Dear colleagues,

Do you know what the core is, of what has drawn you to OST?

Last year I came across a word that describes both, a phenomena I have 
experienced and cherished in OST as well as something that has turned out to be 
a key ingredient to successful teams:

        Psychological Safety

The term was coined by Amy Edmondson, Novartis Professor of Leadership and 
Management, Harvard Business School.

It is referred to in a study by Google, which they undertook to understand what 
distinguishes their successful teams from those who do so-so.
Anyone interested in the subject… more here by Google:

"Psychological Safety" means team members are safe to take risk and be 
vulnerable in front of others. They know it’s okay or even requested to speak 
up, disagree, admit mistakes, ask „stupid“ questions or share a crazy idea. All 
of this without the fear of loosing „belonging“ or lessen one's status within a 

In the study this has proven to be by far the most important ingredient for 
successful team work, even more important than dependability, meaning, impact…

Years back, I found this beautifully described in other words by Tova Averbuch, 
in her TEDx talk „Opening Space to Collective Wisdom“ (hello Tova! :-) ) 
She opens with the words „To be or to belong“—a tension that I know very well: 
Being fully myself or belonging to a group seemed often in conflict. Especially 
during my time in the corporate world as a product manager. Tova describes how 
in OST she has found both together: „being AND belonging". As I have, too.

Back to my opening question: Do you know what the core is, of what has drawn 
you to OST?

I have realised that the phrase „psychological safety“ describes that. That 
which is at the core of what has drawn me to OST. Something I am dedicated to 
since years. For myself and in creating spaces for others.

I am eager to explore this topic with others, both on this list as in real time 
conversations. I’ll post a session in tomorrows „Tuesday Open Space Hotline“. 
Anyone else interested in this topic, please come to the OS Hotline OR write on 
this list OR reach out to me directly.

From a sunny and cold evening in Bielefeld, Germany,
Marai <>

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