Dear Christopher,

my German version of
"Whoever comes is the right people"
"Die da sind, sind genau die Richtigen"
which, at least in German, makes it even more clear that this has nothing to do with who was invited or who should have attended or whether this or that system is completely represented.

The point of this "priniple" (in German "Tatsache des Lebens" or "fact of life", is simply to focus on who is at the event and to not start, as many meetings do, with enumerating all the folks that should have been there but did not come. That stance just distracts from the possibilities manifest in those who are present, them are the once with passion and responsibility (if they are there voluntarily, it helps).

Now, all the stuff about having a broad representation is first of all a question the sponsor of an activity might have to worry about. Many approaches that aim at getting solid action and solutions employ complex organisational development designs to have all "stakeholders" aboard.

Now, OST also is an actionorienting approach but not in the sense that it focuses primarily at creating projects and solutions. It focuses primarily at reducing the shackles (controls) placed on the forces of selforganisation. And to support that, it suggests five prerequisites to be in place for the force of selforganisation to unfold more freely. None of these prerequisites have to do with "representation" or "particiapation". There is one of the prerequisites - "high diversity" - which is often read as "all sides" or "representing the entire system" and frequently then leads to declaring OST to be a "democratic" approach "or a participatory approach". To me, the force of selforganisation has no idea of what a democratic, participatory, all-including, whole-system-in-the-room etc approach is. In fact, selforganisation is a force that has no idea at all... just as all universal forces.

Seeing it this way I wonder whether the notion of "who all needs to be in the room to move the system in the direction we want it to go" is just another one of these control mechanisms in disguise.

As facilitator I try to support an understanding among those that have come is the right people... simply because they are the only present and demonstrate through their presence that they have a passion, care and are ready to do something, whatever that might turn out to be.

By the way, I like the original wording of this "principle" with "is the right people" rather than "are the right people" because "is" implies people in the sense of a group/body/tribe/nation...

Thanks for your questions, just get carried away by questions!

Greetings from sleepless in Berlin at 2:43 am local time

On 12.06.2016 23:41, christopher macrae via OSList wrote:
"the people who come are the right people" but sometimes doesnt that
depend on how much work has been done on the invitation process to
include all sides including those who may not know they are part of the
broeken systems

i guess when an open space is about a local community issue its
relatively simple to see whether everyone has been included but

 my main concern is on issues only global youth can mobilise if
sustainability is to be our future - and yet while i am interested in
movements that empower youth  (sytarting with creating jobs) i also see
sustainability -whether we win it or lose it - as an intergenerational
compound crisis -

does the generation of trump or clinton understand how much they have
presided over designing non-sustainable systems?  has mass tv media
becomes such an intergenerational liar that we no longer have enough
bases for intergenerational trust?  what 5000 people invitation to open
space would maximise a movement of networks to combat the national rifle
association at least on selling assault guns-

 here are these systems that seem so broken - are we deceiving youth in
implying that enough elders will ever come to celebrate youth's best

I also have a suspicion that eg hackathons viralise their invitations
 and get extraordinary collections of young participants in ways
that open space invitation agents may need to get smarter at - if
intergenerational space is to be convened as much as the coming decade
of tipping points will require

just thinking aloud- any views?
chris macrae <>

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