Sounds like a plan... Or a PhD :-)

Sent by iPhone
Karl Royle
Head of Enterprise and Commercial Development

Faculty of Education Health and Wellbeing
University of Wolverhampton
@karlroyle. On Twitter
Karlr61 Skype<>

On 25 Aug 2016, at 22:38, paul levy via OSList 
<<>> wrote:

How about we teach OST on day 1 for 5 minutes and then just invite the to open 
space for the next 2.99 years and the give them a masters degree in whatever 
they come up with ?


On Thursday, 25 August 2016,<> via 
OSList <<>> 
There is an opportunity, an opening, an invitation to make something wonderful.

What would a Master level University accredited training for Open Space 
Technology look like?

I posted a session in the last NOSONOS in Sweden at Två Skyttlar with the title 
"10 ECTS" representing some 300 hours worth of training and studies on the 

An idea was born in the session, and many signed up for it, that we should make 
a mentor program for the facilitation students in a course where they would do 
find their own sponsors and a theme, organize with the sponsors to invite to 
the event and document the proceedings, the student would facilitate the event 
and later review with the sponsors post-event. Naturally some compensation 
would be paid by the university to mentor for coaching the student with his 
first sponsored facilitation event in the program.

The second idea was to invite other universities in the European Higher 
Education Area and possibly other places to co-create a full program of one 
years worth Masters diploma including the global mentor program and the many 
professional trainings that are happening all over. many universities where 
named, and it is exiting.

This is an invitation to contact me or to reply with ideas or next steps or 
connection and suggestions.

Best greetings

Kári Gunnarsson
Hringbraut 46, IS-101 Reykjavík, Iceland
Phone (+354) 864 5189
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