasn't answered when he raised it, 
>> before everyone posted topics, then it could easily have seemed too late to 
>> raise it afterward.  so in some ways, the guy was really stuck.  it's a 
>> difficult thing to raise these structural questions/challenges.  
>> a different old community organizer friend sometimes took time at the 
>> opening to get agreement on the wording of the question.  potentially very 
>> chaotic.  i don't think i've ever done this, myself.  sets up a kind of 
>> compound open space, opening a conversation on the theme of the 
>> conversations we want to have.... but in your situation, this might have 
>> been the thing to do.  the guy clearly had some energy, well 
>> directed/managed (by himself, i mean) or not, and the way it worked out, 
>> this energy was lost to the group.  
>> thanks for bringing the story, chris.
>> michael
>> --
>> Michael Herman
>> Michael Herman Associates
>> 312-280-7838 (mobile)
>>> On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 10:17 AM, Lisa Heft - via OSList 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> Chris, it sounds like you did all the right things.
>>> If we are to honor diversity, then we know that everyone does not feel 
>>> comfortable in Open Space - and that there is room for them to feel that, 
>>> too.
>>> You honored the group and its objectives and energies, by asking that man 
>>> to wait for the agenda to be developed, and you honored that man by 
>>> separately inviting him to tell you his concern, and by receiving what he 
>>> felt he needed to say, however he felt he needed to say it. He was mad at 
>>> you - because he could be. Which to me, is also okay. The group handled 
>>> itself well, moving forward including (not being de-railed, moving forward) 
>>> him, in its way. Space for ranting, space for moving forward, space to be 
>>> witnessed (by you). The group afterwards indicated you had done the right 
>>> thing.
>>> Now, as a collaborative? I think this group should have given you more 
>>> info, more information that you would be doing something for them, and I’m 
>>> guessing they could give this man a follow-up to witness and hear his 
>>> concern, whether he wants to be in the group or not. Because if they wish 
>>> to continue together, they don’t just get an outsider in there and set them 
>>> up to deal with this guy and celebrate when this guy leaves. They need to 
>>> develop their own internal understanding of who they want to be and how 
>>> they want their membership to work. 
>>> But to me, everything you did was invitational, and present. Good job.
>>> Lisa
>>> Lisa Heft 
>>> Consultant, Faciltator, Educator
>>> Opening Space
>>> Open Space Learning Workshops 
>>> May - Donostia / San Sebastian, Spain
>>> June - Oakland, California USA
>>>> On Apr 14, 2016, at 4:30 AM, Chris Grady via OSList 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> I wanted to share an experience last night which surprised me in its 
>>>> vehemance, but did not make me question "whatever happens".
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