Thanks Harrison,

I enjoyed reading your piece on "Now What." Thanks.

i am sharing with you my son Benjamin's piece on the election.

Best to you,


On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 5:09 PM, Harrison Owen via OSList <> wrote:

> Now What ....
> In the space/time after the Inauguration when all the marchers have left
> town, The Question remains. Now what?
> Presumably, The Donald and friends will get on with the business of doing
> what they promised. And it seems that in spite of an embarrassing first
> several days, they are hard at work. Doubtless others are working equally
> hard in opposite directions. Some day we will find out the final result
> which could range from Planetary Disaster to American Triumph (as in *Great
> Again!*). Either is possible, neither is probable – and assuming that we
> are still here to pose the question: What Next?
> It might seem that I am treating the Trump Years as a trivial interlude.
> Truthfully, when considered in the context of the evolution of the species,
> that’s exactly what it is. Trivial. But somehow significant. Trump is but a
> blip in the flow of human history – however his significance lies in the
> fact that he represents one more symptom of the ending of our familiar
> world order.
> We in the USA, to which I might add Western Europe, much of Asia
> (including Australia and New Zealand), Southern Africa, and most of South
> America – have lived in a blessed time. Not without the occasional natural
> disaster, shootings, civil disturbances, or whatever. But it has been good.
> Folks in the Middle East and Central Africa will have a different view, but
> they are a painful, but distinct minority.
> My children, and their children as well, have never fired a gun in anger,
> missed a meal, or wondered if they had a place to sleep... Always there.
> Maybe not what they wanted – but there. Called: The Parents.
> Charlie Kenny, writing in *The Atlantic* (12/18/2015) said, “The world is
> better-educated, better fed, healthier, and more tolerant – and it looks
> set to get richer, too.” Yet The Donald Says: “The American Carnage ends
> here.” – With his inauguration. The implication is simple. Disaster is
> immanent and He is the Savior! But from what? If Kenny is right, it looks
> like we are in pretty good shape. Lots of problems for sure, but definitely
> headed in the right direction.
> It might surprise you to learn that I am more in agreement with The Donald
> than you might suspect. But my reasons would not be his, and any solution I
> can see would not include The Donald as Savior. I believe we as a species
> are truly at a Transformational Moment in which the world order as we have
> known it for the past 75 years or so is dissolving. The institutions,
> processes, world views, ideologies that we have lived by, with, and in --
> are no longer sufficient for our needs. And. Useful alternatives are not
> visible – and that would include, The Donald.
> Such a view may appear extreme but it is not mine alone. David Ignatius,
> writing in the *Washington Post* (Jan 20, 2017), titles his effort , *The
> world order is cracking up. *He says: “Donald Trump’s inauguration marks
> a global inflection point: He takes office at a moment when many analysts
> see a transition to a new economic and political order — one where the
> risks for the United States and its allies are likely to increase.”
> Personally, I doubt that the sky will fall tomorrow. However,  I am
> certain that whatever we may have taken to be “normal” will never be seen
> again.
> This Transformative Moment may be unique in its qualities, but such
> moments are by no means unique in human history. The people of Israel found
> their world torn apart in 400 BCE (The so called, *Babylonian Captivity*).
> It was a time of fear and terror. It was also a time of massive creativity
> and renewal as chronicled, and perhaps led by, such brilliant folks as the
> Prophet Isaiah (2nd Isaiah). The Renaissance, The Industrial Revolution
> –  created havoc and innovation in the West, and similar Transformative
> Moments have marked the lives of all peoples on The Planet. I do believe we
> are at such a moment, one more time.
> Once again, The Question – Now What?
> In all honesty, I don’t know. However, I think Albert Einstein may assist
> our wayfinding with the thought, “Problems cannot be solved with the same
> mindset that created them.” We cannot simply do more and better of what
> we’ve always done and expect to arrive at a different outcome.
> This really is Open Space –  in the best and deepest sense of the words.
> Nothing here and everything possible. At once terrifying and verging on
> ecstasy. But where to start?
> I rather feel that our common experience of opening space together may
> give us some clues. Hardly the Answer, but maybe the beginning. I wish you
> well on the journey, which you will take whether you wish to or not.
> Frankly, I can’t think of anything more exciting!
> Harrison
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