WAIT please - I'm going to fix the formatting! And send this again.

On Jun 23, 2016 10:17 AM, "Jeff Aitken" <r.jeff.ait...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Read these poems! Love these poems. Vote for these poems! By June 30.
> The semiannual OSLIST Limited Form Poetry Contest begins now! We have 11
> entries in the contest below.
> As a member of oslist you have five votes or "virtual sticky dots" to use.
> Please reply TO ME only - NOT the oslist - or write rjeffait...@gmail.com
> with
> - the number of the poem.
> - the number of dots you are giving that poem.
> The contest ends Thursday June 30 at midnight California time. The new
> Poet Laureate will be crowned with a virtual laurel of leaves on July 1.
> AND (drum roll) the new Laureate will be awarded a copy of Chris
> Corrigan's newly beautifully published book The Tao of Open Space. Thanks
> Chris.
> Apologies for any formatting issues. If you sent a poem and it's not here
> - let me know asap!
> (I offered poems to the celebration but not to the contest. Let our new
> Laureate be chosen now! - Jeff)
> With a shoutout to our dear departed Ralph Copleman z''l who originated
> the Celebration and Contest...
> Here are the poems - enjoy!
> 1:
> It was obvious there was pain.
> Feelings hurt. Wounds infected.
> Hopes, dwindling relentlessly over the horizon called “not today.”
> It was the story underneath, finally excavated,
> that began to change everything.
> 2:
> 圍圓坐  sit around circle
> 相視識. Look to know each other
> 取紙筆 take pen n paper
> 述題旨 describe your theme
> 選時空 choose a space n time
> 召人議 invite people to discuss
> 蜂採蜜 bees keep busy
> 蝶翩舞 butterfly dances
> 此即時 now is right time
> 隨心聚 gather with your heart
> 終亦始 end is also start
> 3:
> We are spreading out to the centre,
> Unravelling to the core;
> We are flowing in the stillness,
> Living less being more.
> The space it is opening,
> The circle spirals in;
> The frozen turns to water,
> The frown becomes a grin.
> 4:
> Wenn ich sein kann
> wer ich bin
> kann ich werden
> wer ich sein kann
> When I can be
> who I am
> I can become
> Who I can be
> 5:
> Moo
> We moved
> To overcome
> Frames
> Stale and hardened
> We mooed
> Crossing over
> Grassy fields
> Verdant minds
> We mowed
> Sharp shears
> Breaking through
> Rigid thoughts
> We mooed
> As we moved
> On mowed
> Open spaces
> 6:
> 邀集圓坐相視識 Invite to sit a circle. Look to know each other
> 取紙筆 述題旨Take pen n paper;  describe your theme
> 擇時空 召人議Choose a space n time; call people to meet
> 蜂飛蝶舞此即時Bees keep busy  butterfly dances  now is right time
> 隨心聚散 Gather or leave with your heart
> 終亦始 end is also start
> 7:
> 邀圓環視取紙筆Invite a circle, look around, take a pen and paper
> 選定時空述題旨Choose a time-space, describe your topic
> 蜂蝶飛舞此即時 Bees and butterflies are dancing, now is right time
> 隨心聚散終亦始Gather or leave with your heart, end is also start
> 8:
> We have a right to treat each other well
> knowing from the depths of authenticity
> yet mysterious beyond human understanding
> that good things emerge whenever we do.
> What wonder filled constancy!
> 9:
> Life is a subtle affair
> in which we do well to notice
> that coupled in the swirl of the dance
> is the real joy of living in togetherness
> amid still feelings of oneness.
> 10:
> there was an old codger from maine
> who said open those spaces again
> for all those who did
> I lift off me lid
> and welcome all those who just came
> 11:
> The space a circle
> Three-dimensional circuit
> Transmitting love-light
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