Tricia beat me to it! Kai Degner in Harrisonburg (he was the mayor) opened
space all over. Wonderful. You might also see if Tova and Avner from Israel,
Mrs. Song from China, and… a whole mess of folks csan give you some support.
But the bottom line is: DO IT!




From: OSList [] On Behalf Of
Maria A via OSList
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2016 5:08 PM
Subject: [OSList] Hello and a question


Dear space openers,

I write from Donosti-San Sebastian, the city where this last OSELE has taken
place. I am really inspired by this experience, such a luxury to have you

I come to you to ask about experiences in OS related to future scenarios for
a city. This one is not too big, some of us think it´s a big village ;-)
Mark suggested this idea at OSELE, and I felt it made total sense for me, to
open a space in the city where I was born and have lived for so many years.
It is a huge and great challenge, and I have no experience in this kind of
OS. I would really appreciate any hint or ideas. I want to write the project
assap so we can apply for some grant... who knows!

Thank you for this list and for being there,


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